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The Landscape of Project Preparation 2024
This analysis maps and identifies the key characteristics of the PPF support offered to cities to prepare sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure projects.
Climate-resilient debt clauses: a primer for FiCS members
Maura Cravero, Karla D. Gonzalez Esquinca e Taarika Peres28/02/2025Climate-related disasters threaten fiscal stability and development progress, particularly in vulnerable economies. Climate-resilient debt clauses (CRDCs) offer a proactive solution by allowing countries to defer debt repayments in the wake of disasters, enabling a more effective emergency response and recovery. This report, developed to support discussions within the FiCS Lab Working Group on CRDCs, explores key considerations and best practices for implementing CRDCs. It provides insights from expert discussions throughout 2024, offering guidance on how these mechanisms can enhance financial resilience in climate-affected regions.
Debt for climate swaps: a primer for FiCS members
Debt-for-climate (DFC) swaps are an effective method to exchange a portion of a country’s external debt payments for investments in domestic climate, biodiversity, or conservation initiatives. This primer, developed by the FiCs Innovation Lab Working Group, provides insights, examples, and considerations for implementing DFN or DFC swaps.
Scaling transition finance for green industrial transition of the Indian iron & steel sector
This discussion paper provides a comprehensive framework and actionable recommendations for scaling transition finance to support the green industrial transition of India’s iron and steel sector, addressing both the needs of primary and secondary steel producers.
Assessing international interoperability and usability of the South African Green Finance Taxonomy
27/02/2025This technical report, prepared for the South African National Treasury, evaluates the South African Green Finance Taxonomy’s international alignment and interoperability with other green and sustainable finance taxonomies through a comparative analysis of three key principles that define the eligibility criteria for economic activities, sectors, and projects to qualify as green.
Unlocking transition finance for achieving net-zero emissions in Indonesia
25/02/2025This deep dive into Indonesia’s climate-aligned finance policy nexus explores investment gaps, barriers to sustainable finance, and policy recommendations to streamline financial sector policies to scale up climate-aligned investment and enable alternative financing instruments to support Indonesia’s decarbonization.
2025 Policy Bulletin: Climate Finance for Development
20/02/2025This policy bulletin summarizes key findings on how PDBs’ contribution to low-emissions and climate-resilient development can be accelerated and scaled to make progress toward the global agenda for sustainable development.
Portfólio de Combate ao Desmatamento
03/02/2025Conheça as publicações do portfólio de combate ao desmatamento do CPI/PUC-Rio.
Portfólio de Instrumentos Financeiros
30/01/2025Conheça as publicações do portfólio de instrumentos financeiros do CPI/PUC-Rio.
Portfólio de Agropecuária
29/01/2025Conheça as publicações do portfólio de agropecuária do CPI/PUC-Rio.
Sustainable Finance Flows to India’s Agriculture Sector
28/01/2025This report introduces a comprehensive sustainable agriculture framework developed using a value-chain approach to analyze relevant sectors, activities, policies, and key initiatives. It provides a detailed examination of financial flows in the agriculture sector during FY1 2020–21 and FY 2021-22, offering insights into public and private finance sources, intermediaries, and end-use activities across the entire agriculture value chain.
Energizing Private Capital: Innovations in Guarantee Offerings for Climate Finance
20/01/2025This policy brief identifies key barriers to the adoption of green guarantees and highlights existing solutions to address these challenges. The report also draws key takeaways and recommendations and lists policy-related questions for further consideration.
Public Development Banks’ Climate Commitments 2024
Neil Chin, Ken Schell-Smith e Yijing Feng18/12/2024This latest tracking of public development banks’ climate ambition provides important insights on where their support for the climate transition is strongest, and where greater efforts are needed to raise their commitments.
O Código Florestal em Foco: Governança, Implementação e Soluções para o CAR e o SICAR
17/12/2024Com uma década de experiência, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio explicam, nesta nota técnica, o que são o CAR e o Sicar, sua governança, a importância do CAR no Código Florestal, estratégias de análise automatizada e os principais desafios e oportunidades para o sistema.
Climate Finance Roadmaps
16/12/2024This report lays out CPI’s proposed approach to building Climate Finance Roadmaps, including methodological steps, assumptions made, data points required, and expected outputs.
Building Financial Instruments for Climate Adaptation
12/12/2024Drawing on lessons learned from past instruments, the Lab has identified five key steps for structuring adaptation-focused financial instruments that deliver results.
CAR a CAR: As Instituições Financeiras e o Crédito para Propriedades com Desmatamento
09/12/2024Este estudo revela que o crédito rural subsidiado está sendo amplamente canalizado por diversas instituições financeiras para financiar, em condições especiais, produtores que promovem a destruição da vegetação nativa.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros – Edição 2024
05/12/2024Em sua sexta edição, o relatório apresenta uma radiografia da implementação do Código Florestal nos estados brasileiros, com dados atualizados de 2024.
Restauração em Terras Públicas: Concessões Florestais e Outros Modelos de Parcerias
03/12/2024Novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio e do Amazônia 2030 examina o potencial dos diferentes modelos jurídicos de parceria previstos no direito administrativo brasileiro para promover a restauração de terras públicas degradadas.
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2024
03/12/2024The Landscape of Green Finance in India tracks flows to real economy sectors—clean energy, clean transportation, and energy efficiency—as well as to some adaptation sectors. The study considers both public and private sources of capital—domestic as well as international—to track the flow of finance from the source to the end beneficiaries through different instruments.
The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
Alexandre Kirchherr, Claris Parenti, Léa Faucheux, Charles Baudry, Costanza Strinati, Daniela Chiriac, Krystal Crumpler, Lapo Roffredi, Aleksandra Wybieralska e Martial Bernoux19/11/2024Agrifood systems form the cornerstones of economies, societies, and ecosystems across the world, while also generating significant environmental costs. This report takes a systems-based approach to analyzing the investment needs of the agrifoods sector.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2024
13/11/2024Since 2011, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), a group of 26 national and regional development banks with over USD 4 trillion in combined assets and annual commitments exceeding USD 800 billion, has conducted an annual mapping of member institutions’ green finance contributions.
Bioeconomia no Novo Governo Lula: Avanços Regulatórios e Institucionais
11/11/2024Novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio e do Amazônia 2030 mapeia e analisa os marcos regulatórios e a estrutura de governança brasileira relacionada à bioeconomia, com foco no período pós-2023.
IDFC Guidance for Tracking Green Finance
01/11/2024Two guidance documents to support International Development Finance Club members in tracking their green finance.
Panorama de Financiamento Climático para Uso da Terra no Brasil 2021–2023
31/10/2024Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio elaboraram um panorama que quantifica os fluxos financeiros direcionados para a agropecuária e as florestas que estão alinhados com objetivos climáticos, abrangendo o período de 2021 a 2023.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2024
31/10/2024The most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Bottom-up Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Claris Parenti, Charles Baudry, Luke Patience, Ayush Sharma e Archie Graham30/10/2024CPI’s bottom-up climate finance needs analysis can help identify the largest gaps at the country level, track progress against climate targets, and better inform decision-makers and financial institutions on how to increase the speed, scale, and quality of climate finance.
Assentamentos em Foco: Combate ao Desmatamento e Conservação na Amazônia
João Mourão, Priscila Souza e Marcelo Sessim29/10/2024Novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio e do Amazônia 2030 analisa a alta concentração do desmatamento em um pequeno grupo de assentamentos na Amazônia.
State of European Pension Funds’ Net-Zero Transition
Valerio Micale, Shengzi Li, Nikita Marini, Eddie Dilworth, Harsha Vishnumolakala, Tinglu Zhang, Jatin Kudavelly e Li Cheng24/10/2024This report presents an analysis of data from the Climate Policy Initiative’s Net Zero Finance Tracker (NZFT) to explore the progress of 342 European pension funds on targets, implementation, and impact for net zero.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa 2024
Chavi Meattle, Anna Balm, Jose E. Diaz, Gaoyi Miao, Sean Stout, Ishrita Gupta, Sasha Abraham, Alfred Sloley e Dharshan Wignarajah22/10/2024The most comprehensive overview of climate investment flows in Africa.
(Des)matando as Hidrelétricas: A Ameaça do Desmatamento na Amazônia para a Energia do Brasil
17/10/2024CPI/PUC-Rio e Amazônia 2030 analisam o impacto das alterações dos padrões de chuva, causadas pelo desmatamento, na geração elétrica nacional.
Accelerating Sustainable Finance for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
As the pace of climate change accelerates and its impacts rise across the globe, the urgency of responding at scale to the magnitude of the climate and environmental challenge is increasingly clear. This review of the Vertical Climate and Environmental Funds has been prepared by the Independent High-Level Expert Group appointed by the Brazilian G20 Presidency and the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group.
Understanding Global Concessional Climate Finance 2024
Baysa Naran, Tinglu Zhang e Ishrita Gupta14/10/2024Concessional capital—finance offered at more favorable terms than the market—must increase by at least fivefold by 2030 to achieve the Paris goals. This new report sets a baseline for understanding global concessional climate finance and unlocking further capital for action.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2024
10/10/2024The only global analysis of funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution.
The Energy Transition Opportunity: Emerging Green Jobs in Jharkhand
04/10/2024Jharkhand’s energy transition offers a significant chance to reshape its employment landscape, potentially creating thousands of green jobs across clean power, mobility, and green molecules sectors. This Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) report outlines two scenarios—Ambitious Policy Scenario (APS) and Accelerated Green Transition Scenario (AGTS)—projecting green job creation by 2030. With robust policies and investment. The report emphasizes strategic investments in green industries, skills development, and fostering industry-academia partnerships.
Amazon Food&Forest Bioeconomy Financing Initiative
The Amazon Food&Forest Bioeconomy Financing Initiative provides financial support through a fintech platform that aims to enhance the bankability of local regenerative businesses.
Growth Next-Generation Agriculture (GAN)
Growth Next-Generation Agriculture (GAN) is a climate resilience debt fund accelerating Brazil’s transition to regenerative agriculture. It works through financing the purchase of biological inputs by farmers from local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
InvestHer Climate Resilience Bond
The InvestHER Climate Resilience Bond promotes CSA practices and gender mainstreaming by improving access to credit for women-led or owned agri-SMEs and providing technical assistance to enhance their impact on women farmers.
