
Climate Policy Initiative experts will host and speak at several events during COP16, the United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Colombia.

All times below are COT

United for Our Forests

Tuesday, October 22; 3:00pm
La Macarena – Contact Group 4 meeting room, CEVP Ground Floor

During the amazon summit held in Belém last August, the joint communiqué “United for Our Forests” was adopted, signed by the eight member countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). The document outlines common positions on issues related to the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest ecosystems. 

The objectives of this event is to inviting other tropical forest developing countries to join the initiative, presenting an analysis of existing international mechanisms to support the conservation, sustainable use, and restoration of tropical forests, sharing information about initiatives proposed or under implementation by developing countries regarding the conservation, sustainable use, and restoration of tropical forests, building consensus among developing countries with tropical forests on the use of financial mechanisms, and fostering joint initiatives aimed at international financial institutions and donor countries that take into account the priorities of tropical forest developing countries as alternatives to existing “top-down” initiatives proposed by developed countries.

CPI Brazil’s Executive Director, Juliano Assunção, will participate.

Reforesting Finance: Innovative Approaches for Socio-bioeconomy in the Amazon

October 25; 4:00pm – 4:45pm
Business & Nature Hub Pavillion (Blue Zone)
Plaza Quebec

This panel aims to bring complementary perspectives on financing the value chains of sociobioeconomy, particularly initiatives led by indigenous peoples and traditional communities. Participants will share reflections on: (a) The relationship between traditional ways of life, forest management knowledge, and how productive inclusion contributes to the protection of territories and the autonomy of peoples; (b) The role of the Third Sector in supporting these initiatives, whether through technical assistance or direct funding; and (c) New finance models and capital adaptation for the realities of forest economies


  • Angela Kaxuyana, President of the Wayamu Council, co-founder of the Federation of Indigenous Peoples of Pará (FEPIPA), Co-Founder of the Indigenous Fund of the Brazilian Amazon – Podáali Fund, former Coordinator of the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB)
  • Juliana Simões, Former Secretary of Extractivism and Sustainable Rural Development at Brazil’s Ministry of the Environment, Deputy Manager of Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities at The Nature Conservancy Brazil (TNC)
  • Pedro Tufic, Head of Special Projects at Impact Bank and Head of Origination and Impact for the Amazon Food & Forest Bioeconomy Financing Initiative

Moderator: Phillipe Käfer, Brazil Lab Program Lead, Climate Policy Initiative

Nature’s New Deal: Pioneering Finance for Biodiversity

Friday, October 25; 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Sociedad de Mejoras Públicas, Green Zone

The roundtable will be a high-level encounter discussing cutting-edge financial mechanisms to close the biodiversity funding gap. This event will be hosted by CAF, Concordia, CrossBoundary, the Chamber of Commerce of Cali, and Latimpacto.

María Ruiz will participate in this roundtable.

Latin American and the Caribbean Finance and Biodiversity Day

Saturday, October 26; 8:00am – 7:00pm
Auditorium Banco de Occidente, Green Zone

This event will bring together key stakeholders to discuss policy challenges and opportunities as well as innovative financial solutions and strategies to address the urgent need for biodiversity conservation and a just transition for all. It aims to foster the creation of a roadmap to COP30, strengthening the nature-climate nexus to build on existing efforts leveraging the experience of leading countries in the region, emphasizing the interconnection among biodiversity protection, climate change, and social inclusion, contributing to the global Nature Positive for Climate Action call to action, and leveraging the progress made by the leading countries in our region.

CPI’s María Ruiz will lead this event.

Transforming the Future of Food: Scaling Solutions for Sustainable Food Systems

Sunday, October 27; 9:00am – 10:30am

María Ruiz will participate in this roundtable, hosted by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and Deloitte, which will focus on solutions and innovations needed to feed the global population sustainably. It will bring together leading experts, innovators, and policymakers to explore challenges and opportunities in creating a sustainable global food system. 

Blended finance: Unlocking Innovative Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation  

Monday, October 28; 11:00am – 12:00pm
Blue Zone

The rapid degradation of our planet’s biodiversity presents a critical risk, with 40% of ecosystems already degraded and projections reaching 95% by 2050. This trend jeopardises over half of the world’s GDP, heavily dependent on biodiversity. To bridge the annual USD 100 billion financing gap for nature conservation, a dynamic blend of public and private sector efforts is essential.

This session will dive into how blended finance can be the key to innovative, scalable solutions for biodiversity conservation. Join us as we uncover real-world examples, practical insights, and strategies for leveraging capital to drive sustainable outcomes.

CPI’s María Ruiz will speak on the panel.

Innovative Financial Instruments for Biodiversity – what does it mean for Latam

Monday, October 28; 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Casa Humboldt, Comfandi, Green Zone, Cali

CPI is partering with Institutlo Humboldt (Colombia) fon this session to unpack what are the investment needs and opportunities on the ground, and what are some of the necessary innovative financial mechanisms to finance them. The conversarion will be focused on the priorities and realities of Latin American countries. 

Building a Financial Architecture to Mobilize Private Capital for Socio-Bioeconomy Ventures and Biodiversity Protection in the Amazon

Monday, October 28; 4:00pm – 4:45pm
Business & Nature Hub (Blue Zone)

This event, hosted by the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) and Instituto Amazonia+21, will explore the key strategies and foundational elements essential to attract both national and international private capital, focusing on how to effectively channel these investments into local businesses and socio-bioeconomy ventures. Panellists will discuss innovative financial architectures, blended finance mechanisms, and market-driven solutions that promote sustainable development, biodiversity protection, and social equity in the Amazon

CPI’s Phillipe Käfer will moderate the discussion.

Innovation for nature: Strengthening biodiversity in carbon markets

Tuesday, October 29; 9:30am
IUCN Pavillion

High integrity carbon markets have the potential to mobilize urgently needed private finance for transformative climate action with benefits for the climate as well as biodiversity. Thus, they can mobilize additional finance for nature based solutions and by doing so, reduce the financing gap for nature. However, challenges in regard to carbon markets need to be attended in order to mobilize the private sector successfully and at scale.

The panel will enhance the discussion around building blocks for high-integrity carbon markets using nature based solutions. It will look at the specifics of nature-based solutions and elements to safeguard integrity, the expectations of the private sector, key elements for experiences, and lessons learned from national approaches as well as an outlook towards biodiversity crediting.

CPI’s María Ruiz will moderate the panel.

Biodiversity and Businesses: strategies for a sustainable future

Thursday, October 31; 8:00am – 2:00pm
Alianza de Biodiversidad & CIAT, Sede Américas, KM 17 Recta Cali-Palmira

Grupo SURA will host an event focused on the vital role companies play in integrating biodiversity considerations into their strategies to ensure not only long-term business sustainability but also a livable planet. María Ruiz will present innovative financial instruments that can drive corporate action, providing practical solutions to help businesses align their operations with environmental goals and make a tangible impact on the ground.


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