
Catalytic Climate Finance Facility

The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility (CC Facility) accelerates the implementation of high-impact, ready-to-scale financial structures, filling a market gap in mobilizing private capital for climate action in developing economies. The initiative is a partnership between Climate Policy Initiative and Convergence, who are combining their expertise to turn innovative financial vehicles into scalable solutions, to increase the available investable pipeline and grow the climate finance market.  

The CC Facility accelerates the implementation of climate finance solutions by offering grant funding of up to USD 500,000, customized technical support over 12-18 months, and knowledge-sharing resources through a learning hub. The initiative aims to be an ecosystem builder and address a market need in scaling blended finance structures and catalyzing capital for climate change. 

The facility has raised USD 13 million to date and is fundraising for a second round of USD 10 million by Q3 2024. The goal of the initiative is to reach USD 100 million in size over the next few years.

Visit the CC facility website

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Mais resultados +


Barbara Buchner

Global Managing Director

Ben Broché

Associate Director

Carla Orrego


Yihan Wang

Senior Program Associate

Rosaly Byrd


Jonathan First

Senior Advisor

Haysam Azhar


Jide Olutoke


Megan Sager


Michelle Lee


Morgan Richmond


Angela Woodall

Design Manager

Elana Fortin

Design Associate

Josh Wheeling

Senior Data Visualization Specialist

Júlio Lubianco

Communications Manager

Rob Kahn

Director, Global Communications

Sam Goodman

Communications Associate

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