Clean Utilities for Affordable Housing
Clean Utilities for Affordable Housing expands access to renewable energy for low-income households by partnering with landlords and using credit enhancement strategies to attract large-scale commercial capital.
Resilient Municipal Market Fund (ReMark)
ReMark’s blended finance facility supports municipal markets across Africa to build urban infrastructure resilience, reduce food waste, improve food security, safeguard vulnerable livelihoods, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
CoolPact Capital India Fund
Arun Krishnan e Aanandita Sikka03/10/2024The Sustana Cooling India Fund will invest USD 100m in early-stage cooling solutions in India. The country’s first blended capital equity fund focused exclusively on cooling de-risks and scales innovative cooling technologies, addressing climate change and UN Sustainable Development Goals
Structured Finance for Nature
Structured Finance for Nature (SFN) stacks green bonds to finance a diversified portfolio of natural assets, with 60% dedicated to protecting intact ecosystems.
The Landbanking Group
The Landbanking Group (TLG) has created a new methodology for valuing nature and a market mechanism (Nature Equity Assets) to allow direct investment into natural capital stocks – biodiversity, carbon, soil, and water.
SPV for Silvopasture Scaling
María Ruiz Sierra, Guillermo Martinez e Joshua Doyle03/10/2024This special purpose vehicle (SPV) enables the adoption of more sustainable practices that lead to reduced emissions, increased carbon sequestration, and the recovery of degraded land, and contribute to greater income generation for medium-sized farms and enhanced climate resilience.
Regenera Ventures Fund
03/10/2024Regenera Ventures invests, mainly through redeemable equity, in companies within the agriculture, forestry, ecotourism, rural management, and food systems sector in Mexico.
Partnering to Finance Adaptation
This report advances the understanding of collaboration between public development banks—multilateral, regional and local—on adaptation finance in emerging markets and developing economies.
Tracking and Mobilizing Private Sector Climate Adaptation Finance
25/09/2024The lack of data on private adaptation finance creates significant uncertainty regarding progress on addressing climate vulnerabilities and leaves decision makers without critical information on where they should target additional investments. CPI has developed a methodological and data approach to improve tracking of private sector adaptation finance. These efforts have significantly increased the amount of private adaptation finance tracked.
2024 State of Cities Climate Finance
24/09/2024The 2024 State of Cities Climate Finance report (SCCFR) provides the most comprehensive assessment of urban climate flows and needs globally. It aims to inform action on mobilizing finance for city-level climate action at scale by 2030.
Financiamento para a Bioeconomia no Brasil: Fontes e Destinação dos Recursos
12/09/2024Novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta um mapeamento do financiamento para Bioeconomia no Brasil entre 2021 e 2023.
Financiando uma Bioeconomia Global Sustentável
12/09/2024Grupo de 20 organizações realizaram análise ampla do cenário atual do financiamento para bioeconomia em âmbito global, com o intuito de apoiar a Iniciativa de Bioeconomia do G20.
Ferramentas para Impulsionar o Financiamento de Soluções Baseadas na Natureza
12/09/2024Novo estudo, elaborado para informar o Grupo de Trabalho em Finanças Sustentáveis (SFWG) do G20, identifica três abordagens para impulsionar o investimento em Soluções Baseadas na Natureza.
A Roadmap for Green and Transition Finance in India
The green transition has become crucial for global economies, with governments, regulators, and the private sector implementing strategies to reduce emissions and foster green opportunities. However, the financing landscape is skewed toward mitigation sectors like renewable energy and transport, leaving hard-to-abate sectors underfunded despite their substantial carbon-removal potential.
Managing Currency Risk to Catalyze Climate Finance
27/08/2024This report explores innovative approaches to managing currency risks in order to catalyze climate finance in emerging markets and developing economies.
Carbon Rating Framework
The Carbon Rating Framework is envisioned as a tool to facilitate transition finance by providing a standardized method to evaluate and compare the carbon intensity of companies. It could serve as a valuable input for financial institutions, helping them to channel capital more effectively towards projects that contribute to the global climate goals. The paper highlights areas for future research, including the potential expansion of the framework to include Scope 3 emissions and other environmental factors, as well as how credit rating agencies and banks might adopt and adapt the framework.
Just Transition to Zero-Emission Trucking in India
The “Just Transition to Zero-Emission Trucking in India” report explores the challenges and opportunities of shifting to battery-electric trucks.
O Impacto do Crédito do Programa ABC para a Recuperação de Pastagens: Evidências para o Cerrado
19/08/2024Buscando gerar evidências sobre políticas públicas de recuperação de pastagens degradadas no Brasil, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio avaliam a efetividade do principal instrumento implementado nos últimos anos: a linha de crédito ABC Recuperação.
Blended Finance and the Gender-Energy Nexus: A Stocktaking Report
Ayesha Bery, Robin Ivory, Ishwari Sawant, Ilsa Weinstein-Wright, William Wallock, Rosaly Byrd, Jide Olutoke e Yihan Wang30/07/2024 -
Como Deter o Desmatamento por Meio de Financiamento: Mapeamento Regulatório do Banco Central do Brasil
Priscila Souza, Mariana Stussi e Maria Fernanda Contreras22/07/2024Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio realizaram um estudo abrangente sobre as iniciativas de sustentabilidade do BCB para entender os esforços do banco no combate ao desmatamento e à conversão.
Assessing Enabling Framework Conditions for Urban Climate Finance
17/07/2024This series presents tools to enhance urban governments’ access to climate finance by assessing national enabling framework conditions. It also includes findings from our pilot applications in India and Indonesia, where the CCFLA/UrbanAct National Assessment Tool was used to evaluate countries’ national-level EFCs and their effectiveness in mobilizing subnational climate finance.
CCFLA: 2023 Impact Report
04/07/2024Learn about CCFLA’s 2023 impact in closing the investment gap for urban subnational climate projects and infrastructure worldwide.
CAR a CAR: A Relação Entre o Crédito Rural Subsidiado e o Desmatamento
Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam o montante do crédito rural subsidiado associado ao desmatamento no Brasil, trazendo dados inéditos ao nível de propriedade.
Approaches to meeting the Paris Agreement goals
02/07/2024This report aims to provide clarity on two broad Paris alignment approaches and their relevance to public development banks (PDBs). It also presents a practical understanding of the methods and tools available to facilitate the implementation of an impactful and pragmatic Paris alignment approach.
Sustentabilidade no Plano Safra 2024/2025
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira e Mariana Stussi06/06/2024Recomendações do CPI/PUC-Rio para o Plano Safra 2024/2025.
CCFLA Central Asia Hub: Scaling up project preparation and finance for net zero carbon buildings in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
04/06/2024Scaling up net zero carbon buildings (NZCBs) is critical to meeting Central Asia’s climate mitigation goals. Buildings account for up to 70-80% of total emissions from Central Asian cities’ buildings, transport, and waste sectors combined.
Top-down Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Ben Melling e Charles Baudry31/05/2024CPI collects and standardizes data on climate finance needs from a wide variety of scenarios to provide a comprehensive and unique understanding of the scale of the climate finance gaps in different sectors.
Taxonomia Sustentável Brasileira: Insumos para Classificação de Atividades de Uso da Terra
Wagner Faria de Oliveira, Gabriela Coser, Carolina Moniz de Moura e Priscila Souza06/05/2024Buscando contribuir para a construção da Taxonomia Sustentável Brasileira, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram interseções e complementaridades entre as principais iniciativas para definir sustentabilidade do uso da terra no Brasil, assim como iniciativas internacionais utilizadas como referência para a Taxonomia Brasileira.
Levantamento Preliminar das Estratégias e Práticas do G20: uma contribuição para a Iniciativa de Bioeconomia do G20
Relatório técnico preliminar que fornece um levantamento de como os membros do G20 estão avançando na bioeconomia, como base para facilitar a aprendizagem e o envolvimento de seus membros, permitir a ação dos mesmos e aumentar a cooperação em áreas de interesse comum.
Discussion Paper: Financing Industrial Decarbonization - Challenges and Solutions for India’s Iron and Steel Sector
This research underscores the need for increased global finance and proposes policy interventions to promote climate-aligned investment, particularly in high-emission sectors like iron and steel.
Fortalecimento da Implementação do Financiamento Climático: O Caminho do Brasil na Presidência do G20 à COP30
12/04/2024Relatório organizado em conjunto com iCS, CEBRI e CONCITO fornece recomendações para pautar o diálogo internacional sobre financiamento climático e ações para o governo brasileiro no âmbito do G20.
(Des)Controle do Desmatamento Legal no Matopiba: Regulamentação e Governança das Autorizações de Supressão de Vegetação
Luiza Antonaccio, Cristina Leme Lopes e Eduardo Minsky14/03/2024Publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio fornece três recomendações para o aprimoramento do controle do desmatamento legal na região do Matopiba.
Plataforma da Governança do Desmatamento Legal e da Reposição/Compensação Florestal
14/03/2024Plataforma que reúne informações e análises sobre a governança do desmatamento legal e da reposição/compensação florestal.
Restauração em Escala no Brasil: Fatores Essenciais para a sua Promoção
A nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio analisa onde, como e por que promover a restauração de florestas e outras formas de vegetação, identificando três fatores essenciais para impulsionar a restauração em larga escala no Brasil.
Financing Green Buildings in Indonesian Cities
Ira Yulianti Purnomo, Fatihatul Nurfitriani, Jessie Press-Williams e Alke Rabinsa Haesra06/03/2024This report is the third of a three-part series by CCFLA to promote a better understanding of the financing barriers and solutions for implementing net zero carbon buildings. It assesses the current use of financial instruments that can promote the development of Indonesia’s green buildings sector. It also explores how national and subnational regulatory frameworks can address the identified barriers to private and public investment.
