Hasil pencarian Siaran Pers New Report: Inefficiencies in transportation infrastructure are obstacle for Brazilian agriculture Juli 5, 2016 Siaran Pers Global coalition of governments, investors, and foundations launch four new financial instruments to catalyze billions for developing country climate action Juni 28, 2016 Siaran Pers Climate Policy Initiative propõe uso do Crédito Rural para acelerar implementação do Código Florestal Juni 27, 2016 Siaran Pers More than double the investment needed is available for German renewable energy transition if policy is right April 14, 2016 Siaran Pers Neue Studie zeigt enormes Investitionspotenzial für den Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien April 14, 2016 Siaran Pers Finance for Resilience honors four winning ideas to accelerate investments in sustainable cities and clean energy April 5, 2016 Siaran Pers CPI names Dr. Barbara Buchner and David Nelson Executive Directors of climate finance and energy finance programs April 4, 2016 Siaran Pers The India Lab selects four innovative ideas to drive finance to renewable energy and green growth in India Februari 25, 2016 Siaran Pers Suzanty Sitorus, Ph.D, joins Climate Policy Initiative as Indonesia Director Februari 1, 2016 Siaran Pers New study: Indonesia can boost economy, government revenues, and sustainability by adjusting land use taxes Desember 17, 2015 Hasil lainnya +