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Assessing international interoperability and usability of the South African Green Finance Taxonomy
February 27, 2025This technical report, prepared for the South African National Treasury, evaluates the South African Green Finance Taxonomy’s international alignment and interoperability with other green and sustainable finance taxonomies through a comparative analysis of three key principles that define the eligibility criteria for economic activities, sectors, and projects to qualify as green.
2025 Policy Bulletin: Climate Finance for Development
February 20, 2025This policy bulletin summarizes key findings on how PDBs’ contribution to low-emissions and climate-resilient development can be accelerated and scaled to make progress toward the global agenda for sustainable development.
Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance
January 20, 2025This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.
Public Development Banks’ Climate Commitments 2024
Neil Chin, Ken Schell-Smith and Yijing FengDecember 18, 2024This latest tracking of public development banks’ climate ambition provides important insights on where their support for the climate transition is strongest, and where greater efforts are needed to raise their commitments.
The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
Alexandre Kirchherr, Claris Parenti, Léa Faucheux, Charles Baudry, Costanza Strinati, Daniela Chiriac, Krystal Crumpler, Lapo Roffredi, Aleksandra Wybieralska and Martial BernouxNovember 19, 2024Agrifood systems form the cornerstones of economies, societies, and ecosystems across the world, while also generating significant environmental costs. This report takes a systems-based approach to analyzing the investment needs of the agrifoods sector.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2024
November 13, 2024Since 2011, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), a group of 26 national and regional development banks with over USD 4 trillion in combined assets and annual commitments exceeding USD 800 billion, has conducted an annual mapping of member institutions’ green finance contributions.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Land Use in Brazil 2021–2023
November 6, 2024Researchers from Climate Policy Initiative/Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro CPI/PUC-Rio quantify the financial flows directed toward agriculture and forests between 2021 and 2023 that are aligned with climate objectives.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2024
October 31, 2024The most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Bottom-up Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Claris Parenti, Charles Baudry, Luke Patience, Ayush Sharma and Archie GrahamOctober 30, 2024CPI’s bottom-up climate finance needs analysis can help identify the largest gaps at the country level, track progress against climate targets, and better inform decision-makers and financial institutions on how to increase the speed, scale, and quality of climate finance.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa 2024
Chavi Meattle, Anna Balm, Jose E. Diaz, Gaoyi Miao, Sean Stout, Ishrita Gupta, Sasha Abraham, Alfred Sloley and Dharshan WignarajahOctober 22, 2024The most comprehensive overview of climate investment flows in Africa.
Understanding Global Concessional Climate Finance 2024
Baysa Naran, Tinglu Zhang and Ishrita GuptaOctober 14, 2024Concessional capital—finance offered at more favorable terms than the market—must increase by at least fivefold by 2030 to achieve the Paris goals. This new report sets a baseline for understanding global concessional climate finance and unlocking further capital for action.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2024
October 10, 2024The only global analysis of funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution.
Tracking and Mobilizing Private Sector Climate Adaptation Finance
September 25, 2024The lack of data on private adaptation finance creates significant uncertainty regarding progress on addressing climate vulnerabilities and leaves decision makers without critical information on where they should target additional investments. CPI has developed a methodological and data approach to improve tracking of private sector adaptation finance. These efforts have significantly increased the amount of private adaptation finance tracked.
Following the Money: Financing Bioeconomy in Brazil
September 12, 2024New study by CPI/PUC-Rio shows the mapping of finance flows for bioeconomy in Brazil from 2021 to 2023.
Top-down Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Ben Melling and Charles BaudryMay 31, 2024CPI collects and standardizes data on climate finance needs from a wide variety of scenarios to provide a comprehensive and unique understanding of the scale of the climate finance gaps in different sectors.
Landscape of Guarantees for Climate Finance in EMDEs
February 22, 2024Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for leveraging private capital in climate finance, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies. CPI conducted a comprehensive scoping analysis to gain a baseline understanding of the global landscape of guarantees. These instruments were analyzed based on financial instrument coverage, sector and climate focus, geographic reach, and types of risk coverage.
Financing Adaptation in India
Aanandita Sikka, Labanya Prakash Jena, Malini Chakravarty and Uma PalFebruary 21, 2024India faces heightened vulnerability to climate change repercussions, given its diverse geography and socio-economic conditions. This report assesses India’s adaptation approach, scrutinizes the policy landscape, evaluates state-level investment needs, and explores avenues to bridge funding gaps through public and private finance.
California Landscape of Climate Finance
January 29, 2024To support California in meeting its climate goals and using its budget most effectively, CPI created this first-of-its-kind landscape of climate finance in California.
Climate-Aligned Investments in Indonesia's Financial Sector
Our latest tracking of climate finance within Indonesia’s financial sector breaks down contributions from both public and private financial institutions, as well as identifies opportunities to further scale up climate-aligned invetsment and mainstream the principle of sustainability into investment flow.
Climate Finance in Ghana
This brief examines the lifecycle of climate finance in Ghana.
State and Trends in Climate Adaptation Finance 2023
Dharshan Wignarajah, Morgan Richmond, Sean Stout, Guillermo Martinez, Ken Schell-Smith and Rajashree PadmanabhiDecember 14, 2023This report, published with GCA, covers global status and trends of adaptation finance.
Net Zero Finance Tracker
December 4, 2023The NZFT is a first-of-its-kind collaborative and interactive data platform that aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of how private financial institutions are progressing on their climate commitments and delivering impact on the ground.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2023
In 2022, IDFC members reported a record high of USD 288 billion in total green finance commitments, a 29% increase from 2021.
Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance 2023
November 30, 2023The latest insights on global methane abatement finance covering trends in 2021 and 2022
The South African Climate Finance Landscape 2023
November 29, 2023The report aims to provide consistent information on current climate investments in South Africa to highlight existing gaps, spotlight opportunities, and provide a foundation to mobilize and scale climate finance.
The Climate Finance Gap for Small-Scale Agrifood Systems
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala and Paul RosaneNovember 22, 2023This report complements our recent Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems publication by examining the climate finance going specifically to small-scale agrifood systems.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2023
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout, Costanza Strinati, Dharshan Wignarajah, Gaoyi Miao, Jake Connolly and Nikita MariniNovember 2, 2023The most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment
Inclusive Climate Finance: Improving Access for Marginalized Populations in Indonesia
Fatihatul Nurfitriani and Muhammad Ery WijayaOctober 29, 2023This report, developed in partnership with Hivos Indonesia, aims to assess the current climate finance landscape in Indonesia and explore possible ways in which climate finance can be mobilized to target the marginalized populations.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2023
September 28, 2023The only global analysis of funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Land Use in Brazil
Joana Chiavari, Priscila Souza, Gabriela Coser and Renan FloriasSeptember 18, 2023CPI/PUC-Rio conducted an unprecedented tracking exercise to quantify the climate-aligned financial flows directed to land use in Brazil.
Accelerating Adaptation Finance – Africa and Global Perspectives
September 5, 2023This brief highlights the need to dramatically increase the amount and efficacy of adaptation financing to Africa. It also spotlights the persistent challenges related to adaptation finance flows, and priority actions needed to address them.
The Net Zero Alignment of Indonesia’s Power Sector Finance
Our latest tracking of Indonesia power sector finance examines renewable energy capacity and financing gaps, as well as opportunities to better align the country’s power sector finance with its NZE 2060 commitment.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala and Paul RosaneJuly 31, 2023This report presents the first comprehensive analysis of climate finance flowing to agrifood systems globally.
Impact and Highlights from CPI's Climate Finance Tracking Program
Our 2022 Highlights and Impact Report outlines the impact and key milestones achieved by our climate finance tracking workstream in 2022.
Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2023
February 22, 2023This third edition of the biannual joint report by IRENA and CPI analyses investment trends by technology, sector, region, source of finance and financial instrument in the period 2013-2020.
Are Indonesian Banks Ready to Account Climate-related Matters?
December 20, 2022Based on a focus group survey involving Indonesia’s major commercial banks, Climate Policy Initiative has analyzed the country’s financial sector readiness and progress in assessing, reporting, and disclosing climate-related matters against national guidelines and international best practices.
Tracking Investments in Climate Resilient Infrastructure
December 13, 2022This study is a first-of-its-kind attempt to evaluate options for tracking climate resilient infrastructure investments.
Finance Landscape of Highways and Railroads: Elements for Strengthening the Governance of Infrastructure Investments in the Brazilian Amazon
Joana Chiavari, Gabriela Coser, Renata Canini and Ícaro Moreno de Souza MeloNovember 30, 2022CPI/PUC-Rio researchers have created an innovative landscape for public and private financing of road and rail projects in the North Region and in Brazil. This report fills a knowledge gap about the investment scenario of the land transport sector over the last decade.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2022
Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout and Costanza StrinatiNovember 11, 2022This report assesses financial commitments made by the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) members in 2021.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Uses, and Fisheries
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala and Paul RosaneNovember 4, 2022This report presents the preliminary findings of an ongoing larger study, aiming to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global climate finance flowing towards AFOLU.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Ethiopia
Rajashree Padmanabhi and Chavi MeattleNovember 2, 2022This report provides a deep dive analysis of the landscape of climate finance in Ethiopia in 2019/2020.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance: A Decade of Data
October 27, 2022Public and private climate finance almost doubled between 2011 and 2020. However, reaching climate objectives will require climate investment to increase at least seven times by the end of this decade.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Burkina Faso
In 2019/2020, USD 567 million of public and private capital was invested in climate-related activities in Burkina Faso, which is only 13% of its total needs.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Nigeria
This report, part of the State of Climate Finance in Africa series, provides a deep dive analysis of tracked climate finance in Nigeria in 2019/2020.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa
Chavi Meattle, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Anna Balm, Githungo Wakaba, Daniela Chiriac, Bella Tonkonogy and Dharshan WignarajahSeptember 21, 2022The most comprehensive overview of climate investment flows in Africa.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2022
September 7, 2022The only global snapshot of projects funded by donor governments and philanthropic organizations to tackle air pollution. The report identifies gaps in funding and opportunities for strategic investment and collaboration that can deliver clean air for all.
Climate Finance Innovation for Africa
August 11, 2022Meeting Africa’s climate finance needs will require significantly higher levels of investment, especially from the private sector. This publication provides a framework for how financial and non-financial solutions can be efficiently deployed to overcome barriers to finance and capitalize climate solutions in Africa.
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2022
Neha Khanna, Dhruba Purkayastha and Shreyans JainAugust 10, 2022An update to India’s first-ever effort to track green investment flows that measures both public and private sources of capital for FY 2019-20
Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance
July 6, 2022This first-of-its-kind report on methane mitigation finance aims to assess global investment in methane abatement activities and create a baseline against which investment needs and progress can be measured.
Climate Finance Needs of African Countries
Sandra Guzmán, Greta Dobrovich, Anna Balm and Chavi MeattleJune 28, 2022An assesment of the climate finance needs of African countries to implement their NDCs.
Indonesia Blue Finance Landscape
CPI’s latest study captures the landscape of blue finance in Indonesia and further examines the extent of available financing access for MSMEs.
