
This event was held as a follow-up to CPI Indonesia’s 2015 studies on ‘Improving Land Productivity through Fiscal Policy’ and ‘How oil palm industry contribution to central government income gets collected and transferred to the region’.

The purposes of this workshop were to:

  1. Increase the understanding of regional governments’ needs to optimize fiscal policy in order to support sustainable and inclusive land use;
  2. Discuss the format of studies to improve access to fiscal policy and regional finance;
  3. Identify other inputs from stakeholders; and
  4. Initiate a working group and forum focused on improving fiscal policy in the sustainable land use sector in Kotawaringin Timur (East Kotawaringin) district, Central Kalimantan.

The workshop was attended by local and provincial government officials, fiscal and finance-related stakeholders, academics, and civil society.

CPI Indonesia Director Suzanty Sitorus addressed an opening speech and Guntur Sutiono presented CPI’s fiscal study at this meeting.


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