
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) is pleased to welcome Dharshan Wignarajah as Director, joining its London office. Dharshan will lead CPI’s London-based team, engaging in global work across CPI’s business lines, from CPI’s climate finance tracking work, which includes the Global Landscape of Climate Finance, to sector-specific work in areas such as adaptation and resilience, biodiversity, and urban finance, and contributing to CPI’s overall efforts on scaling sustainable finance and net zero integrity.

Dharshan has more than twenty years of public sector, industry, and strategic advisory experience in climate and development finance, impact investing, clean technology and renewable energy, with particular emphasis on fostering innovation that leverages scarce public resource to catalyze private finance at scale.

“We are thrilled to add Dharshan’s passion, expertise, and innovative mindset to the CPI team,” said Barbara Buchner, CPI’s Global Managing Director. “Many of us have collaborated with Dharshan as a trusted colleague working to increase ambition, scale, and impact in climate finance, so this is a perfect fit as CPI continues to grow the reach of our climate finance and policy work.”

Dharshan joins CPI from the UK Government’s Cabinet Office COP26 Unit, where he led on finance and aspects of resilience, as part of the UK’s COP Presidency. Prior to that he led the UK FCDO’s Investment Mobilization Team, as well as private sector experience with McKinsey & Company and Shell International Renewables.

“I have both admired and benefited from CPI’s groundbreaking work in fostering sustainable economic development while simultaneously addressing our most pressing climate issues,” added Dharshan. “I am very excited to help expand this work as we continue to mainstream climate finance across the public and private sectors.”

About Climate Policy Initiative

CPI is an analysis and advisory organization with deep expertise in finance and policy. Its mission is to help governments, businesses, and financial institutions drive economic growth while addressing climate change.


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