Private Financial Institutions’ Paris Alignment Commitments: 2022 Update
A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 450 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
Blueprints for Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm, Ricardo Narvaez, Sandra Guzmán, Valérie Furio and Githungo WakabaFebruary 24, 2022This report highlights three innovative financial structures that have the potential to transform livelihoods and sustain projects at the local level in Kenya.
Tracking Incremental Energy Efficiency Investments in Certified Green Buildings
This brief aims to address the energy efficiency data gap by proposing a methodology for estimating climate finance in energy efficiency in newly constructed green buildings and by adding a more granular view on the alignment of projects—and investments—with low-emission scenarios.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Sean Stout, Githungo Wakaba, Yaxin Zhu, Chavi Meattle, Sandra Guzmán and Costanza StrinatiDecember 14, 2021The 2021 edition of Climate Policy Initiative’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance provides the most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Exploring Viable Energy Efficiency Business Models in Indonesia
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki and Albertus Prabu SiagianNovember 9, 2021This report identifies the challenges faced by ESCOs in Indonesia’s developing energy efficiency market and suggests improvements, based on market research to existing energy efficiency business models that are viable and can be scaled up in Indonesia.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2021
November 4, 2021This Green Finance Mapping report assesses financial commitments made by the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) members in 2020.
Private Financial Institutions’ Commitments to Paris Alignment
Matthew Solomon, Donovan Escalante, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Angela Ortega Pastor and Paul RosaneOctober 18, 2021A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 350 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
The State of Cities Climate Finance
Priscilla Negreiros, Valérie Furio, Angela Falconer, Morgan Richmond, Kristiina Yang, Bella Tonkonogy, Aleksandra Novikova, Marianne Pearson, Ian Skinner, Sandrine Boukerche, David Mason, Jamie Boex and Jan WhittingtonJune 30, 2021The 2021 State of Cities Climate Finance Report examines the state of urban climate investment, the barriers to reaching the needed investment levels, and the steps to overcoming these challenges.
The Landscape of Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm and Hélène Van CaenegemMarch 26, 2021In Kenya, KES 243.3 billion (USD 2.4 billion) flowed to climate-related investments in 2018, one third of the finance needed annually to meet its NDC.
A Framework for Tracking Cooling Investment
Global cooling needs are significant and expected to continue growing rapidly. This knowledge brief proposes a new approach to identify and track cooling transactions.
South African Climate Finance Landscape 2020
January 28, 2021This Landscape informs ongoing efforts by the Government of South Africa to understand how climate finance flows throughout the economy.
Guidelines for Building a National Landscape of Climate Finance
We outline the process for developing a national climate finance landscape in four steps. By working through each step, countries will learn key insights to how, when, and from whom finance is flowing towards climate action.
Updated View on the Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
December 18, 2020This update to the Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019 report offers a preliminary estimate for finance in 2019, drawing on data published in 2020.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2020
June Choi, Rob Macquarie, Baysa Naran and Angela FalconerNovember 6, 2020 -
Landscape of Green Finance in India
Mahua Acharya, Jolly Sinha, Shreyans Jain and Rajashree PadmanabhiSeptember 11, 2020Climate Policy Initiative’s Landscape of Green Finance in India presents the most comprehensive information on green investment flows in the country in FY 2017-FY 2018.
Accelerating Green Finance in India: Definitions and Beyond
There is a growing need to sensitize India’s financial sector about the importance and benefits of Green Finance, and ways to accelerate green capital flows in India.
Indonesia Environment Fund
The regulatory framework of a public service agency provides solid legal basis for a robust and flexible vehicle to fund activities for public interest, including managing money from international donors.
A Snapshot of Global Adaptation Investment and Tracking Methods
April 9, 2020This brief outlines the current state of global finance for climate adaptation, and includes potential new data sources and recommendations to improve adaptation finance tracking going forward.
Tracking Adaptation Finance: Advancing Methods to Capture Finance Flows in the Landscape
Morgan Richmond and Karoline HallmeyerDecember 20, 2019In this brief, we set out potential methods to fill data gaps in adaptation tracking in the Landscape and propose methods to measure progress.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
Barbara Buchner, Alex Clark, Angela Falconer, Rob Macquarie, Chavi Meattle, Rowena Tolentino and Cooper WetherbeeNovember 7, 2019The 2019 edition of Climate Policy Initiative’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance provides the most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Measuring the Private Capital Response to Climate Change: A Proposed Dashboard
Padraig Oliver, Alex Clark and Angela FalconerOctober 28, 2019This brief, which is part of CPI’s work on tracking global climate finance flows, proposes a preliminary methodological approach and analytical framework to measure the nature and speed of shifts in private capital in response to climate change.
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2019
Federico Mazza, Chavi Meattle, Rahul Barua, Valérie Furio, Jolly Sinha, Morgan Richmond and Caroline DreyerOctober 22, 2019The Energizing Finance series, developed by SE4All in partnership with CPI, is the first and only in-depth attempt to capture multiple years of data on finance for the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking.
Developing a Guarantee Instrument to Catalyze Renewable Energy Investments in Indonesia
This CPI study, produced in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) explores the potential of developing a green investment bank model in Indonesia.
The Land-use Finance Tool
The Land-use Finance Tool offers methodological guidelines to countries, jurisdictions and their partners to map public and private investments that support forest and climate objectives, and those which might be driving deforestation.
Understanding and Increasing Finance for Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries
Valerio Micale, Bella Tonkonogy and Federico MazzaDecember 13, 2018This report explores the current state of finance for climate adaptation and proposes practical, near term solutions to both fill in knowledge gaps and to increase investment.
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View 2018
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View 2018 condenses a set of updated findings from our Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017 report based on newly published data for 2015 and 2016, to provide the latest and best information possible for policy makers and investment leaders working to scale up investment for climate change action.