Public Financial Institutions' Climate Commitments: 2023 Update
This report examines PFIs’ approaches, commitments, and actions on climate finance in order to help identify gaps and opportunities for further action. In addition to tracking the commitments of largest PFIs, CPI has reviewed the climate strategies of 49 micro- to medium-sized PFIs in emerging markets and developing economies to identify examples of best practices.
Landscape of Guarantees for Climate Finance in EMDEs
22/02/2024Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for leveraging private capital in climate finance, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies. CPI conducted a comprehensive scoping analysis to gain a baseline understanding of the global landscape of guarantees. These instruments were analyzed based on financial instrument coverage, sector and climate focus, geographic reach, and types of risk coverage.
Financing Adaptation in India
Aanandita Sikka, Labanya Prakash Jena, Malini Chakravarty e Uma Pal21/02/2024India faces heightened vulnerability to climate change repercussions, given its diverse geography and socio-economic conditions. This report assesses India’s adaptation approach, scrutinizes the policy landscape, evaluates state-level investment needs, and explores avenues to bridge funding gaps through public and private finance.
Harnessing the transformative potential of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
31/01/2024This report recommends actions to boost the impact and long-term sustainability of the USD 27 billion U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Building on CPI’s assessment of the needs, barriers, and opportunities for the fund, it explores how to take advantage of the transformational opportunity to accelerate progress on climate justice in the United States.
U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund investment needs data map
31/01/2024This data map displays estimated investment needs in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund priority project categories and in each U.S. census tract, in order for the country to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2050.
California Landscape of Climate Finance
29/01/2024To support California in meeting its climate goals and using its budget most effectively, CPI created this first-of-its-kind landscape of climate finance in California.
Just Energy Transition: Economic Implications for Jharkhand
28/12/2023As part of CPI’s Facilitating Finance for a Just Transition initiative, this report examines the annual financial implications of energy transition for stakeholders in the state of Jharkhand, India. The report builds on previous work findings that Jharkhand is among the mineral rich states likely to face the most adverse short-term impacts of an energy transition.
Net Zero Carbon Buildings in Cities: Interdependencies between Policy and Finance
21/12/2023This report offers initial findings on the general challenges and mechanisms behind the transition towards a net zero carbon buildings sector, helping shed light on concrete pathways cities can implement to decarbonize the building sector.
Climate-Aligned Investments in Indonesia's Financial Sector
20/12/2023Our latest tracking of climate finance within Indonesia’s financial sector breaks down contributions from both public and private financial institutions, as well as identifies opportunities to further scale up climate-aligned invetsment and mainstream the principle of sustainability into investment flow.
Climate Finance in Ghana
This brief examines the lifecycle of climate finance in Ghana.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros - Edição 2023
Cristina Leme Lopes, Maria Eduarda Segovia e Joana Chiavari18/12/2023O relatório apresenta uma radiografia inédita da implementação do Código Florestal nos estados brasileiros, com dados atualizados de 2023. É a quinta edição do Onde Estamos, medindo o progresso anual do Código e consolidando o balanço dos últimos 11 anos.
State and Trends in Climate Adaptation Finance 2023
Dharshan Wignarajah, Morgan Richmond, Sean Stout, Guillermo Martinez, Ken Schell-Smith e Rajashree Padmanabhi14/12/2023This report, published with GCA, covers global status and trends of adaptation finance.
Enhancing MDB-NDB cooperation: Understanding climate finance flows and Paris alignment
Neil Chin, Elena Bagnera e Nicole Pinko04/12/2023This report aims to establish an understanding of the state of both climate finance flows and climate mainstreaming across public development banks. It also presents recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness and frequency of MDB–NDB engagement on climate finance, as well as ecosystem-wide progress on climate mainstreaming.
Net Zero Finance Tracker
04/12/2023The NZFT is a first-of-its-kind collaborative and interactive data platform that aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of how private financial institutions are progressing on their climate commitments and delivering impact on the ground.
NZFT: Methodology and data sources
03/12/2023Download the Net Zero Finance Tracker methodology and list of data sources.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2023
In 2022, IDFC members reported a record high of USD 288 billion in total green finance commitments, a 29% increase from 2021.
Barômetro do Código Florestal no Legislativo
30/11/2023O Barômetro do Código Florestal no Legislativo, uma iniciativa do Climate Policy Iniative/ Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (CPI/PUC-Rio), mede a pressão para alteração do Código Florestal por meio de projetos de lei (PLs) em tramitação no Congresso Nacional.
Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance 2023
30/11/2023The latest insights on global methane abatement finance covering trends in 2021 and 2022
The South African Climate Finance Landscape 2023
29/11/2023The report aims to provide consistent information on current climate investments in South Africa to highlight existing gaps, spotlight opportunities, and provide a foundation to mobilize and scale climate finance.
2023 Lab Impact Report
27/11/2023Since its inception in 2014, the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) has launched 68 innovative climate solutions that have collectively mobilized over USD 4 billion in sustainable investment for emerging markets. The Lab has established a pipeline of fundable ideas that strategically leverage public finance to mobilize private investments in challenging sectors and regions.
Governança das Concessões Florestais na Amazônia: Oportunidades de Aprimoramento a partir de Evidências no Pará
Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio trazem recomendações que podem ser extrapoladas para o aprimoramento da governança do sistema de concessões para toda região Amazônica.
Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform
Priscilla Negreiros, Elena Bagnera, John Michael LaSalle, Neil Chin, Arthur Vieira e Bella Tonkonogy22/11/2023This report presents the first assessment of ten MDBs’ contributions to urban climate finance in L&MICs and explores opportunities for them to do more.
A Lacuna de Financiamento Climático para Sistemas Agroalimentares de Pequena Escala
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala e Paul Rosane22/11/2023A publicação do Climate Policy Initiative analisa o financiamento climático global para os sistemas agroalimentares em pequena escala e identifica lacunas e oportunidades de ação.
The Energy Transition Dialogues Communique
This communique serves to address the pressing challenges in accessing financing for clean energy and endeavors to pave the way for an enabling mechanism that will galvanize the flow of capital into the clean energy sector.
Mecanismos Inovadores para a Implementação da Reposição Florestal no Matopiba
Cristina Leme Lopes e Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo16/11/2023A nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio analisa as principais modalidades de reposição florestal nos estados do Matopiba identificando políticas estaduais e federais .
Powering India’s Future: Towards a People-Positive Energy Transition
“Transition Finance: Supporting India’s Net-Zero Goals” delineates the importance of transition finance and explores innovative financial solutions that can facilitate India’s ambitious journey towards net-zero.
Estimating the Spatial Amplification of Damage Caused by Degradation in the Amazon
CPI researchers published a paper at PNAS estimating the damage caused by degradation in the Amazon.
Um Modelo Operacional Inovador para as Instituições Financeiras Internacionais do Século XXI
13/11/2023O Climate Policy Initiative produziu um relatório que apresenta produtos e processos para a implementação mais eficaz do financiamento climático para os mercados emergentes e as economias em desenvolvimento.
Amazônia 2030: Bases para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
09/11/2023O livro do projeto Amazônia 2030 que tem como objetivo propor soluções para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental da Amazônia brasileira.
Green Investment Opportunities in India
While the high-level numbers on climate investments required in India are well acknowledged, this report is an attempt by Impact Investors Council (IIC) and Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), to delve deeper and identify climate-oriented sectors in both mitigation and adaptation which offer potential investment opportunities across green value chains in products, technologies, and services. With the right set of enabling policies and incentives, these critical climate investment sectors have the potential to scale up significantly.
This report endeavours to provide adequate investment information to global strategic and financial investors on the scale of green investment opportunities in India. -
Agricultura Familiar Brasileira: Desigualdades no Acesso ao Crédito
A nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio revela que o acesso ao crédito dos agricultores familiares é limitado e desigual.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2023
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout, Costanza Strinati, Dharshan Wignarajah, Gaoyi Miao, Jake Connolly e Nikita Marini02/11/2023The most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment
Inclusive Climate Finance: Improving Access for Marginalized Populations in Indonesia
Fatihatul Nurfitriani e Muhammad Ery Wijaya29/10/2023This report, developed in partnership with Hivos Indonesia, aims to assess the current climate finance landscape in Indonesia and explore possible ways in which climate finance can be mobilized to target the marginalized populations.
Combate à Grilagem de Terras na Amazônia: O Papel do Poder Judiciário
Cristina Leme Lopes, Gabriel Cozendey e Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo19/10/2023Nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio analisa qual o papel do Poder Judiciário no combate à grilagem de terras públicas, considerando tanto a sua competência para julgar ações judiciais e promover a resolução de conflitos quanto para exercer a fiscalização e o controle administrativo dos cartórios.
Proposal for a Global Credit Guarantee Facility
Kushagra Gautam, Dhruba Purkayastha e Vikram Widge13/10/2023A discussion paper that outlines three approaches for a potential Global Credit Guarantee Fund (GCGF) that could significantly lower the cost of capital for renewable energy investment in emerging economies.
2022 Impact Report
09/10/2023Highlights of our 2022 work, from adaptation and cities, to energy and just transition.
Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings in Nigeria
This report is part of a three-part series led by CCFLA to promote an understanding of financing barriers to net zero carbon building and identifies how national, state, and local policy and regulatory frameworks can be improved to drive private and public investment in this sector.
Políticas Ambientais Brasileiras e o Novo Regulamento da União Europeia para Produtos Livres de Desmatamento: Oportunidades e Desafios
Cristina Leme Lopes, Joana Chiavari e Maria Eduarda Segovia03/10/2023Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam como as políticas públicas ambientais brasileiras dialogam com o Regulamento da União Europeia para Produtos Livres de Desmatamento.
The Next Phase of Indonesia Green Taxonomy: Transition Finance to Support Decarbonization
02/10/2023Indonesia must make a rapid transition to decarbonization while maintaining economic resilience. We outlined key considerations and steps to adopt transition finance into the next iteration of Indonesia green taxonomy.
Vídeo: Panorama de Financiamento Climático para Uso da Terra no Brasil
28/09/2023Veja o vídeo e entenda o mapeamento inédito do CPI/PUC-Rio sobre os fluxos financeiros voltados para financiamento climático para o uso da terra no Brasil.
