19% of tracked adaptation finance in the Landscape in 2017-18 flowed from international government sources (USD 1.2 billion annually). In East Africa and Sub-Saharan regional flows, the share of flows targeting adaptation as a principal objective was greater than those targeting mitigation as a principal objective. ODA is a critical component of adaptation finance in Africa to de-risk adaptation activities, build capacity and a pipeline of projects, and support more commercial finance. The bilateral agencies have a relatively high risk appetite and strong climate mandates.
Risk Appetite
Dynamic and expansive risk appetite.
Climate Mandate
Presence of legal/regulatory frameworks to embed climate change in investment decisions.
Ability to Raise Funds
Limited mandate to embed climate change strategy in investment decisions; climate harming investments prohibited.
Flexibility to Deploy Funds
Ability to determine funding mandate and flexibility on types of vehicles, with some limits on one or both.