Lanskap Pembiayaan Iklim
Data yang jelas tentang aliran pendanaan iklim di tingkat global dan nasional sangat penting untuk menjaga momentum Perjanjian Paris. Jika tidak, sulit untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan, mengukur kemajuan, dan mengoptimalkan penyebaran sumber daya publik dan swasta untuk membuat pendanaan yang konsisten dengan tujuan iklim.
Lansekap Global Pembiayaan Iklim CPI memberikan tinjauan paling komprehensif tentang sumber dan instrumen keuangan yang mendorong investasi dan berapa banyak pendanaan iklim mengalir secara global dan ke sektor mana. Metodologi Lansekap kami yang kuat telah diterapkan di tingkat nasional di 22 negara, termasuk mulai bekerja dengan pemerintah India, Indonesia, Brazil, Kenya, dan Afrika Selatan untuk melengkapi strategi pembiayaan NDC mereka. Ini juga telah digunakan di sektor-sektor kritis yang membutuhkan lebih banyak pembiayaan, termasuk penggunaan lahan, adaptasi, akses energi, dan keuangan energi terbarukan.
Pekerjaan kami, yang diawasi oleh Kelompok Pelacakan Keuangan yang selaras dengan Iklim, memengaruhi Perjanjian Paris, dan terus digunakan oleh UNFCCC dan Klub Keuangan Pembangunan Internasional dalam diskusi pembuatan kebijakan.
Karya unggulan
Sustainable Finance Flows to India’s Agriculture Sector
This report introduces a comprehensive sustainable agriculture framework developed using a value-chain approach to analyze relevant sectors, activities, policies, and key initiatives. It provides a detailed examination of financial flows in the agriculture sector during FY1 2020–21 and FY 2021-22, offering insights into public and private finance sources, intermediaries, and end-use activities across the entire agriculture value chain.
Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance
This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.
Pekerjaan terbaru
Leveraging NDC updates to bridge the climate finance gap
In this blog, Caroline Alberti, Analyst at CPI, provides insights and recommendations for the upcoming updates of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which offer a fresh opportunity to scale up climate finance this year.
Public Development Banks’ Climate Commitments 2024
This latest tracking of public development banks’ climate ambition provides important insights on where their support for the climate transition is strongest, and where greater efforts are needed to raise their commitments.
Building AI/ML tools to track public development banks' climate ambition
This blog outlines CPI’s new methodology utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to process large primary datasets, leading to deeper analytical insights into PDBs’ climate commitments.
Guaranteeing change: mapping the landscape of guarantees in Africa
The disparity between Africa’s climate finance requirements and existing funding is stark. With an urgent need for catalytic interventions to bridge the gap, guarantees offer one such solution.
Climate Finance Roadmaps
This report lays out CPI’s proposed approach to building Climate Finance Roadmaps, including methodological steps, assumptions made, data points required, and expected outputs.
Building Financial Instruments for Climate Adaptation
Drawing on lessons learned from past instruments, the Lab has identified five key steps for structuring adaptation-focused financial instruments that deliver results.