Private Finance
The private financial sector is a crucial component of achieving our global climate and sustainability goals, from the power of directing its own assets and investments, to its leverage in evaluating “counterparties,” in other words the clients and assets in its portfolios.
CPI collaborates directly with the private financial sector—asset managers, asset owners, banks, corporates, and insurers—to establish frameworks, increase transparency, and develop new financial models and instruments that accelerate the transition of global finance flows towards net zero emissions and climate-resilient development. The effectiveness of our private financial sector work is enhanced by CPI’s ability to bring key actors outside the private sector to the table, ensuring coordinated, mutually-agreeable approaches that accelerate adoption and implementation.
Karya unggulan
Net Zero Finance Tracker
The NZFT is a first-of-its-kind collaborative and interactive data platform that aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of how private financial institutions are progressing on their climate commitments and delivering impact on the ground.
Private Financial Institutions’ Commitments to Paris Alignment
A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 350 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
Private Financial Institutions’ Paris Alignment Commitments: 2022 Update
A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 450 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
Pekerjaan terbaru
Sustainable Finance Flows to India’s Agriculture Sector
This report introduces a comprehensive sustainable agriculture framework developed using a value-chain approach to analyze relevant sectors, activities, policies, and key initiatives. It provides a detailed examination of financial flows in the agriculture sector during FY1 2020–21 and FY 2021-22, offering insights into public and private finance sources, intermediaries, and end-use activities across the entire agriculture value chain.
Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance
This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.
Building Financial Instruments for Climate Adaptation
Drawing on lessons learned from past instruments, the Lab has identified five key steps for structuring adaptation-focused financial instruments that deliver results.
Green Guarantee Group
The Green Guarantee Group aims to produce solution-oriented recommendations for decision-makers, fostering a significant increase in the use of green guarantees. CPI will provide high-level advisory and produce reports identifying key challenges, innovative solutions, and recommendations for scaling green guarantees ahead of COP30.
Tracking and Mobilizing Private Sector Climate Adaptation Finance
The lack of data on private adaptation finance creates significant uncertainty regarding progress on addressing climate vulnerabilities and leaves decision makers without critical information on where they should target additional investments. CPI has developed a methodological and data approach to improve tracking of private sector adaptation finance. These efforts have significantly increased the amount of private adaptation finance tracked.
2024 State of Cities Climate Finance
The 2024 State of Cities Climate Finance report (SCCFR) provides the most comprehensive assessment of urban climate flows and needs globally. It aims to inform action on mobilizing finance for city-level climate action at scale by 2030.