Saring Sortir Terbaru Terdahulu Tunjukan semua konten Hanya menampilkan konten yang tersedia dalam bahasa Saya Program Climate Finance Tracking Grup San Giorgio Lab Inovasi Global Untuk Pembiayaan Iklim Pembiayaan Energi Pusat Kebijakan Brazil Wilayah Afrika Amerika Serikat Asia Brazil Cina Ekonomi Berkembang Eropa Global India Indonesia Topik Adaptasi dan Ketahanan Akses Energi Asuransi dan Mitigasi Risiko Dekarbonisasi dan Tujuan Nol Karbon Bersih (Net Zero Goals) Efek Bersifat Utang Berwawasan Lingkungan Efisiensi Energi Energi Terbarukan Energi dan Infrastruktur Hutan Industrial Decarbonization Inovasi Keuangan Kebijakan Dan Regulasi Kebijakan Fiskal Kelapa Sawit Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Kota-Kota Yang Berkelanjutan Modal Sumber Daya Alam Negosiasi Iklim Internasional Panas Bumi Pasar Karbon Pembiayaan Pembiayaan Campuran Pembiayaan Ekonomi Pembiayaan Pembangunan Pembiayaan Swasta Penggunaan Lahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Konservasi Pengukuran, Pelaporan dan Verifikasi Pertanian Berkelanjutan Reformasi Pasar Ketenagalistrikan Tenaga Surya Terpusat Transisi Energi Transportasi Emisi dan Polusi Udara No results Publikasi The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2022 Baysa Naran, Costanza Strinati, Sean Stout, Jake Connolly and Paul Rosane September 7, 2022 Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance Paul Rosane, Baysa Naran, Angela Ortega Pastor, Jake Connolly and Dharshan Wignarajah Juli 6, 2022 Landscape of Green Finance in India Mahua Acharya, Jolly Sinha, Shreyans Jain and Rajashree Padmanabhi September 11, 2020 Improving Efficiency for Air Conditioners: The Role of the Manaus Free Trade Zone Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz and Juliano Assunção Juni 22, 2020 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019 Barbara Buchner, Alex Clark, Angela Falconer, Rob Macquarie, Chavi Meattle, Rowena Tolentino and Cooper Wetherbee November 7, 2019 Supporting the Momentum of Paris Padraig Oliver, Bella Tonkonogy, David Wang and Xueying Wang Maret 7, 2018 Flexibility: the path to low-carbon, low-cost electricity grids David Nelson, Andrew Goggins and David Posner April 25, 2017 Decarbonization of Indian Railways Charith Konda, Saurabh Trivedi and Gireesh Shrimali Juli 31, 2016 Slowing the Growth of Coal Power Outside China: The Role of Chinese Finance Morgan Hervé-Mignucci and Xueying Wang November 25, 2015 Lessons on the Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal Energy in Developing Countries Valerio Micale and Padraig Oliver Agustus 21, 2015 Opportunities for a Green Bank in California Jeff Deason, Karen Laughlin, Patricia Levi, Sarah Jo Szambelan and Uday Varadarajan Januari 15, 2014 The Policy Climate David Nelson April 15, 2013 Tracking Emissions and Mitigation Actions: Learning from MRV Systems in China, Germany, Italy, and the United States Angela Falconer, Pat Hogan, Valerio Micale, Alexander Vasa, Yu Yuqing (Ariel), Xuehua Zhang, Xiaolu Zhao and Julia Zuckerman November 27, 2012 Clearing the Air: Carbon Pricing and Local Air Pollution in California Andrew Hobbs and Kath Rowley September 21, 2012 Annual Review of Low-Carbon Development in China (2011-2012) CPI Staff November 1, 2011 Smart Power Market Project CPI Staff September 1, 2011 Energiekonzept: Instrumente für energetische Sanierungen Karsten Neuhoff, Hermann Amecke, Aleksandra Novikova and Kateryna Stelmakh Agustus 1, 2011 Impact of Reductions and Exemptions in Energy Taxes and Levies Anja Rosenberg, Anne Schopp, Karsten Neuhoff and Alexander Vasa Juni 1, 2011 Carbon Pricing Project Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls and Ulrich Wagner Februari 1, 2011 Publikasi Lainnya + Blog Waste