Saring Sortir Terbaru Terdahulu Tunjukan semua konten Hanya menampilkan konten yang tersedia dalam bahasa Saya Program Climate Finance Tracking Lab Inovasi Global Untuk Pembiayaan Iklim Pembiayaan Energi Pusat Kebijakan Brazil Sustainable Finance Integrity Wilayah Afrika Amerika Serikat Asia Brazil Cina Ekonomi Berkembang Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs) Eropa Global India Indonesia Topik Adaptasi dan Ketahanan Akses Energi Climate Finance Climate Finance Needs Deforestation Dekarbonisasi dan Tujuan Nol Karbon Bersih (Net Zero Goals) Efisiensi Energi Energi Terbarukan Energi dan Infrastruktur Financial Institutions Hutan Industrial Decarbonization Inovasi Keuangan Kebijakan Dan Regulasi Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Kota-Kota Yang Berkelanjutan Modal Sumber Daya Alam Nature-based Solutions Pasar Karbon Pembiayaan Pembiayaan Campuran Pembiayaan Ekonomi Pembiayaan Pembangunan Pembiayaan Swasta Penggunaan Lahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Konservasi Perkebunan Rakyat Pertanian Berkelanjutan Reformasi Pasar Ketenagalistrikan Transisi Energi Pasar Karbon No results Publikasi Role of Public Development Banks in Supporting Domestic Carbon Markets Matthew Solomon and Karla D. Gonzalez Esquinca Maret 5, 2025 Carbon Rating Framework Neha Khanna and Kalpesh Gada Agustus 23, 2024 Lendable Decarbonization Fund Ricardo Narvaez, Amanda Brasil - Leigh and Haysam Azhar September 28, 2023 Carbon and the Fate of the Amazon Juliano Assunção and José Alexandre Scheinkman September 21, 2023 Private Financial Institutions’ Commitments to Paris Alignment Matthew Solomon, Donovan Escalante, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Angela Ortega Pastor and Paul Rosane Oktober 18, 2021 Cap and Trade in Practice: Barriers and Opportunities for Industrial Emissions Reductions in California Julia Zuckerman, Karen Laughlin, Dario Abramskiehn and Xueying Wang Juli 1, 2014 California Carbon Dashboard Andrew Hobbs and Karen Laughlin Oktober 24, 2013 Clearing the Air: Carbon Pricing and Local Air Pollution in California Andrew Hobbs and Kath Rowley September 21, 2012 Impact of Reductions and Exemptions in Energy Taxes and Levies Anja Rosenberg, Anne Schopp, Karsten Neuhoff and Alexander Vasa Juni 1, 2011 Carbon Pricing Project Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls and Ulrich Wagner Februari 1, 2011 Publikasi Lainnya + Blog Blog: Indonesia wants a carbon tax, but with subsidies? Tiza Mafira Oktober 5, 2021 Blog: Can tropical rainforests benefit from surging voluntary carbon markets? The case of Indonesia Tiza Mafira and Brurce Muhammad Mecca September 22, 2021 Delicious and abundant: yes, we’re talking about voluntary carbon markets Vikram Widge September 5, 2021 Podcast: Vikram Widge speaks to Paulson Institute's The Green Team Vikram Widge Juli 6, 2021 It’s SOS for Climate Negotiations: Scale, Outcomes, and Speed Chavi Meattle and Federico Mazza Desember 18, 2019 California's cap and trade program leads the way on US climate action Andrew Hobbs and Dario Abramskiehn November 28, 2017 California's New 2030 Climate Target Aims to Reduce Emissions by 40% Dario Abramskiehn Mei 1, 2015 Paving the way for emissions reductions in California Julia Zuckerman Juli 1, 2014 The Clean Power Plan means changes for coal, but not the ones you might expect Karen Laughlin Juni 18, 2014 California’s Climate Credit is Worth Watching Patricia Levi April 17, 2014 Introducing California Carbon Dashboard: All your questions about AB32 answered in one place CPI Staff Oktober 24, 2013 Policy Watch: Black carbon, Beijing’s new air pollution measures, and California carbon trading Januari 24, 2013 Policy Watch: Companies ask for a clear carbon price, US on track to become world’s largest oil producer, and Australia ready to back Kyoto Protocol November 19, 2012 Clearing the air with industrial audits Andrew Hobbs Oktober 18, 2012 Blog Lainnya + Dalam berita IMF launches interactive climate dashboard April 18, 2021 Climate Action Barometer: 12 Charts Explain Where We Are Today, and Where We Need to Be in 2020 World Resources Institute Januari 21, 2019 Dalam berita Lainnya + Siaran Pers Carbon market could change Amazon’s fate, study shows September 22, 2023 CPI Global Managing Director appointed to Energy Transition Accelerator High-Level Consulting Group Januari 19, 2023 The Lab launches eight new finance solutions to drive climate action and green recovery September 29, 2020 Siaran Pers Lainnya + Peristiwa The next chapter of the carbon trading market in Asia Singapore Oktober 24 to 25, 2023 Guidelines for Financing a Credible Coal Transition Virtual Desember 13, 2022 The Lab: Demo Day 2020 Oktober 22, 2020 Forest Finance & Sustainability Conference London Juli 13, 2016 Peristiwa Lainnya +