Low-Carbon Agriculture Transition Mechanism
The Low-Carbon Agriculture Transition Mechanism offers small- and medium-sized Brazilian farmers long-term loans while guaranteeing a minimum income and technical assistance, accelerating climate transition in agriculture.
Impact Financing Facility for Climate-Focused Social Enterprises
Arun Krishnan28/09/2023The Impact Financing Facility for Climate-Focused Social Enterprises is a credit guarantee mechanism augmented by technical assistance that helps innovative, new to-credit climate-focused social enterprises and their end users unlock collateral-free commercial debt, build a credit history, and scale operations to create greater impact.
Lendable Decarbonization Fund
28/09/2023The Lendable Decarbonization Fund pioneers sustainability-linked loan solutions, reduces costs, boosts transparency using MRV tech, and supports carbon project preparation where appropriate.
Climate Resilient Landscape Finance
Climate Resilient Landscape Finance is an innovative concessional debt facility combining microfinance, private debt, and technical assistance to address the underlying challenges to long-term sustainable, climate-resilient land management in and around African conservancies.
Catalyst Climate Resilience Fund
The Catalyst Climate Resilience Fund is the leading impact fund and accelerator supporting pre-seed tech startups that are building a climate resilient future in Africa.
Social Infra Ventures
Social Infra Ventures is a first-of-its-kind rental and for sale gender-responsive green affordable housing platform in Northern Africa.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2023
28/09/2023The only global analysis of funding from international development donors to tackle air pollution.
The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India
The chapter looks at financing transition technologies from the perspective of financial institutions. It attempts to think through the concept of transition finance and discusses the current definition and emerging regulations in the field.
The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India
The chapter evaluates the transition linked to financial risk and proposes a business diversification framework for the PSUs engaged primarily in the business of solid fossil mining (Coal India Limited) and conventional power generation (NTPC Limited). The business diversification framework considers technology maturity, market potential, and financial attractiveness to develop competing investment scenarios. This analysis is aimed at supporting medium to long-term business planning for the futureproofing of these PSUs.
How big is the net zero finance gap?
25/09/2023In partnership with Allen & Overy, CPI assessed the scale of the financing needed to decarbonize the global economy across a range of sectors and technologies.
Carbono e o Destino da Amazônia
Juliano Assunção e José Alexandre Scheinkman21/09/2023O mercado de carbono é uma estratégia eficiente no combate à crise climática no Brasil e tem impactos globais para mudar a vocação da floresta evitando o ponto de não retorno.
The Corporate Climate Finance Playbook
19/09/2023In partnership with Salesforce, CPI developed this corporate climate finance playbook to help corporate decision makers accelerate climate finance strategies.
Panorama de Financiamento Climático para Uso da Terra no Brasil
Joana Chiavari, Priscila Souza, Gabriela Coser e Renan Florias18/09/2023O CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta o Panorama inédito para uso da terra dos fluxos financeiros direcionados para agropecuária e as florestas que estão alinhados com objetivos climáticos.
Preservando a Amazônia: Estratégias para Reduzir o Desmatamento em Assentamentos Rurais
Análise do desmatamento nos assentamentos da Amazônia entre 2012 e 2022, identificando áreas prioritárias para a atuação do governo no combate ao desmatamento na região.
Accelerating Adaptation Finance – Africa and Global Perspectives
05/09/2023This brief highlights the need to dramatically increase the amount and efficacy of adaptation financing to Africa. It also spotlights the persistent challenges related to adaptation finance flows, and priority actions needed to address them.
Julgamento no STF Impacta o Código Florestal: O Critério de Identidade Ecológica Pode Ser Estendido para Todas as Formas de Compensação de Reserva Legal
Cristina Leme Lopes, Maria Eduarda Segovia e Joana Chiavari31/08/2023A nota apresenta a contradição sobre a compensação de reserva legal apresentada na decisão do Supremo, os principais elementos do voto do Ministro relator Luiz Fux e os principais impactos que a decisão dos embargos da declaração pode ter para o Código.
Implementing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Investment needs, barriers, and opportunities
Chris Grant, Bella Tonkonogy, Jessica Liston, Maranda Duffie, Michelle Lee, Ashlee Thomas e Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy24/08/2023CPI is undertaking a project to provide baseline data and neutral analysis to inform effective applications for, and subsequent deployment of, GGRF funds.
The Net Zero Alignment of Indonesia’s Power Sector Finance
14/08/2023Our latest tracking of Indonesia power sector finance examines renewable energy capacity and financing gaps, as well as opportunities to better align the country’s power sector finance with its NZE 2060 commitment.
Oportunidades e Desafios para a Reposição Florestal na Amazônia e no Cerrado
Com o objetivo de avaliar desafios e oportunidades das normas sobre Reposição Florestal, o CPI/PUC-Rio analisou as legislações florestais dos estados da Amazônia e do Cerrado.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala e Paul Rosane31/07/2023This report presents the first comprehensive analysis of climate finance flowing to agrifood systems globally.
Qual É o Risco Climático para os Produtores Rurais na Caatinga? Desafios para a Transição Rural Justa
Amanda de Albuquerque, Pablo Castro e Juliano Assunção28/07/2023O estudo avalia a vulnerabilidade agropecuária a eventos de seca na Caatinga, analisando o risco climático a que estão expostos os produtores rurais da região.
Mapeamento Institucional e das Políticas de Transição Climática Justa na Agropecuária Brasileira
Este estudo apresenta um mapeamento a partir de ferramentas e instrumentos das políticas de adaptação e mitigação da agropecuária brasileira, identificando os órgãos governamentais responsáveis pela implementação e quais políticas possuem elementos de justiça.
Vídeo: Rios Voadores da Amazônia
10/07/2023Neste vídeo, o CPI/PUC-Rio explica o que são os rios voadores e o ciclo da água em uma floresta tropical.
Vídeo: O Efeito Dominó da Amazônia
04/07/2023Neste vídeo, o CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta os resultados do efeito dominó da Amazônia que pode levar ao ponto de não retorno.
O Efeito Dominó da Amazônia: Como o Desmatamento Pode Desencadear uma Degradação Generalizada
Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio apresentam resultados inéditos sobre os impactos do desmatamento em diferentes regiões da floresta. Identificaram que, em média, para cada 100 árvores desmatadas, outras 22 árvores morrem em áreas distantes do ponto de desmatamento devido à falta de água.
Implementação do Código Florestal em Roraima: Redução de Reserva Legal de 80% para 50% Pode Acelerar o Desmatamento no Estado
Mudança na política florestal coloca Roraima na contramão das metas climáticas nacionais de redução do desmatamento e de promoção de incentivos para a conservação da floresta.
Cost of Capital for Renewable Energy Investments in Developing Economies
Kushagra Gautam, Dhruba Purkayastha e Vikram Widge21/06/2023A credit guarantee facility could help address cost-of-capital issues for renewable energy, allowing countries with high solar potential to significantly increase their installed capacity.
Toward Accelerating Climate Finance: Forging a New Partnership between the Global South and the Global North
This policy brief presents ways through which G7 countries can help bridge the climate finance gap and provide much-needed assistance to emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) as well as least developed countries (LDCs) for climate action.
An Innovative IFI Operating Model for the 21st Century
06/06/2023A collection of resources to help guide international financial institutions’ ability to mobilize significantly larger volumes of climate finance
Improving Local Enabling Conditions for Private Sector Climate Investments in Cities
Barriers to private urban climate investments can be found at the macro, city, and project levels. This Report explores the barriers, good practice lessons, and recommendations to improve local enabling conditions to attract private sector capital to support climate investments in cities of emerging economies.
Ação Proposta pelo Agro no STF Ameaça Importante Ferramenta de Combate à Grilagem no Brasil
Cristina Leme Lopes, Gabriel Cozendey e Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo30/05/2023A nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio alerta que um importante instrumento de combate à grilagem de terras no Brasil está ameaçado. A CNA apresentou uma ação judicial junto ao STF questionando a constitucionalidade da Lei nº 6.739/1979 que permite o cancelamento de títulos fraudulentos.
Salvemos o CAR!
25/05/2023Confira a nova publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio que analisa os retrocessos da aprovação da MP nº 1154 para o Código Florestal.
MP Nº 1150/2022: Texto Aprovado no Senado Impacta Alinhamento do Crédito Rural com Combate ao Desmatamento
24/05/2023A MP nº 1150/2022 ameaça as iniciativas de instituições financeiras de combate ao desmatamento ilegal. O texto em votação vai na contramão da tendência nacional e internacional de alinhamento do crédito com critérios de sustentabilidade ambiental.
Technical Brief: Vulnerability Assessment of Mineral-Rich States to Energy Transition
16/05/2023Securing a just transition is critical to minimize the impacts on all stakeholders associated with the domestic production and consumption of these solid fossil fuel resources. This brief helps rank states based on their vulnerability to an energy transition.
Financial Aggregation Blueprints for Urban Climate Infrastructure
15/05/2023This report helps mainstream municipal financial aggregation by expanding the evidence base for successful case studies. It aims to provide cities and CCFLA members with detailed “how-to” guidance that can be used as a reference when developing their financial aggregation instruments.
Contribuições para a Sustentabilidade no Plano Safra 2023/24
Nesta nota técnica, o CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta três propostas para impulsionar a sustentabilidade do Plano Safra 2023/24, apontando ações efetivas para que o país avance rumo à agricultura sustentável e ao desenvolvimento econômico e social das regiões rurais mais vulneráveis.
Policy Brief: Policies and Enabling Environment to Drive Private Investments for Industrial Decarbonization in India
Yash Kashyap e Dhruba Purkayastha28/04/2023This brief aims to support policymakers in making informed decisions and prioritize actions that can drive climate-aligned private investments to bridge the financing gap for low-carbon development of industries in India.
Impact and Highlights from CPI's Climate Finance Tracking Program
Our 2022 Highlights and Impact Report outlines the impact and key milestones achieved by our climate finance tracking workstream in 2022.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros - Edição 2022
Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado e Joana Chiavari14/04/2023O relatório apresenta uma radiografia inédita da implementação do Código Florestal nos estados brasileiros, com dados atualizados de 2022. É a quarta edição do Onde Estamos, medindo o progresso anual do Código e consolidando o balanço dos últimos 10 anos.
