Hasil pencarian Siaran Pers As Amazon deforestation shifts to smaller clearings, Brazil should adapt policies Agustus 17, 2015 Siaran Pers Desmatamento em pequena escala na Amazônia requer que Brasil adapte suas políticas Agustus 17, 2015 Siaran Pers Gireesh Shrimali selected to advise NITI Aayog Expert Group on rooftop solar power Juni 24, 2015 Siaran Pers Juliano Assunção selected for high-level working group that will draft the next generation of agricultural policy in Brazil Juni 2, 2015 Siaran Pers Climate Policy Initiative a lead contributor to G7 report on long-term climate finance Juni 8, 2015 Siaran Pers The UK government commits £50 million to the Climate Development and Finance Facility to help developing countries tackle climate change Mei 29, 2015 Siaran Pers Auctions can be an effective mechanism to achieve India’s renewable energy targets Mei 13, 2015 Siaran Pers The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance launches four initiatives to drive billions in climate investment April 22, 2015 Siaran Pers Wind Power Can Provide Cost-Effective Path to Meeting India's Renewable Energy Targets April 14, 2015 Siaran Pers Climate Policy Initiative lança estudo sobre gestão de risco agrícola no Brasil. Resultados indicam ineficiência nas políticas atuais e sugerem incentivos a instrumentos de mercado como solução. Februari 25, 2015 Hasil lainnya +