Inovações Financeiras
A implementação dos trilhões necessários para lidar com a adaptação e mitigação climáticas em nível global requer não apenas mudar investimentos, mas também novas maneiras de atrair e implantar esses investimentos.
O CPI pesquisa e desenvolve políticas inovadoras de financiamento climático, instrumentos financeiros e modelos de negócios que criam impacto mensurável e podem ser escalados rapidamente. Possui especial experiência na combinação de modelos financeiros com assistência técnica em estágio inicial para garantir que ideias ousadas passem do conceito para a implementação rapidamente e com o menor risco possível.
Publicações em destaque
2025 Policy Bulletin: Climate Finance for Development
This policy bulletin summarizes key findings on how PDBs’ contribution to low-emissions and
climate-resilient development can be accelerated and scaled to make progress toward the global agenda
for sustainable development.
Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance
This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.
Building Financial Instruments for Climate Adaptation
Drawing on lessons learned from past instruments, the Lab has identified five key steps for structuring adaptation-focused financial instruments that deliver results.
Publicações recentes
Lab Alumni share insights on scaling climate finance
Learn how innovative climate finance solutions are scaling impact. This blog post features insights innovators on leveraging guarantees, standardizing approaches, and investing in nature-based solutions to address climate change.
Paul Bodnar: ‘Ten years ago, we could never have predicted the level of impact the Lab has achieved’
During the Lab Summit at New York Climate Week, Barbara Buchner and Paul Bodnar reflected on the Lab’s journey over the past decade.
Five key takeaways from the Lab Summit
The Lab Summit convened over one hundred climate finance experts and practitioners during New York Climate Week. The summit identified key trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field of climate finance, informing the broader climate finance investment landscape.
Green Guarantee Group
The Green Guarantee Group aims to produce solution-oriented recommendations for decision-makers, fostering a significant increase in the use of green guarantees. CPI will provide high-level advisory and produce reports identifying key challenges, innovative solutions, and recommendations for scaling green guarantees ahead of COP30.
Ferramentas para Impulsionar o Financiamento de Soluções Baseadas na Natureza
Novo estudo, elaborado para informar o Grupo de Trabalho em Finanças Sustentáveis (SFWG) do G20, identifica três abordagens para impulsionar o investimento em Soluções Baseadas na Natureza.