
CPI Executive Director of Global Innovation Lab, Barbara Buchner will speak at FT Climate Finance Summit during the following panel session:

Financing Adaptation and Resilience: What are the Viable Business Models?

May 23, 15:00 – 15:30

Urgent action is needed not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but to help countries finance resilience and prepare for world of dramatic climate and weather extremes. Developed countries, however, are fiscally constrained and momentum is gathering around the need to mobilize private finance as the solution to meeting the Paris agreed commitment of $100bn a year for adaptation and resilience in the developed world.

To date, most action to deal with climate change has been invested in clean energy and other technologies to curb emissions. Measures to adapt to climate change rarely offer a clear rate of return, and investors have been deterred from participating in this market.

This session will address new ways to define adaption, create standards, lower risks and smooth obstacles for the investors who have the money to take the actions that’s needed at scale.

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