
Financiamento Misto

Photo by Cristina Lopes

O financiamento misto é uma ferramenta essencial para ajudar as nações a cumprirem os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas e os objetivos do Acordo Climático de Paris, além de abordar os riscos e barreiras enfrentados pelos investidores ao buscarem as oportunidades que eles oferecem.

O relatório de Finanças Combinadas em Energia Limpa do CPI analisa o que é necessário para liberar investimentos nas economias em desenvolvimento. Nossa análise constatou que as maiores oportunidades de impacto financeiro combinado estão na África Subsaariana e no Sul e Leste da Ásia, com um subconjunto de oito países de alto impacto oferecendo, sozinhos, US $ 360 bilhões em potencial de investimento em energia limpa até 2030.

Publicações recentes


Breaking Down Silos: Integrating Gender and Climate Goals in Blended Finance Transactions

Growing evidence demonstrates that women play a critical role in achieving climate goals, both as leaders in advancing climate solutions and as beneficiaries. There is, therefore, an urgent need for more investments in transactions that incorporate both gender and climate considerations.


Understanding Global Concessional Climate Finance 2024

Concessional capital—finance offered at more favorable terms than the market—must increase by at least fivefold by 2030 to achieve the Paris goals. This new report sets a baseline for understanding global concessional climate finance and unlocking further capital for action.


JETP Resource Mobilization Plan: How Viet Nam can turn ambition into action

As various emerging economies are seeking to leapfrog coal and move to clean energy through Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs), Viet Nam has passed an important first milestone by setting its Resource Mobilization Plan (RMP). CPI has outlined key takeaways from Viet Nam’s JETP and the RMP and identified some immediate actions to help them succeed.


Empowering Indonesia’s Path to Net Zero: Highlights from 2023

In 2023, momentum continued to build around Indonesia’s transition towards a more sustainable and net zero economy. Here are key highlights from our climate finance tracking, sustainable finance, and just energy transition workstreams to empower Indonesia’s path to net zero, as well as as a preview of what is in stock for 2024.


Inclusive Climate Finance: Improving Access for Marginalized Populations in Indonesia

This report, developed in partnership with Hivos Indonesia, aims to assess the current climate finance landscape in Indonesia and explore possible ways in which climate finance can be mobilized to target the marginalized populations.


Highlights from Indonesia’s JETP Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan

Indonesia’s JETP launched its Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan (CIPP) on 21 November 2023. As CPI was heavily involved in the process, supporting both the JETP Secretariat’s overall editorial process and the Finance Working Group’s specific input to the CIPP, we are sharing key highlights from the document.

Mais resultados +


Akshay Nambiar

Senior Program Associate

Amanda Brasil - Leigh

Program Manager

Angela Falconer

Senior Consultant

Barbara Buchner

Global Managing Director

Benjamin Thomas

Senior Analyst

Berliana Yusuf

Senior Analyst

Claris Parenti


Costanza Strinati


Daniela Álvarez Cobos

Communications Associate

Debal Mitra

Senior Manager

Dharshan Wignarajah


Gaoyi Miao


Gauri Tandon


Hari Solagratia

Senior Analyst

Haysam Azhar


Jide Olutoke


Joe Leavenworth Bakali

Senior Program Associate, Catalytic Climate Finance Facility Lead

Jonathan First

Head, South Africa office

Joyce Lin


Karla D. Gonzalez Esquinca

Senior Analyst

Khaja Mohammad Haris

Junior Analyst

Khalifa Akbar


Léa Faucheux


Lukas Adamski

Program Associate

Luthfyana Kartika Larasati


Mairéad Barron


Manika Gupta

Fellow - Climate Finance

María Ruiz Sierra

Latin America and the Caribbean Program Lead for the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance

Maura Finessa Winayo

Junior Analyst

Naufal Rospriandana


Neil Chin

Senior Analyst

Norman Tilos

Philippines Program Lead for the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance

Ricardo Narvaez

Senior Manager

Sarah Barden

Senior Communications Associate

Valerio Micale

Associate Director

Vivek Sen


Vivian Wijaya

Senior Analyst

Wen E Chin

Manager, AgriFood Investment Connector (CLIC)

Zeineb Ben Yahmed

Senior Climate Finance Analyst

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