Energizing Renewables in Indonesia
Suzanty Sitorus, Randy Rakhmadi, Alke Rabinsa Haesra and Muhammad Ery WijayaNovember 19, 2018This study aims to understand the role of public finance instruments for clean energy and identify opportunities to optimize them to spur private investment in Indonesia.
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2018
Federico Mazza, Chavi Meattle, Saurabh Trivedi, Randy Rakhmadi, Alke Rabinsa Haesra and Caroline DreyerNovember 12, 2018The Energizing Finance series focuses on public and private finance commitments in 20 developing countries – known as the high-impact countries – that together account for nearly 80% of those living without access to sustainable energy.
Drivers and Challenges for Rooftop Solar Loans to Small and Medium Enterprises in India
Jolly Sinha, Sagar Srijan Joshi and Gireesh ShrimaliOctober 31, 2018A CAPEX model with a commercial loan for the off-taker is a potential solution for these categories of customers. In this report, we assess the viability of the CAPEX loan model with a focus on the MSME sector, identify barriers to uptake, and recommended policy solutions to these barriers.
Credit Support Pathways for Rooftop Solar Projects in India
Vaibhav Pratap Singh, Resham Bagaria, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju, Aparna Khandelwal, Dhruba Purkayastha, Upendra Bhatt and Gireesh ShrimaliOctober 8, 2018The proposed Credit Guarantee Mechanism addresses the most important barriers to scaling rooftop solar in the MSME sector; and could be crucial if India wants to achieve its rooftop solar target by 2022.
Deep decarbonization by 2050: Rethinking the role of climate finance
Given the fundamental role finance plays in all facets of the global economy, it’s time to ask: How does a focus on 2050 change how we spend money today?
Transitional Foreign Exchange Debt Platform
Analyzing all the pertinent constraints to the stakeholders in this case study we propose a solution that appears most feasible: A Transitional Foreign Exchange Debt Platform.
An Assessment of India's Energy Choices
A four-report series that looks at the future of renewable energy in India along different economic dimensions, including the social costs, macroeconomic impacts, environmental impacts, financial risk, and flexibility considerations.
Indonesia’s Village Fund
Guntur Sutiyono, Saeful Muluk, Tiza Mafira and Randy RakhmadiApril 3, 2018In keeping with its goals for sustainable economic growth and an inclusive and equitable economy, Indonesia is committed to avoiding deforestation. As the drivers of deforestation often originate from activities outside of forest borders, it is not enough to solve deforestation by conducting segregated actions targeted to specific forest areas. Indonesia must also work to strengthen the rural economy and improve regional collaboration by working across various administrative jurisdictions that encompass forest governance. To ensure the success of this jurisdictional approach, improved economic power and village governance are key.
Approaches to assess the additionality of climate investments
Donovan Escalante, Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer and Jessica BrownMarch 27, 2018As governments and development finance institutions scale up delivery of climate finance commitments, the question of how to measure and ensure additionality becomes increasingly important. This paper presents new methodological approaches for assessing the additionality of climate investments, developed by Climate Policy initiative through ongoing work monitoring and evaluating the Climate Public Private Partnership (CP3).
Scaling up Rooftop Solar Power in India: The Potential of Solar Municipal Bonds
Saurabh Trivedi, Indro Ray and Gregor VulturiusFebruary 22, 2018A new model for municipal financing for rooftop solar, via issuance of municipal bonds, has the potential to increase debt availability for rooftop solar project developers and lower rooftop solar costs up to 12% in Indian cities.
Blended Finance in Clean Energy: Experiences and Opportunities
Bella Tonkonogy, Jessica Brown, Valerio Micale, Xueying Wang and Alex ClarkJanuary 25, 2018 -
Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2018
Barbara Buchner, Cameron Carswell, Chavi Meattle, Padraig Oliver, Xueying Wang, Henning Wuester, Caroline Dreyer, Federico Mazza, Rabia Ferroukhi and Diala HawilaJanuary 13, 2018The Global Landscape of Renewable Energy 2018 report is a concise, accessible summary of finance flows to renewables around the world. The study examines finance flows worldwide in 2013-2016, broken down by technology, financial instrument, and region.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017
Barbara Buchner, Padraig Oliver, Xueying Wang, Cameron Carswell, Chavi Meattle and Federico MazzaOctober 31, 2017Climate Policy Initiative’s 2017 edition of the Global Landscape of Climate Finance updates the most comprehensive assessment of annual climate finance flows with data from 2015 and 2016, providing, for the first time, a five-year trend analysis on the how, where, and from whom finance is flowing toward low-carbon and climate-resilient actions globally.
The Lab: 2016-2017 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Joseph Mabe, Angela Falconer, Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer, Valerio Micale, Dario Abramskiehn, Tatiana Alves, Felipe Borschiver, Donovan Escalante, Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi, Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh and Ricardo NarvaezSeptember 20, 2017 -
Tracking Finance for Electricity and Clean Cooking Access
Barbara Buchner, Federico Mazza, Valerio Micale, Vivien Foster, Corinna Bordewieck, Danya Li Churanek, Dana Rysankova, Rahul Barua, Cameron Carswell, Malcolm Cosgrove-Davies, Rebecca Soares and Alp KatalanSeptember 18, 2017The new Energizing Finance report series reveals that current flow of finance for energy access and clean cooking will not achieve global goals for delivering universal access by 2030. Yet the data also shows that by scaling and refining finance strategies, we can reach more people, more affordably, with sustainable energy.
