

Indonesia Blue Finance Landscape

CPI’s latest study captures the landscape of blue finance in Indonesia and further examines the extent of available financing access for MSMEs.

CPI adalah organisasi analisis dan penasehat yang bekerja dengan keahlian mendalam di bidang keuangan dan kebijakan. Misi kami untuk membantu pemerintah, bisnis, dan lembaga keuangan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mengatasi perubahan iklim.

Pekerjaan terbaru


Climate-Related Financial Risk: How, When, and for Whom?


Blog | Unleashing the Power of Green: Central Asia’s Path to NDC Success through Decarbonizing Buildings

The CCFLA Central Asia Hub recently examined key challenges and developed specific recommendations to speed up projects aimed at decarbonizing buildings in the region. This blog focuses on the efforts needed to help realize Central Asia’s NDC opportunity through building decarbonization.


Top-down Climate Finance Needs

CPI collects and standardizes data on climate finance needs from a wide variety of scenarios to provide a comprehensive and unique understanding of the scale of the climate finance gaps in different sectors.


Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy: Inputs for Classifying Land Use Activities

Seeking to contribute to the construction of the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy, researchers from CPI/PUC-Rio analyzed the intersections and complementarities between the main initiatives to define land use sustainability in Brazil.


Preliminary Stocktake of G20 Strategies and Practices: a contribution to the Brazilian G20 Presidency's Global Initiative on Bioeconomy

This Global Stocktake objective is to provide a preliminary stocktake of how G20 members are advancing the bioeconomy, as a basis for facilitating members’ learning and engagement, enabling G20 members’ action, and increasing cooperation in areas of common interest.


Just Energy Transition: Economic Implications for Jharkhand

As we transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy, India faces economic challenges, particularly in mineral-rich states. Jharkhand, for instance, could lose billions annually, affecting state revenues, livelihoods, and communities.


Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Surpasses 100-Member Organizations

The Lab’s membership has skyrocketed nearly fourfold in 10 years, from 29 organizations at the inaugural Lab meeting to 110 global and regional members today. Over the years, the Lab has seen a steady rise in private sector participation. Private members now make up 55% of the total, compared to 40% in 2014.


Supported by CLIC, MazaoHub raises $200,000 from Lab proponent Catalyst Fund

MazaoHub was introduced to the Catalyst Fund, incubated by the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, through CLIC’s Agrifood Investment Connector. The Connector is CLIC’s platform that supports climate-smart and nature-positive agribusinesses with investment facilitation and impact assessment.


Discussion Paper: Financing Industrial Decarbonization - Challenges and Solutions for India’s Iron and Steel Sector

This research underscores the need for increased global finance and proposes policy interventions to promote climate-aligned investment, particularly in high-emission sectors like iron and steel.

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