not: Time to rapidly scale methane abatement finance in the waste sector Dennis Zabeida and Pedro de Aragão Fernandes Februari 13, 2025 Flexibility — the workhorse of the global energy transition April 27, 2017 Powering climate action - the 2016 Fire winners Gloria Coleman November 28, 2016 Improved and integrated private disclosure data can help broader tracking efforts Dan Storey November 8, 2016 Identifying strategic opportunities for philanthropy to engage in sustainable land use finance Jessica Brown Mei 2, 2016 Indonesia’s INDC – A step forward or a missed opportunity? Jane Wilkinson September 28, 2015 California's New 2030 Climate Target Aims to Reduce Emissions by 40% Dario Abramskiehn Mei 1, 2015 With new market structures and business models, consumers can help states reduce carbon emissions Patricia Levi Juli 8, 2014 Paving the way for emissions reductions in California Julia Zuckerman Juli 1, 2014 The Clean Power Plan means changes for coal, but not the ones you might expect Karen Laughlin Juni 18, 2014 Climate policy in 2014 Thomas C. Heller Februari 14, 2014 How to spread new technology in agriculture: the importance of geographic conditions and learning-from-peers Pedro Hemsley November 7, 2013 Introducing California Carbon Dashboard: All your questions about AB32 answered in one place CPI Staff Oktober 24, 2013 China’s Path to Low-Carbon Development: A Q&A with Thomas C. Heller CPI Staff Agustus 14, 2013 Land use policy in Brazil: A brief video overview Clarissa Gandour Juli 30, 2013 Obama’s climate plan and what it means for states Karen Laughlin Juni 28, 2013 The next step for U.S. renewables is to drive low-cost private investment – and to do so as cost-effectively as possible Uday Varadarajan Juni 25, 2013 China at an energy crossroads Xueying Wang April 29, 2013 Policy Watch: Black carbon, Beijing’s new air pollution measures, and California carbon trading Januari 24, 2013 Clearing the air with industrial audits Andrew Hobbs Oktober 18, 2012 Tracking emissions and climate policies: How well are we doing? Julia Zuckerman Juni 13, 2012 Voluntary action + regulations = double punch of emission reductions Tim Varga Desember 16, 2011 Blog Lainnya + Dalam berita Financial help for airlines 'should come with strict climate conditions' The Guardian April 1, 2020 How Coronavirus Could Help Us Fight Climate Change: Lessons From The Pandemic Forbes Maret 30, 2020 69% U.K. Emissions Drop Nice, But Global Renewables Investment Down: Reports Forbes November 7, 2019 Global investment in cutting greenhouse gases fell by 11% in 2018 The Guardian November 7, 2019 Brasil começa a aproveitar seu potencial de energia solar Exame Maret 16, 2018 Dalam berita Lainnya + Siaran Pers First accounting of green investment flows in India reveals a need for significant increase September 11, 2020 New study: Indonesia can boost economy, government revenues, and sustainability by adjusting land use taxes Desember 17, 2015 Brazilian Forest Code, an important tool to encourage efficient land use, but fraught with complexities for states and landholders November 26, 2015 Siaran Pers Lainnya + Peristiwa Virtual Event: India’s Green Finance Landscape - Status Quo and Future Directions Virtual Session September 11, 2020 Webinar: Blending finance to accelerate NDCs and scale-up low carbon investment Mei 16, 2018 World Future Energy Summit - Effective government and business strategies Abu Dhabi Januari 17, 2017 British Institute of Energy Economics: Innovation and Disruption Conference Oxford, UK September 21 to 22, 2016 Learning Lab on New Utility Business Models and Electricity Market Structures of the Future Boston Juli 29, 2015 CPI Webinar: The Policy Climate Mei 14, 2013 Peristiwa Lainnya +