Supporting National Development Banks to Drive Investment in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Brazil, Mexico, and Chile
Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer, Chiara Trabacchi, Donovan Escalante, Maria Netto, Maria Margarita Cabrera and Alexander VasaSeptember 18, 2017The Paris Agreement combats climate change through country-defined sustainable development plans, aiming to align financing flows with low-carbon climate resilient growth. National development banks and local financial institutions can play key roles in providing climate financing and supporting implementation of these plans.
The Landscape of REDD+ Aligned Finance in Côte d’Ivoire
January 30, 2017This study identifies domestic and international public finance that limited deforestation and encouraged sustainable land use in Côte d’Ivoire in 2015. It provides a baseline against which to measure progress towards the levels of investment required to meet government goals for sustainable agriculture and reforestation. It also identifies opportunities to increase finance available for implementation of its National REDD+ Strategy. For example, greening the hundreds of billions of West African CFA francs (FCFA) spent annually on business-as-usual agriculture in the country could increase productivity without sacrificing the country’s forests.
Reaching India's Renewable Energy Targets: The Role of Institutional Investors
India has ambitious renewable energy targets of 175GW by 2022. In order to meet this target, the renewable energy sector in India will require $189 billion in additional investment, including $57 billion in equity, and $132 billion in debt. The potential amount of investment in the renewable energy sector in India is more than double the investment required. However, the amount of investment expected falls short of the investment required, by 29% for equity and 27% for debt. Institutional investors show significant potential to help fill this financing gap.
Green Bonds for Cities in Developing Countries
This report offers a strategic guide for cities in developing countries to access finance from green bonds, a potential source of finance for cities in developing countries looking to secure investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure to meet the water, energy, housing and transportation needs of their expanding urban populations.
European Renewable Energy Policy and Investment
David Nelson, Brian O'Connell, Luca De Lorenzo and Matthew HuxhamDecember 6, 2016 -
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View on 2013 and 2014 Flows
Federico Mazza, James Falzon and Barbara BuchnerSeptember 29, 2016Since 2011, CPI’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance has become a benchmark for information about how finance is flowing from actors and sources, toward low-carbon and climate-resilient activities. CPI has reviewed climate finance flows for the years 2013 and 2014.
The Role of the Climate Investment Funds in Meeting Investment Needs
Chiara Trabacchi, Jessica Brown, Rodney Boyd, David Wang and James FalzonJune 3, 2016This study’s primary aim is to identify if and where the CIF business model adds value in the landscape of climate finance and whether the CIF holds a comparative advantage in supporting climate-relevant investment needs compared to other multilateral climate funds.
Driving Foreign Investment to Renewable Energy in India: A Payment Security Mechanism to Address Off-Taker Risk
As India prepares to meet its increasing energy demands, which will likely double by 2030, the government has set a path towards ambitious renewable energy targets of …
Taking Stock of International Contributions to Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Land Use in Indonesia
Angela Falconer and Skye GlendayFebruary 2, 2016This paper discusses the role of international development partners in financing mitigation and adaptation actions in the land use sectors in Indonesia. We evaluate what progress has been made to date, what challenges have been met, and what opportunities lie ahead to effectively support Indonesia, reflecting on the value add that development partners bring to the domestic picture.
Estimating Mobilized Private Finance for Adaptation: Exploring Data and Methods
Jessica Brown, Martin Stadelmann, David Wang, Leonardo Boni and Takayoshi KatoNovember 20, 2015This study advances understanding of how to assess publicly-mobilized private investment in climate resilience by developing, testing and evaluating a range of methodological options to estimate the amount of private finance mobilized by developed countries’ public finance interventions for climate adaptation in developing countries.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2015
Barbara Buchner, Chiara Trabacchi, Federico Mazza, Dario Abramskiehn and David WangNovember 16, 2015The amount of climate finance invested around the world in 2014 increased by 18% over the previous year from USD 331 billion to an estimated USD 391 billion.
Climate Finance in 2013-14 and the USD 100 Billion Goal
October 7, 2015With the aim of informing the international discussions and enhancing transparency on climate finance ahead of the UNFCCC 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris in December 2015, the current and incoming COP Presidencies, Peru and France, asked the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in collaboration with CPI to provide an up-to-date aggregate estimate of mobilized climate finance and an indication of the progress towards the UNFCCC climate finance goal.
The Role of Technical Assistance in Mobilizing Climate Finance – Insights From GIZ Programs
Few studies examine how technical assistance may help mobilize additional public and private climate finance to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. This paper aims to provide some first insights on the topic by analyzing five technical assistance programs of the German ‘Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), one of the largest technical assistance agencies worldwide.
What Counts: Tools to Help Define and Understand Progress Towards the $100 Billion Climate Finance Commitment
This paper aims to make a positive contribution in the lead up to Paris by first unpacking the key variables Parties have emphasized in debates about “what counts” towards the $100bn climate finance goal, and then proposing an approach to classifying climate finance that Parties could use as a starting point for their analyses and interpretations. It takes no position on what should count: instead it organizes different aspects of climate finance in politically relevant ways that could help facilitate clearer understanding and convergence.
Lessons on the Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal Energy in Developing Countries
This report provides recommendations on the design and distribution of policymakers and development finance institutions’ policy and financing tools to enable fast and cost-effective deployment of geothermal in developing countries. It draws lessons from case studies of geothermal projects with different public, private and mixed development models in Turkey, Kenya and Indonesia.
The Landscape of Climate Exposure for Investors
Dario Abramskiehn, David Wang and Barbara BuchnerAugust 20, 2015Climate change has financial implications for investors – presenting significant portfolio risks as well as new market opportunities. This paper explores the landscape of climate exposure and examines the strengths as well as some of the current limitations of ESG data, tools, and financial products.
