
Development Finance

Photo by Anna Balm

Development finance plays a significant role in financing countries’ green economic growth. CPI works with development finance institutions to assess the effectiveness of their policies, instruments, investments, and portfolios, while identifying risks and opportunities. This includes work with the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), a group of 26 national and regional development banks from all over the world, to map their green finance commitments and provide recommendations for how they can align their operations and strategies with the Paris Agreement.

Pekerjaan terbaru


Role of Public Development Banks in Supporting Domestic Carbon Markets


Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance

This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.


Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa 2024

The most comprehensive overview of climate investment flows in Africa.

Data Visualization

Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa 2024: Interactive Data Tools


The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2024

The only global analysis of funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution.


Green Guarantee Group

The Green Guarantee Group aims to produce solution-oriented recommendations for decision-makers, fostering a significant increase in the use of green guarantees. CPI will provide high-level advisory and produce reports identifying key challenges, innovative solutions, and recommendations for scaling green guarantees ahead of COP30.


Financing India's heat resilience


Halting Deforestation through Finance: Regulatory Mapping of the Central Bank of Brazil

Researchers from CPI/PUC-Rio conducted a comprehensive study on the BCB’s sustainability initiatives to assess the bank’s efforts to combat deforestation and conversion.

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