Desafios do Seguro Rural no Contexto das Mudanças Climáticas: o Caso da Soja
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira e Mariana Stussi10/04/2023Para contribuir com melhor compreensão do risco climático e o delineamento de políticas públicas de gerenciamento de risco agropecuário, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mapearam o seguro rural no Brasil, analisando a cobertura do instrumento financeiro para a soja, o principal produto segurado.
Discussion Paper: An Innovative IFI Operating Model for the 21st Century
06/04/2023This paper lays out key products and processes that need to be introduced, reformed, and/or scaled to effectively deploy new volumes of climate finance, focusing on multilateral development banks.
Quem é Quem na Transição Rural Justa?
05/04/2023A transição para uma agricultura de baixa emissão de carbono é fundamental para uma produção agropecuária sustentável. Mas isso, por si só, não garante uma transição justa.
Supporting Access to Climate Finance for Small and Intermediary Cities: A Guide for Project Preparation Facilities
30/03/2023This guide focuses on the role of Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) in helping municipal governments and other public sector entities in small and intermediary cities unlock greater access to finance for climate infrastructure projects.
De Olhos Abertos na MP nº 1.150/2022 que Altera as Regras de Adesão ao Programa de Regularização Ambiental (PRA)
Análise do texto dos dois relatórios sobre a MP nº 1150/2022 identifica que, caso o primeiro relatório seja aprovado, sem emendas, não haverá prejuízos na implementação do Código Florestal. Por outro lado, o segundo relatório traz insegurança jurídica, e ainda há um elevado risco de mudanças negativas na lei, caso novas emendas sejam apresentadas no plenário.
Emissions Accounting in Managed Coal Phaseout Finance
Financing early coal retirement creates a potential dilemma for financial institutions: adding emissions-intensive assets to the financing institution’s portfolio during a time when financial institutions are increasing efforts to reduce the emissions covered in their portfolios. This brief outlines several approaches to deal with this possible friction.
Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2023
22/02/2023This third edition of the biannual joint report by IRENA and CPI analyses investment trends by technology, sector, region, source of finance and financial instrument in the period 2013-2020.
CCFLA: 2022 Highlights and Impact
CCFLA 2022 Highlights and Impact Report outlines the progress and key milestones achieved in 2022, and highlights members’ knowledge products and case studies.
Agricultores Familiares da Caatinga e do Cerrado: Mapeamento para a Promoção de uma Transição Rural Justa no Brasil
Amanda de Albuquerque, Juliano Assunção, Pablo Castro, Natalie Hoover El Rashidy e Giovanna de Miranda13/02/2023Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio abordam o conceito de transição rural justa no Brasil, fornecendo uma visão geral da situação dos pequenos agricultores familiares que habitam dois dos biomas mais críticos do Brasil: o Cerrado e a Caatinga.
Vídeo: Panorama de Financiamento de Rodovias e Ferrovias na Amazônia
09/02/2023Neste vídeo, o CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta o panorama de financiamento público e privado dos setores rodoviário e ferroviário na Amazônia na última década.
Diretrizes para Avaliação da Área de Influência Direta e Indireta de Projetos de Infraestrutura de Transporte
Este documento apresenta um conjunto de diretrizes para a avaliação das áreas de influência direta e indireta de projetos de infraestrutura de transporte que podem ser utilizadas por órgãos ambientais, investidores e sociedade civil.
Retrato da Energia na Amazônia Legal e a Democratização dos Dados
Apesar de exportar energia renovável para o resto do país, a Amazônia utiliza combustível fóssil, poluente e caro, para abastecer parte da população local, a parte não conectada ao Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN).
Eficiência Energética (EE) no Brasil e no Mundo: Mecanismos das Políticas de EE em Unidades Consumidoras Intensivas de Eletricidade
Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção11/01/2023O objetivo desse trabalho é aprimorar a política de EE no Brasil a partir das experiências internacionais e das lições aprendidas a partir da experiência nacional. Para isso, além de estudar os mecanismos de EE, é feita uma análise criteriosa sobre a experiência de eficiência energética no Brasil e os diferentes mecanismos adotados.
PL nº 36/2021 Anistia Desmatamentos, Cancela Multas e Suspende Embargos
Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado e Joana Chiavari21/12/2022Projeto de Lei nº 36/2021, que tramita pelo regime de urgência e pode ser aprovado ainda em 2022 na Câmara dos Deputados, pode colocar uma pá de cal no Código Florestal.
Coordenação Estratégica para o Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia: Prioridades para os Governos Federal e Estaduais
Clarissa Gandour e João Mourão20/12/2022Neste estudo, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio identificam áreas críticas de desmatamento no bioma Amazônico e as esferas de poder que atuam em cada território.
Are Indonesian Banks Ready to Account Climate-related Matters?
20/12/2022Based on a focus group survey involving Indonesia’s major commercial banks, Climate Policy Initiative has analyzed the country’s financial sector readiness and progress in assessing, reporting, and disclosing climate-related matters against national guidelines and international best practices.
Onde Estamos e Para Onde Vamos na Implementação do Código Florestal: Oportunidades Para o Novo Governo Lula
14/12/2022Nesta publicação, pesquisadoras CPI/PUC-Rio traçam uma radiografia inédita e atualizada da implementação da lei florestal em todos os estados brasileiros, com foco no Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) e no Programa de Regularização Ambiental (PRA), identificam os principais desafios que precisam ser superados e apresentam uma agenda com sete ações necessárias para que o Código Florestal se torne efetivo em todo o território nacional.
Tracking Investments in Climate Resilient Infrastructure
13/12/2022This study is a first-of-its-kind attempt to evaluate options for tracking climate resilient infrastructure investments.
Panorama de Financiamento de Rodovias e Ferrovias na Região Norte e no Brasil: Elementos para uma Melhor Governança dos Investimentos na Amazônia
Joana Chiavari, Gabriela Coser, Renata Canini e Ícaro Moreno de Souza Melo30/11/2022Neste trabalho, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio construíram um panorama inédito sobre o financiamento dos setores rodoviário e ferroviário na Região Norte, na última década.
O Desafio da Adoção de Práticas Sustentáveis por Produtores Rurais. O Caso do ABC Cerrado
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira, Mariana Stussi e Arthur Bragança29/11/2022Neste trabalho, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio avaliam o impacto do treinamento e da assistência técnica do Projeto ABC Cerrado e apresentam possibilidades para canalizar recursos de forma a gerar maior adoção de práticas sustentáveis no campo.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2022
Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout e Costanza Strinati11/11/2022This report assesses financial commitments made by the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) members in 2021.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Uses, and Fisheries
Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala e Paul Rosane04/11/2022This report presents the preliminary findings of an ongoing larger study, aiming to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global climate finance flowing towards AFOLU.
Policy Brief: How to Increase Financing for Urban Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Priscilla Negreiros e Lauren Knight02/11/2022This policy brief presents key actions for national policymakers around the world to increase the amount of available finance for cities to respond to climate risks.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Ethiopia
This report provides a deep dive analysis of the landscape of climate finance in Ethiopia in 2019/2020.
Climate Risks and Opportunities
More than 75% of Indian districts are hotspots for extreme climate events. The white paper discusses the current state in Indian Financial sector and emerging directions.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance: A Decade of Data
27/10/2022Public and private climate finance almost doubled between 2011 and 2020. However, reaching climate objectives will require climate investment to increase at least seven times by the end of this decade.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Burkina Faso
In 2019/2020, USD 567 million of public and private capital was invested in climate-related activities in Burkina Faso, which is only 13% of its total needs.
Public Financial Institutions' Climate Commitments
13/10/2022Public financial institutions are falling behind on climate commitments.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Nigeria
This report, part of the State of Climate Finance in Africa series, provides a deep dive analysis of tracked climate finance in Nigeria in 2019/2020.
Reservoir Methane Capture Mechanism
The first-of-its-kind servitization structure with blended funding to unlock investments into emerging methane capture technology.
The Fund for Nature
Africa’s first debt fund for high-integrity, nature-based carbon projects.
Financing Steel Decarbonization
The mechanism combines technical assistance, low-cost patient capital, and implementation stage support to prepare, invest in, and de-risk decarbonization technology projects for low-carbon steel production, while supporting the development of the wider industrial ecosystem.
Green, Affordable Housing Finance
Green Affordable Housing Finance deploys construction and mortgage loan guarantees alongside targeted enabling interventions to foster a locally driven and self-sustaining affordable housing finance ecosystem.
The Green Guarantee Company (GGC)
29/09/2022The first specialist guarantor for emerging market climate adaptation and mitigation projects, unlocking access to global investors by de-risking green bonds and loans.
Climate Smart Shrimp Fund
The Climate Smart Shrimp Fund provides loan packages, supported by a technical assistance facility, that enable shrimp farmers to transition to more sustainable and efficient production systems while simultaneously restoring mangrove ecosystems.
Climate Insurance-Linked Resilient Infrastructure Financing (CILRIF)
A novel offering of long-term municipal climate insurance, with known premiums dependent on municipal resiliency measures and a unique linked financial product to access capital for climate resilience.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa
Chavi Meattle, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Anna Balm, Githungo Wakaba, Daniela Chiriac, Bella Tonkonogy e Dharshan Wignarajah21/09/2022The most comprehensive overview of climate investment flows in Africa.
Bioeconomia na Amazônia: Análise Conceitual, Regulatória e Institucional
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio, em parceria com o AMZ2030, se debruçaram sobre o conceito de bioeconomia, mapearam políticas e estratégias nacionais e internacionais dedicadas ao tema e analisaram os principais marcos regulatórios e as instituições de governança relacionadas à atividade no Brasil.
Increasing Subnational Pension Funds’ Climate Investments
This report explores the ways in which pension funds represents a key source of capital for urban climate action.
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2022
The only global snapshot of projects funded by donor governments and philanthropic organizations to tackle air pollution. The report identifies gaps in funding and opportunities for strategic investment and collaboration that can deliver clean air for all.