Risk Mitigation Instruments for Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: A Case Study on Hydropower in Africa
Gianleo Frisari and Valerio MicaleJuly 16, 2015This study examines the effectiveness of risk mitigation instruments used in a Ugandan hydropower project in driving investment and reducing costs and examines how these instruments might be used to drive private investment in other renewable energy projects in developing countries with high investment risks. The project is one of very few to make simultaneous use of different risk mitigation instruments provided by the World Bank Group.
Three tools to unlock finance for land-use mitigation and adaptation
July 13, 2015This study presents three tools for governments and their partners to use to inform the design of efficient and effective land use mitigation and adaptation strategies supported by multilateral and bilateral programs, to identify domestic and international financial instruments that can redirect public and private finance towards greener land-use practices, and to encourage coordination between public instruments across land-use sectors.
Using Private Finance to Accelerate Geothermal Deployment: Sarulla Geothermal Power Plant, Indonesia
This case study analyzes the 330MW Sarulla Geothermal Power Plant (GPP) which is on course to become the largest single contract geothermal power plant project in the world in 2018. The project has the highest private sector involvement of any geothermal project on a previously undeveloped field in Indonesia, thanks to substantial public support in the form of financing, guarantees and a feed-in tariff.
Background report for G7 on long-term climate finance
Harald Francke Lund, Christa Clapp, Asbjørn Torvanger, Jane Wilkinson, Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Federico Mazza, Padraig Oliver and Dario AbramskiehnJune 8, 2015 -
Using Public Finance to Attract Private Investment in Geothermal: Olkaria III Case Study, Kenya
Valerio Micale, Chiara Trabacchi and Leonardo BoniJune 2, 2015This case study looks at Olkaria III, the first privately funded and developed geothermal project in Africa to understand how the Kenyan government and international public finance are working together to attract private investment in geothermal.
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance: Phase 3 Instrument Reports
Chiara Trabacchi, Angela Falconer, Sarah Jo Szambelan, Donovan Escalante, Gianleo Frisari, Valerio Micale, Martin Stadelmann, Leonardo Boni and Padraig OliverApril 22, 2015In April 2015, Lab members, who include high-level experts from public and private institutions, endorsed the launch of the pilot initiatives after a year-long process supported by rigorous analysis to determine which instruments showed the most promise. The initiatives have collectively raised over USD 100 million in initial funding, with more expected to follow through an ongoing process that will draw on expertise and resources of additional Lab member institutions, as well as other private and public stakeholders. The Phase 3 Instrument reports summarize analysis conducted by Climate Policy Initiative, as Lab Secretariat, to refine these initiatives and outline concrete implementation pathways.
Public Finance and Private Exploration in Geothermal: Gümüşköy Case Study, Turkey
Geothermal energy holds significant promise for the development of low-carbon energy systems. One of the lowest cost sources of renewable electricity, it also has the ability to meet baseload power demand and backstop fluctuating …
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance: Phase 2 Instrument and Synthesis Reports
Donovan Escalante, Arsalan Ali Farooquee, David Wang, Valerio Micale, Jeff Deason, Padraig Oliver, Martin Stadelmann, Chiara Trabacchi, Sarah Jo Szambelan, Angela Falconer, Gianleo Frisari, Fiona Messent and Federico MazzaNovember 24, 2014The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance is a new, global initiative that draws on expertise from around the world to design and pilot the next generation of cutting edge climate finance instruments.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014
Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Jane Wilkinson, Federico Mazza, Anja Rosenberg and Dario AbramskiehnNovember 20, 2014The Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014 found that global climate finance flows fell to USD 331 billion – far below even the most conservative estimates of investment needs.
San Giorgio Group Report: The Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal - Background Paper
Geothermal energy is broadly cost competitive with fossil fuel alternatives even without a carbon price. However, its rate of deployment has been slower than other renewables over the last thirty years and will need to speed up rapidly if this technology is to deliver on its promise. In addition, geothermal technologies that can harness lower temperature geothermal resources need to achieve more deployment to bring costs down.
San Giorgio Group Brief: Early Lessons on Introducing Energy Performance Contracts in Italy - Milan's Energy Efficiency Program
Valerio Micale, Jeff Deason and Morgan Hervé-MignucciSeptember 3, 2014Governments around the world use energy performance contracts (EPCs) with energy service companies (ESCOs) to reduce the energy costs and carbon emissions of public buildings without any budget outlay on their part. This brief draws lessons from the first program of this kind in Italy to cover energy savings alone and introduce pure EPC on a regional scale.
San Giorgio Group Brief: How Spain created a world-leading CSP industry then shattered investor confidence
Part of a series looking at the role of public finance in driving concentrated solar power (CSP) deployment and cost reductions, this report draws lessons from Spanish support policies which drove the creation of a world-leading industry and then shattered investor confidence through retroactive changes.
What Is Climate Finance? Definitions to Improve Tracking and Scale Up
This brief explains CPI’s understanding and definition of key climate finance terms and the reasons for these definitions to inform the debate and build a common understanding among stakeholders.
Landscape of Public Climate Finance in Indonesia
Irfa Ampri, Angela Falconer, Noeroso Wahyudi, Anja Rosenberg, Mochamad Bara Ampera, Skye Glenday and Jane WilkinsonJuly 23, 2014Indonesia’s desire to drive economic growth and reduce climate risk is reflected in the sweeping policy reforms it has introduced in recent years to meet targets announced in 2009 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this report, CPI identifies which public actors are investing in Indonesia, through which instruments, and what they are investing in to provide a baseline against which to measure progress and plan scale up. This mapping exercise reveals investment patterns that allow decision makers to pinpoint where the biggest barriers and opportunities are.
