
Michelle Lee is a Senior Analyst at CPI, based in Washington, D.C. Her main expertise area is climate resilience and adaptation. At CPI, Michelle supports the development of adaptation-relevant financial instruments through the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance and the Catalytic Climate Finance Facility. She also leads on CPI’s engagement on the USAID-funded Climate Finance for Development Accelerator, and has worked on CPI’s corporate climate finance work, having contributed to the Corporate Climate Finance Playbook.

Prior to joining CPI, Michelle ‘s studies and work have focused on adaptation, climate justice, and climate finance negotiations. She has previously worked with RMI’s Climate Finance Access Network on issues including the UNFCCC climate finance negotiations, as well as increasing climate finance access in Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Michelle also brings her consulting experience to various non-profit and multilateral organizations in areas such as public-private partnerships for weather services, innovative disaster risk financing, and domestic climate funds. She holds an MA from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a BA from Connecticut College.


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