Revelando Incentivos: Implicações do Desenho das Políticas Públicas de Seguro Rural no Brasil
Priscila Souza, Leila Pereira e Mariana Stussi01/09/2022Neste estudo, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam o funcionamento do Proagro e do PSR e revelam como o desenho de cada um dos programas gera diferentes incentivos para produtores, peritos e agentes financeiros, impactando a eficiência do gasto público.
Precisamos Falar Sobre Degradação na Amazônia: É Urgente que a Política Pública Entenda e Combata essa Ameaça
Neste estudo, pesquisadora do CPI/PUC-Rio argumenta por que a degradação florestal precisa ser uma prioridade da agenda de política pública brasileira para conservação e desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia.
Climate Finance Innovation for Africa
11/08/2022Meeting Africa’s climate finance needs will require significantly higher levels of investment, especially from the private sector. This publication provides a framework for how financial and non-financial solutions can be efficiently deployed to overcome barriers to finance and capitalize climate solutions in Africa.
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2022
Neha Khanna, Dhruba Purkayastha e Shreyans Jain10/08/2022An update to India’s first-ever effort to track green investment flows that measures both public and private sources of capital for FY 2019-20
Busting the myths around public investment in clean energy
17/07/2022The commentary addresses some of the current criticism around public investment in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and outlines why an expanded range of investment approaches are needed now to avoid significantly more additional costs and other negative impacts in the years to come.
Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings
John Michael LaSalle, Valerio Micale, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Eyerusalem Masale, Paul Rosane, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Priscilla Negreiros11/07/2022This paper is the output of an exercise that aims to build the foundation for future work by the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (the Alliance) through a structured approach to analyze the challenges and priorities relevant to cities in decarbonizing the buildings sector.
Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance
06/07/2022This first-of-its-kind report on methane mitigation finance aims to assess global investment in methane abatement activities and create a baseline against which investment needs and progress can be measured.
Royalties da Mineração e o Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico no Pará
Neste documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mostram evidências da relação entre os royalties da mineração e o desenvolvimento do estado do Pará.
Infraestrutura Terrestre na Amazônia: Ações para Sustentabilidade
Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio, Rafael Araujo, Ana Cristina Barros, Arthur Bragança e Gabriel Cozendey04/07/2022O trabalho apresenta uma agenda propositiva com 12 recomendações capazes de ter um impacto positivo e relevante na condução do processo decisório, na redução de riscos de execução dos projetos e na qualidade da infraestrutura terrestre na Amazônia.
Financial Aggregation for Cities
28/06/2022Investment in urban climate projects is urgently needed worldwide. Cities hold most of the global population and economic activity and contribute approximately three-quarters of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, underlining the urgent need for projects to reduce emissions in urban areas and increase climate resilience
Climate Finance Needs of African Countries
An assesment of the climate finance needs of African countries to implement their NDCs.
A Atuação do BNDES na Amazônia Legal
Rhayana Holz, Amanda Schutze e Juliano Assunção27/06/2022Neste estudo, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam a atuação do BNDES na Amazônia Legal de 2009 a 2019. A análise mostra que o Banco direcionou seus investimentos para o setor de geração de energia elétrica na região.
Indonesia Blue Finance Landscape
CPI’s latest study captures the landscape of blue finance in Indonesia and further examines the extent of available financing access for MSMEs.
Private Financial Institutions’ Paris Alignment Commitments: 2022 Update
16/06/2022A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 450 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
Congresso Nacional Presenteia o Código Florestal com Cavalo de Troia
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam os impactos dos PLs nº 2374/2020 e 1282/2019 no Código Florestal. Esses dois projetos de lei impactam fortemente os dois institutos mais importantes para a proteção da vegetação nativa em áreas privadas, as Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APPs) e a Reserva Legal.
Rios de Diesel na Amazônia Legal: Por que a Região com as Maiores Hidrelétricas do País Depende de Combustível Caro e Poluente?
Amanda Schutze, Luiz Bines e Juliano Assunção03/06/2022Neste estudo, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio identificam contrastes no fornecimento de energia elétrica nos estados da Amazônia Legal – isolados e abastecidos a combustível fóssil – com relação ao resto do país – interconectado e abastecido por energia renovável.
Monitor da Implementação do Código Florestal
25/05/2022O Monitor da Implementação do Código Florestal reúne, em um só lugar, informações e análises sobre: (i) regras de proteção do Código Florestal; (ii) instrumentos de gestão e monitoramento da vegetação nativa; (iii) procedimento de regularização ambiental dos imóveis rurais; (iv) regulamentação de instrumentos da lei; (v) decisões judiciais relevantes; (vi) atividades legislativas que afetam a lei; e (vii) os progressos e desafios da implementação da lei em todos os estados brasileiros.
Onde Estamos? 10 Anos da Implementação do Código Florestal
25/05/2022Pensando na importância histórica da existência do Código Florestal, o CPI/PUC-Rio, lança vídeo para lembrar acontecimentos marcantes na trajetória do Código Florestal brasileiro.
Impactos das Controvérsias Jurídicas na Implementação do Código Florestal
Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado e Joana Chiavari25/05/2022Nesta nota técnica, pesquisadoras do Climate Policy Initiative/Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (CPI/PUC-Rio) mapeiam as principais controvérsias jurídicas, ainda pendentes de solução pelo poder judiciário, e analisam seus impactos na implementação da lei, com dados e exemplos concretos de paralisações nos estados.
Cancelamento de CAR em Terras Indígenas: Desafios e Propostas para uma Melhor Regulamentação
Neste documento, pesquisadoras CPI/PUC-Rio mapearam de forma detalhada a regulamentação federal e dos estados, para entender qual é o tratamento legal da sobreposição de CAR a Terras Indígenas, e identificaram que a legislação em vigor não contempla de forma adequada esta matéria.
USICEF Impacts and Lessons learned, 2017-2021
13/05/2022Since launching in 2016, USICEF supported 47 solar power projects, which went on to mobilize 30x in commercial debt over the initial grants provided.
Investimento Rural: Crédito do BNDES Contribui para a Intensificação da Agropecuária
10/05/2022O estudo avalia os efeitos do crédito rural do BNDES para o investimento em máquinas e equipamentos sobre a atividade agropecuária e o uso da terra no Brasil.
Redefinindo Prioridades dos Planos de Infraestrutura no Estado do Pará
Neste projeto, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mapeiam o acesso a infraestrutura para qualidade de vida no estado do Pará.
Senado Presenteia os 10 Anos do Código Florestal com Mais Anistia aos Desmatadores
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram o PL nº 2374/2020 e identificaram que ele representa uma medida extremamente danosa, não apenas em termos de área anistiada, mas também em termos do impacto na implementação do Código Florestal nos estados, além de abrir um grave precedente para que o marco temporal da regularização ambiental seja rediscutido para todas as áreas consolidadas.
Acessibilidade na Amazônia Legal: Mensurando o Acesso a Mercado
Rafael Araujo, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção04/05/2022Esse trabalho apresenta estimativas inéditas da acessibilidade dos municípios da Amazônia Legal. O trabalho, desenvolvido por pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mostra que diferenças na qualidade de infraestrutura explicam a maior parte das disparidades regionais de acessibilidade.
Acessibilidade na Amazônia Legal: Delimitação da Área de Influência e Riscos Ambientais
Rafael Araujo, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção04/05/2022Esse documento discute como melhorias na delimitação da área de influência de projetos de infraestrutura logística podem ajudar a mitigar os riscos socioambientais desses projetos.
Acessibilidade na Amazônia Legal: Soluções Digitais
Rafael Araujo, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção04/05/2022Esse documento discute o potencial da expansão do acesso à telefonia e internet de alta velocidade para dinamizar a economia da Amazônia Legal.
Decretos Presidenciais Reforçam o Descompasso na Regulação Minerária em Prejuízo ao Meio Ambiente
29/04/2022Pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio apresentam evidências de que cooperativas de garimpeiros têm sido utilizadas como forma de viabilizar explorações minerais de natureza industrial ou quase industrial, mas sob regime regulatório mais brando.
The Role of End-User Subsidies in Closing the Affordability Gap
04/04/2022Electricity access remains a significant global challenge, with only incremental progress made to date towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7. Affordability plays an important role in determining whether households gain and maintain access to electricity.
Mobilizing Green Finance while Managing Climate Finance Risk in India
Climate change has far-reaching impacts that are not limited to a particular sector or geography; it impacts the entire financial system. If left unchecked, this impact will be severe. This brief identifies key areas of intervention that would achieve the twin objectives of increasing finance for green activities and managing climate-related financial risk.
Prioridades Que Não Priorizam: Descompasso Entre Objetivos e Aplicação de Recursos dos Fundos Constitucionais Levam à Concentração do Crédito no Setor Rural
Neste trabalho, os pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mostram que, apesar de regras estabelecendo classes prioritárias de beneficiários estarem aparentemente alinhadas com os objetivos da política, critérios frouxos para elegibilidade nessas classes fazem com que não exista priorização real na alocação dos recursos. Em outras palavras, as prioridades não priorizam.
Infraestrutura de Transporte e Emprego: Uma Abordagem de Acesso ao Mercado
Arthur Bragança, Juliano Assunção, Rafael Araujo e Manuela Magalhães14/03/2022Nesse relatório de avaliação de efetividade, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio em parceria com o BNDES investigam os efeitos globais da infraestrutura de transporte no emprego no Brasil entre 1990-2019.
What Makes a Transition Plan Credible? Considerations for Financial Institutions
Nicole Pinko e Angela Ortega Pastor14/03/2022The brief highlights six necessary elements that every climate transition plan should address for a credible transition plan.
Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in Indonesia: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Solutions
03/03/2022This brief examines the challenges and opportunities in financing Indonesia’s ambitious targets on renewable energy towards an energy transition.
Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovative Solutions
This brief identifies the challenges and opportunities in financing India’s ambitious renewable energy targets.
Blueprints for Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm, Ricardo Narvaez, Sandra Guzmán, Valérie Furio e Githungo Wakaba24/02/2022This report highlights three innovative financial structures that have the potential to transform livelihoods and sustain projects at the local level in Kenya.