Pemetaan Pendanaan Publik untuk Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia
Angela Falconer, Anja Rosenberg, Jane Wilkinson and Skye GlendayJuly 23, 2014Dalam laporan ini kami mengidentikasi para pelaku publik yang berinvestasi di Indonesia, instrumen yang digunakan, dan bentuk investasi yang dilakukan yang kemudian menjadi landasan untuk mengukur progress dan rencana pengembangan.
San Giorgio Group Policy Brief: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Lessons Learned
Martin Stadelmann, Gianleo Frisari and Anja RosenbergJune 23, 2014This study shows that if international finance institutions (IFIs) and committed national governments were to join forces to deploy 5-15GW of concentrated solar power (CSP), it could reduce its electricity production costs by around 14-44% and make CSP competitive in countries like Morocco and South Africa. With findings drawn from four case studies and background paper, this policy brief offers recommendations for IFIs and developing country policymakers on how to make this happen in the most cost-effective way.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Eskom CSP 100MW plant, South Africa
Rodney Boyd, Anja Rosenberg and Andrew HobbsJune 13, 2014The 100 MW Eskom CSP power tower plant being developed in Upington by Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned electricity utility, is one of the most technically challenging of its kind under development outside of the US. It brings higher potential for cost reduction, building up local supply chains and promoting energy security than other CSP project currently under development in the country.
Operationalizing the Private Sector Facility of the Green Climate Fund: Addressing Investor Risk
Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann and Jane WilkinsonApril 29, 2014This brief presents findings from a project that aims to support the Green Climate Fund in its design and operationalization of an innovative and effective Private Sector Facility. It was carried out in close partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Rajasthan Sun Technique 100MW CSP plant, India
The 100MW Rajasthan Sun Technique CSP plant is not only the first linear Fresnel CSP plant in India and the largest in the world, it is also one of the cheapest large-scale CSP plants ever built. This case study finds that while Indian solar policy was essential to build this innovative plant it was not enough for India to deploy CSP plants at the desired level and speed.
San Giorgio Group Brief: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Background and Approach to Measuring Effectiveness
Martin Stadelmann, Gianleo Frisari, Rodney Boyd and Jacobo FeásJanuary 17, 2014Many experts and international institutions expect concentrated solar power (CSP) to supply up to 10% of global energy demand by 2050. However, today CSP’s costs remain above alternative sources of power and public finance is needed to bridge this gap: over 98% of the total investment in CSP to date has needed some form of public support. This brief, the first in series of reports on CSP, looks at the global landscape of CSP in terms of markets, technology, financing models, and policies to better understand how to structure effective and cost-effective public policies and investments.
Opportunities for a Green Bank in California
Jeff Deason, Karen Laughlin, Patricia Levi, Sarah Jo Szambelan and Uday VaradarajanJanuary 15, 2014 -
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Insights from Nepal's Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
Chiara Trabacchi and Martin StadelmannDecember 17, 2013In this San Giorgio Group Case Study, Climate Policy Initiative studies the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience to highlight early lessons from a project engaging private actors in building the resilience of Nepal’s agricultural sector. The overarching goal of this project is to establish models for climate-smart agriculture that make climate resilience a business proposition for the private actors involved, long beyond the project’s life.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013
Barbara Buchner, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Chiara Trabacchi, Jane Wilkinson, Martin Stadelmann, Rodney Boyd, Federico Mazza, Angela Falconer and Valerio MicaleOctober 22, 2013The Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013, found that global climate finance flows plateaued at USD 359 billion, or around USD 1 billion per day – far below even the most conservative estimates of investment needs.
Mapping the World Bank Group Risk Mitigation Instruments for Climate Change
Valerio Micale, Gianleo Frisari and Federico MazzaSeptember 26, 2013In this study, CPI provides an overview of general risk coverage offered through the WBG’s various member institutions, potential gaps compared to existing demand, and trends of risk coverage commitments for climate change.
The Role of Development Finance Institutions and Development Banks in Scaling Up Green and Climate Investments
Barbara Buchner, Chiara Trabacchi, Claire Painter and Jane WilkinsonSeptember 4, 2013Drawing on analysis carried out by CPI, representatives of these organizations agreed to collaborate more closely on priority issues, such as driving more private investment, reducing perceived and actual investment risk, changing investment policies to move away from fossil-fuel projects, and creating more transparency on financial flows and best practice.
The Role of National Development Banks in Catalyzing International Climate Finance
March 27, 2013National Development Banks (NDBs) can play a big role in climate finance. In many cases, they already are: In CPI’s most recent estimate, NDBs, together with bilateral financial institutions, raised and channeled USD 54 billion in 2010/2011 to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other climate-related measures.
The Challenge of Institutional Investment in Renewable Energy
Institutional investors, which together manage assets of over $70 trillion, often have investment objectives that are aligned with the investment profile of infrastructure. At first glance, access to this large pool of capital and the alignment of objectives should help lower the costs of financing renewable energy. In this study, CPI finds that while these investors could supply a significant share of the total required investment, various factors limit the extent to which they can invest in a way that could lower the cost of financing renewable energy. Furthermore, financial regulation of institutional investors, regulation of energy markets, and renewable energy policy, often create additional obstacles to renewable energy investment.
Risk Gaps
Gianleo Frisari, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Valerio Micale and Federico MazzaJanuary 21, 2013Risk — whether real or perceived — is the single most important factor preventing renewable energy projects from finding financial investors, or raising the returns that these investors demand. It is also one thing that policymakers can cause, control, alleviate, or help mitigate. In a series of three studies, titled Risk Gaps, CPI maps the availability of risk instruments against demand and analyzes several new, potential instruments designed to address the biggest gaps: first-loss protection instruments and policy risk insurance.
