

19% of tracked adaptation finance in the Landscape in 2017-18 flowed from international government sources (USD 1.2 billion annually). In East Africa and Sub-Saharan regional flows, the share of flows targeting adaptation as a principal objective was greater than those targeting mitigation as a principal objective. ODA is a critical component of adaptation finance in Africa to de-risk adaptation activities, build capacity and a pipeline of projects, and support more commercial finance. The bilateral agencies have a relatively high risk appetite and strong climate mandates.

 Dynamic and expansive risk appetite Risk Appetite

Dynamic and expansive risk appetite.

 Regulatory/legal mandate to embed climate change in investment decisions Climate Mandate

Presence of legal/regulatory frameworks to embed climate change in investment decisions.

 Restricted funding sources and limited ability to leverage funds Ability to Raise Funds

Limited mandate to embed climate change strategy in investment decisions; climate harming investments prohibited.

 Ability to determine funding mandate, with some limits Flexibility to Deploy Funds

Ability to determine funding mandate and flexibility on types of vehicles, with some limits on one or both.

This project has been developed in partnership with the Global Center on Adaptation


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