Alliance Highlights and Impact Report 2019-2021
25/01/2022This report marks the two-year anniversary of the renewed launch of the Alliance. It provides an overview of core activities over the last two years, key areas that members are engaging in, and identifies trends and gaps in climate finance for cities.
Tracking Incremental Energy Efficiency Investments in Certified Green Buildings
Baysa Naran, Rajashree Padmanabhi e Paul Rosane16/12/2021This brief aims to address the energy efficiency data gap by proposing a methodology for estimating climate finance in energy efficiency in newly constructed green buildings and by adding a more granular view on the alignment of projects—and investments—with low-emission scenarios.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Sean Stout, Githungo Wakaba, Yaxin Zhu, Chavi Meattle, Sandra Guzmán e Costanza Strinati14/12/2021The 2021 edition of Climate Policy Initiative’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance provides the most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Conciliação Ambiental e Desmatamento na Amazônia: Implicações e Desafios a partir de Evidências
14/12/2021Esta publicação, que é fruto de uma parceria técnica entre o CPI/PUC-Rio e o WWF-Brasil, avalia as implicações e os desafios das alterações de governança e regulamentação do procedimento sancionador do Ibama e traz recomendações para o aprimoramento de políticas públicas de combate ao desmatamento na Amazônia.
Grilagem à Vista: Parecer do Senador Carlos Fávaro Aprova Mudanças na Lei Fundiária
Nesta nota técnica, as pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio: (i) analisam as principais alterações propostas pelo parecer do Senador Carlos Fávaro e os potenciais impactos caso essas mudanças sejam aprovadas pelo Congresso Nacional e (ii) apresentam de forma gráfica os principais dispositivos alterados.
Crédito para Investimento da Agropecuária Brasileira e o Papel do BNDES
09/12/2021O estudo apresenta uma análise da atuação e evolução do BNDES no crédito rural, assim como das características do crédito para máquinas e equipamentos agrícolas concedido pelo banco.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros - Edição 2021
07/12/2021Esta publicação faz parte de um projeto de monitoramento permanente da implementação do Código Florestal nos estados brasileiros, que conta com a contribuição dos órgãos ambientais e de agricultura estaduais.
A Relação entre Fogo Florestal e Desmatamento na Amazônia: Associação entre Fenômenos É Mais Forte em Assentamentos Rurais e Posses em Terras Públicas
Diego Menezes, Rafael Pucci, João Mourão e Clarissa Gandour02/12/2021Este estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio traz os principais resultados de uma análise que explora a ocorrência do fogo em áreas de floresta na Amazônia brasileira e sua relação com o desmatamento subsequente.
Sob a Lupa do DETER: A Relação entre Degradação e Desmatamento na Amazônia
Rafael Pucci, Diego Menezes, João Mourão e Clarissa Gandour02/12/2021Esta publicação traz os principais resultados de uma análise análoga que explora dados públicos mais recentes e detalhados de perda florestal disponibilizados pelo Sistema de Detecção de Desmatamento em Tempo Real (DETER), também produto do INPE.
O Papel do Tribunal de Contas da União para a Gestão de Riscos Socioambientais das Concessões Federais de Ferrovias e Rodovias
Esta publicação analisa o controle prévio, pelo TCU, sobre as concessões federais de ferrovias e de rodovias, com foco na forma como o tribunal avaliou os aspectos socioambientais dos projetos, com o objetivo de mitigar riscos.
CPI/PUC-Rio Responde: O que é Crise Energética?
Assista ao vídeo do CPI/PUC-Rio para entender como a falta de chuvas afeta a crise elétrica e como podemos ter políticas públicas que nos ajudem a contornar a situação atual.
Assessing Jakarta’s Climate Investments
Tiza Mafira, Luthfyana Kartika Larasati, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Chavi Meattle, Angela Falconer, Priscilla Negreiros e Kristiina Yang10/11/2021This case study is a first-of-its-kind attempt to track public and private urban climate investment flows in Jakarta.
A Snapshot of Urban Green Finance in Two Indian Cities
Shreyans Jain, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Angela Falconer, Chavi Meattle, Dhruba Purkayastha, Priscilla Negreiros e Valérie Furio10/11/2021This study examines the landscape of urban green finance in two Indian cities, Hyderabad and Kolkata
Exploring Viable Energy Efficiency Business Models in Indonesia
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Albertus Prabu Siagian09/11/2021This report identifies the challenges faced by ESCOs in Indonesia’s developing energy efficiency market and suggests improvements, based on market research to existing energy efficiency business models that are viable and can be scaled up in Indonesia.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2021
04/11/2021This Green Finance Mapping report assesses financial commitments made by the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) members in 2020.
Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity
Nicole Pinko, Angela Ortega Pastor, Bella Tonkonogy e June Choi28/10/2021Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity provides first-of-its kind guide to necessary action across the public and private financial sectors
Mapeando o Efeito do Desmatamento nas Chuvas: Um Estudo de Caso do Estado do Mato Grosso
Neste destaque, o CPI/PUC-Rio mostra que o desmatamento da Amazônia afeta as chuvas no estado do Mato Grosso – um dos mais importantes polos agrícolas do mundo, com mais de três milhões de habitantes e oito usinas hidrelétricas.
Leveraging Policy Tools to Improve Impact of Financial Instruments in Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
This brief seeks to inform the development of new sustainable AFOLU financial instruments, as well as replication of existing ones in new geographies.
Private Financial Institutions’ Commitments to Paris Alignment
Matthew Solomon, Donovan Escalante, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Angela Ortega Pastor e Paul Rosane18/10/2021A thorough tracking and analysis of public commitments to address climate change from more than 350 private financial actors across four financial sectors (asset owner, asset manager, commercial bank, insurer).
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2021
14/10/2021Energizing Finance, developed in partnership with Sustainable Energy for All, provides a comprehensive analysis of tracked finance commitments flowing to the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking.
Políticas Públicas para Proteção da Floresta Amazônica: O que Funciona e Como Melhorar
Este documento consolida os principais resultados da literatura acadêmica sobre avaliação de impacto das políticas de combate ao desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira. Além disso, parte da evidência empírica para apontar caminhos para aprimorar e fortalecer a agenda de conservação florestal e desenvolvimento sustentável para a região.
A Economia da Pecuária na Amazônia: Grilagem ou Expansão da Fronteira Agropecuária?
Francisco Luis Lima Filho, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção05/10/2021Neste estudo, pesquisadores do Climate Policy Initiative/Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (CPI/PUC-Rio) se aprofundam na ligação entre a pecuária e o desmatamento na Amazônia investigando a dinâmica econômica por trás disso.
Building Climate Resilience in Cities through Insurance
Idan Sasson, June Choi, Morgan Richmond, Nidhi Upadhyaya e Angela Ortega Pastor05/10/2021The combined impacts of Covid-19 and the current onslaught of climate shocks and stressors emphasizes the need for protection systems for the future – where people are better protected from extreme risk.
Cooling as a Service (CAAS) with Virtual Cold Chain Assistant (VCCA)
To better address food waste at the farm level, farmers—especially smallholder farmers—need access to efficient and clean cold storage solutions at affordable pricing. CaaS with VCCA helps smallholder farmers make decisions on lifecycle benefits, rather than upfront costs.
The Smallholder Resilience Fund
The Smallholder Resilience Fund (SRF) is a blended investment fund and supporting venture studio that deploys synchronized investments and technical assistance across entire agricultural value chains of high-value, climate-smart crops to support smallholder farmers
The ACT Fund
The ACT Fund’s unique blended–currency mechanism addresses high transaction costs and lead times, barriers that have constrained the project pipeline in West Africa, while also shortening and simplifying the project exit process to allow efficient redeployment of capital in further projects.
P-REC Aggregation Fund
The P-REC Aggregation Fund will help unlock capital by monetizing the future yield of environmental attributes from renewable energy generated in fragile states
Data-Driven Energy Access for Africa
Data-Driven Energy Access for Africa uses artificial intelligence to standardize metrics related to customer repayment risk, improving access to capital for distributors and efficient intermediation of credit and grants to better serve customers.
Amazônia Sustainable Supply Chains Mechanism
The Amazonia Sustainable Supply Chains Mechanism leverages off-take agreements for forest-compatible products to provide upfront finance, technical assistance, and structural community resources that catalyze the bioeconomy and keeps forests standing.
Guarantee Fund for Biogas
The Guarantee Fund for Biogas (GFB) is the first environmental-oriented guarantee fund in Brazil. By providing short-term collateral for biogas project loans, it unlocks public and private finance as a promising renewable energy source in the country.
Governança, Área de Influência e Riscos Ambientais de Investimentos de Infraestrutura de Transportes: Estudos de Caso no Estado do Pará
Arthur Bragança, Luiza Antonaccio, Brenda Prallon, Rafael Araujo, Ana Cristina Barros e Joana Chiavari27/09/2021Esse estudo realiza um mapeamento detalhado das principais obras federais no setor de infraestrutura terrestre para ocorrer no estado do Pará: EF-170 Ferrogrão e BR-155/158, ainda não iniciadas, e BR-163/230/MT/PA e BR-230, em processo de execução.
O Novo Marco Legal das Autorizações Ferroviárias Requer Ajustes para Fortalecer Aspectos Socioambientais, de Governança e Transparência dos Projetos: Análise da MP nº 1.065/2021 e do PL nº 261/2018
Neste documento, a partir de resultados de estudos anteriores, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam o novo marco legal e, identificam que problemas semelhantes aparecem no marco legal das autorizações ferroviárias.
Coal Power Finance in High-Impact Countries
Kyle Blocher, Morgan Richmond, Chavi Meattle, Federico Mazza e Melina Dickson16/09/2021This brief highlights the political and economic dynamics underpinning recent investments in coal-fired power in 18 high-impact countries, defined as the countries with the highest absolute gaps in access to electricity.
7 Peculiaridades do Crédito Rural no Cerrado: Atração de Recursos Privados para Financiamento de Grandes Produtores Contrasta com Crédito Reduzido para Agricultura Familiar
09/08/2021Este trabalho tem o objetivo de contribuir para o aprimoramento da política de crédito e para a adequação desse instrumento aos desafios e contexto do Cerrado.