Effective Green Financing: What have we learned so far?
Barbara Buchner, Thomas C. Heller and Jane WilkinsonDecember 11, 2012Overall, while policies and public resources are affecting the performance of investments in ways consistent with low carbon growth, more action is required to help private actors overcome real and perceived risks — in developing and developed markets — and deliver green investments at large scale.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2012
Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci and Chiara TrabacchiDecember 3, 2012Global annual investment to curb climate change reached approximately USD 364 billion in 2010/2011. This amount, while significant, falls short of most estimates of investment needed to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius.
German Landscape of Climate Finance
Ingmar Juergens, Hermann Amecke, Rodney Boyd, Barbara Buchner, Aleksandra Novikova, Anja Rosenberg, Kateryna Stelmakh and Alexander VasaNovember 30, 2012By compiling data from a wide range of sources, we create the most comprehensive snapshot to-date of the current state of German climate finance. Our research suggests that EUR 37 billion, or 1.5% of GDP, was invested in 2010 to support the German transition to a low-carbon economy. The private sector provided more than 95% of this finance.
Die deutsche Landschaft der Klimafinanzierung
Ingmar Juergens, Hermann Amecke, Rodney Boyd, Barbara Buchner, Aleksandra Novikova, Anja Rosenberg, Kateryna Stelmakh and Alexander VasaNovember 29, 2012Als fuehrende Kraft in Europas Entwicklung hin zur schadstoffarmen Gesellschaft hat Deutschland ehrgeizige Ziele für seinen Beitrag zum globalen Kampf gegen den Klimawandel gesetzt. Die Erreichung dieser Ziele erfordert erhebliche Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und andere Massnahmen zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Mit Hilfe von Daten aus einer Vielzahl von Quellen geben wir in in unserem Bericht den derzeit umfassendsten Ueberblick über den aktuellen Stand der deutschen Klimafinanzierung. Unsere Untersuchungen fuer das Jahr 2010 zeigen, dass 37 Milliarden Euro oder 1,5% des BIP in den Übergangs zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft investiert wurden.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Ouarzazate I CSP
Angela Falconer and Gianleo FrisariAugust 28, 2012Ouarzazate I is a 160MW Concentrated Solar Power plant in Morocco, generously supported by a subsidy from the Government of Morocco and concessional capital from international development banks. Ouarzazate I only makes economic sense if it contributes to the development of a commercially-sustainable regional Concentrated Solar Power market. Projects like Ouarzazate I play a crucial bridging role but, in order to scale-up projects like these, costs need to fall and revenues need to grow.
Public Climate Finance: A Survey of Systems to Monitor and Evaluate Climate Finance Effectiveness
Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Chiara Trabacchi and Jane WilkinsonJuly 18, 2012This paper examines the M&E systems applied by a selection of eight multilateral and bilateral intermediaries, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reporting framework. It was originally developed as a background paper for ‘Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance: Key Lessons’, a joint study by a consortium of researchers from Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Policy Initiative, Brookings Institution, and Overseas Development Institute on the topic of the effectiveness of climate finance published in November 2011.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Walney Offshore Windfarms
Walney Offshore Windfarms (WOW) in the U.K., the largest offshore windfarm in the world in 2012, faced financing challenges because of the risks associated with this immature though promising technology and the escalating European debt crisis. Through a combination of U.K. policy support and innovative financial engineering, the project was successful in attracting nontraditional investors including a pension and a private equity fund.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Prosol
Chiara Trabacchi, Valerio Micale and Gianleo FrisariJune 1, 2012Program Solaire (Prosol) is an incentive program that promotes residential solar water heaters in Tunisia. In the early 2000s, the deployment of solar water heaters remained low due to fossil fuel subsidies. The Tunisian government had attempted to discontinue the fossil fuel subsidies, but a public outcry caused policymakers to abandon this course of action.
Energy, the U.S. Budget, and Climate Change
This paper puts these programs in the broader context of energy-related activities in the federal budget and provides a starting point for further discussion and analysis of the federal government’s role in energy and climate change. We outline the landscape of federal spending and revenue collection activities that substantially influence energy supply or use in 2010, organized by the type of policy tool or mechanism supported.
The San Giorgio Group Inaugural Meeting: Proposed Analytical Program
On October 16th and 17th, 2011, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) and the World Bank Group, in collaboration with China Light & Power (CLP) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), hosted the inaugural meeting of the San Giorgio Group (SGG).
Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance
Jessica Brown, Barbara Buchner, Gernot Wagner, Katherine Sierra, Miriam Chaum, Chris Faris, Angela Falconer and Chiara TrabacchiNovember 23, 2011A joint study by Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Policy Initiative, Brookings Institution, and Overseas Development Institute.
The Landscape of Climate Finance
October 1, 2011In this paper, CPI assesses the current status of the climate finance landscape, mapping its magnitude and nature along the life cycle of finance flows, i.e. the sources of finance, intermediaries involved in distribution, financial instruments, and final uses.
Carbon Pricing Project
To drive low-carbon investment, policy frameworks must capture companies’ attention, provide clarity for business decisions, and enable low-carbon investment decisions. CPI and Climate Strategies’ recent joint study indicates that the EU ETS contributes to these requirements, but it also suggests that improvements such as increasing stringency, limiting CDM use, changes in international financial reporting standards, and complementary policies are needed.
The State of International Climate Finance: Is it Adequate and Is It Productive?
December 1, 2010On the 14th of October 2010, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) and the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) hosted a workshop to convene key players in climate finance. The workshop provided a platform for policymakers and experts from research organizations and finance institutions active along the spectrum of public and private finance issues to initiate a concrete dialogue on climate finance.