
The FiCS Financial Innovation Lab (FiCS Lab) is inviting representatives of public development banks (PDBs), civil society organizations, think tanks, and advisors to submit proposals in the FiCS Lab Incubator’s call for innovative proposals from October 17.

Further details on the Incubator and eligible proposals will be provided from that date, and a webinar will be held to provide further advice, with two timeslots:

Incubation of innovative financial mechanisms is a key component of the FiCS Lab’s efforts to help PDBs address barriers to climate finance by sharing best practices, developing standardized approaches to climate instruments, and providing technical support to move ideas through development and piloting to implementation.

The FiCS Lab Incubator will support proposals for financial mechanisms tailored for PDBs to accelerate climate finance in emerging markets and developing economies, with a focus on mechanisms that demonstrate innovation, actionability, and catalytic potential.

Selected proposals will receive both financial and technical support to develop the instrument and prepare for piloting by the PDB. The webinar will outline eligibility requirements, guidelines on how PDBs and external stakeholders can partner on proposals, and key criteria for successful proposals, along with a participant Q&A session.


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