
Charles Baudry is a Junior Analyst at CPI’s London office working under the the Climate Finance Tracking program, with primary focus on climate finance needs and the Green Finance Mapping for the International Development Finance Club (IDFC).

During his previous time at CPI as an intern, Charles contributed to the development of CPI’s methodology for compiling estimates of climate finance needs to reach the Net Zero by 2050 target.

Prior to CPI, Charles gained valuable experience by working as an intern for the asset management company SWEN Capital Partners, a French leading player in sustainable investments, where he took part in the processing of ESG data for the publication of extra-financial reports, as well as in the scoring of assets and GP’s performances.

Additionally, Charles worked for the consulting firm Energies Demain, where he participated in the analysis of mobility flows and in the energy diagnosis for regional authorities, to draw up a plan for regional transition.

Charles graduated with a Bachelor’s in Physics from the University Paris-Saclay, is an engineer from Ecole Centrale de Lyon and holds a Master in environmental risk governance from University of Lyon (co-accreditation from Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and Ecole Centrale de Lyon).


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