Reposição Florestal: Panorama da Regulamentação nos Estados
03/08/2021Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio fizeram o levantamento e análise de toda a legislação vigente, federal e estadual, referente à reposição florestal.
Áreas de Preservação Permanente Podem Ser Reduzidas pela Metade e Agravar o Desmatamento. Substitutivo ao Projeto de Lei nº 1709/2019 Altera as Regras de APP em Todo o Brasil
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram o PL nº 1709/2019 e identificaram que, se esta proposta for aprovada, ela reduzirá pela metade a largura das faixas de APP de todos os cursos d’água no Brasil, o que permitiria o desmatamento de mais de 2 milhões de hectares de floresta nativa na Amazônia.
Apresentação: Análise do Novo Procedimento Administrativo Sancionador do Ibama e seus Reflexos no Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia
Apresentação de pesquisadora do CPI/PUC-Rio analisando novo procedimento sancionador do Ibama e seus impactos.
Accelerating renewable energy finance in Indonesia: The potential of municipal green bonds
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Albertus Prabu Siagian, Brurce Muhammad Mecca e Alke Rabinsa Haesra07/07/2021Despite their potential, Indonesia’s capital market is yet to see the issuance of municipal green bonds due to multiple challenges. This study explores the use of municipal bonds to support Indonesia’s energy transition targets and analyze the overall feasibility of implementing such bonds.
The State of Cities Climate Finance
Priscilla Negreiros, Valérie Furio, Angela Falconer, Morgan Richmond, Kristiina Yang, Bella Tonkonogy, Aleksandra Novikova, Marianne Pearson, Ian Skinner, Sandrine Boukerche, David Mason, Jamie Boex e Jan Whittington30/06/2021The 2021 State of Cities Climate Finance Report examines the state of urban climate investment, the barriers to reaching the needed investment levels, and the steps to overcoming these challenges.
Investing in nature to build back better
CPI contributed to a webinar series led by the United Nations Environment Program aimed at mobilizing investments in biodiversity as we build back economies in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Um Novo Modelo de Negócios é Necessário para Aumentar a Produtividade da Pecuária na Amazônia
Francisco Luis Lima Filho, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção22/06/2021Por Francisco Luis Lima, Arthur Bragança e Juliano Assunção.
Fortalecendo os Estudos Ambientais de Concessões Federais de Infraestrutura Terrestre
Neste documento, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio identificam e analisam os componentes socioambientais abordados pelos termos de referência dos Estudos de Viabilidade Técnica, Econômica e Ambiental (EVTEA) e do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA).
Aprimorando a Zona Franca de Manaus: Lições da Experiência Internacional
Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção14/06/2021Este estudo, realizado pelos pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, se insere no Amazônia 2030 e pretende dar subsídios para a discussão sobre o futuro da Zona Franca de Manaus ao investigar as origens históricas do modelo brasileiro, realizar uma revisão da literatura econômica sobre as políticas territoriais e efetuar uma análise comparativa entre a ZFM e experiências internacionais de zonas francas e zonas empresariais.
Viabilidade Ambiental de Infraestruturas de Transportes Terrestres na Amazônia
Análise realizada pelo CPI/PUC-Rio examinou a regulamentação aplicável às concessões federais de ferrovias e de rodovias ao setor privado.
Mudanças Recentes na Lei Podem Aumentar o Desmatamento e a Impunidade na Amazônia, Entenda Por Quê
09/06/2021Infográfico destaca como as mudanças recentes na lei podem aumentar o desmatamento e a impunidade na Amazônia.
Análise do Novo Procedimento Administrativo Sancionador do Ibama e seus Reflexos no Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia
07/06/2021Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram o Decreto nº 9.760/2019 e demais normas regulamentadoras e a nova estrutura de governança do processo sancionador ambiental para entender os impactos das alterações na legislação e avaliar se as mesmas trazem uma maior efetividade ao procedimento administrativo sancionador ambiental do Ibama.
Leveraging fiscal stimulus to improve energy transition: Case of South Korea and Indonesia
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Jong Ho Hong, Muhammad Zeki, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Keewon Kim, Soo-suk Lee, Rahmahwati Rosidah e Sangwon Uhm31/05/2021This study, produced in collaboration with the Seoul National University, aims to analyze the COVID-19 recovery policies in South Korea and Indonesia, particularly the role of fiscal stimulus in their energy transition goals.
Como a Nova Lei de Licitações Abre Oportunidades para Melhor Prevenir os Impactos Socioambientais de Projetos de Infraestrutura?
Neste documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam a nova lei e fazem recomendações para futuros decretos regulamentadores, com foco na prevenção dos impactos socioambientais de projetos de infraestrutura.
Debt for Climate Swaps
DFC swaps can reduce the level of indebtedness, freeing up fiscal resources to be spent on green investments.
Results-Based Financing
Donovan Escalante e Carla Orrego10/05/2021This report assesses the potential for Results-based Finance (RBF) to expand post-COVID recovery funds while improving sustainability efforts.
Recovery Bonds
Vikram Widge, Nicole Pinko, Dhruba Purkayastha, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju e Arsalan Ali Farooquee10/05/2021This paper assesses the potential for Recovery Bonds to help sovereigns raise capital to fund a sustainable and climate-resilient post-COVID recovery.
Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity (Consultation Draft)
Bella Tonkonogy e June Choi10/05/2021A framework to guide financial system integrity and smooth the financial sector’s move to sustainability and net zero.
The Future of Distributed Renewable Energy in India
India will require an annual DRE investment of USD 18 billion by 2024, a 10x increase from current levels to meet its sustainability targets. This CPI report outlines the benefits and market potential of India’s DRE sector, examines the current policy and institutional landscape, and provides tailored recommendations for the different stakeholders.
6 Peculiaridades do Crédito Rural na Amazônia: Nova Pesquisa Mostra Restrições a Crédito e Uso Extensivo da Terra na Agropecuária
03/05/2021Neste trabalho, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio aprofundam a compreensão de padrões e condições do crédito rural e evidências para embasar ações e políticas públicas na Amazônia.
Comentários ao Novo Substitutivo do PL nº 2633/2020 que Altera as Regras de Regularização Fundiária
30/04/2021O Deputado Bosco Saraiva, novo relator do PL nº 2633/2020, apresentou o seu parecer sobre o projeto de lei e propõe um novo substitutivo ao texto legal. Nesse trabalho, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram o novo substitutivo.
The Landscape of Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm e Hélène Van Caenegem26/03/2021In Kenya, KES 243.3 billion (USD 2.4 billion) flowed to climate-related investments in 2018, one third of the finance needed annually to meet its NDC.
Konservasi dan Efisiensi Energi di Era Pandemi COVID-19 dan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan mendapatkan wawasan dari para pelaku efisiensi energi, baik dari pemilik fasilitas maupun pelaku jasa efisiensi energi, tentang dampak pandemi terhadap bisnis mereka.
Degradação Florestal na Amazônia: Fenômeno Relacionado ao Desmatamento Precisa Ser Alvo de Política Pública
Clarissa Gandour, Diego Menezes, João Pedro Vieira e Juliano Assunção09/03/2021Visando contribuir para uma compreensão mais robusta desse fenômeno, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio caracterizaram empiricamente a dinâmica de degradação e sua relação com processos de desmatamento em corte raso na Amazônia.
Leveraging National Development Banks to Enhance Financing for Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure
03/03/2021This report sets the stage to explore the mandate and capacities of National Development Banks in accelerating financing for local governments’ climate-smart urban infrastructure.
Nova Investida Contra Legislação Fundiária: Projeto de Lei nº 510/2021 Retoma os Retrocessos da MP nº 910/2019 e Beneficia Invasores de Terras Públicas
02/03/2021Para entender o que está em discussão e avaliar as implicações do PL nº 510/2021 nas políticas fundiária e ambiental, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio selecionaram os principais parâmetros da Lei nº 11.952/2009 alterados pelo PL nº 510/2021 e compararam a lei em vigor com os dois principais projetos de lei em discussão, o PL nº 2633/2020 e o PL nº 510/2021.
A Framework for Tracking Cooling Investment
Cooper Wetherbee e Chavi Meattle23/02/2021Global cooling needs are significant and expected to continue growing rapidly. This knowledge brief proposes a new approach to identify and track cooling transactions.
Improving the impact of fiscal stimulus in Asia: An analysis of green recovery investments and opportunities
Dan Aylward-Mills, Julian Payne, Melisa Sudirman, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Muhammad Zeki e Alke Rabinsa Haesra17/02/2021India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Korea have together announced a total of USD 884 billion in COVID-19 recovery stimulus packages. This study maps the ‘greenness’ of these fiscal stimulus measures and their contribution towards country-level climate objectives.
Melhorando o Processo de Contratação de Estudos Socioambientais em Projetos de Infraestrutura Terrestre
Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio e Ana Cristina Barros11/02/2021Neste relatório, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio fazem uma análise detalhada do processo de contratação pública de EVTEA e EIAs de projetos de infraestrutura de transporte terrestre na Amazônia e revelam: falta de transparência no processo de contratação e falta de critérios para a seleção, avaliação e aprovação dos estudos.
Avanços ou Retrocessos na Regularização Fundiária? Análise do Projeto de Lei Nº 2633/2020 sob o Enfoque das Salvaguardas Ambientais
Para entender o que está em discussão e avaliar a eficácia do atual PL nº 2633/2020, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio fizeram uma análise detalhada da legislação fundiária em vigor e de todas as propostas que foram discutidas ao longo do processo de tramitação da MP nº 910/2019 e do PL nº 2633/2020.
An Analysis of Urban Climate Adaptation Finance
05/02/2021While many cities have begun enacting policies and programs to build resilience towards climate hazards, there are numerous barriers to financing urban adaptation activities.
The Potential for Scaling Climate Finance in China / 中国扩大气候金融规模的潜力
This report provides an overview of the potential for climate finance, green finance and innovative finance to accelerate China’s decarbonization and support its transition to a green economy.
Panorama dos Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil Rural
Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes e Julia Nardi de Araujo04/02/2021Nesse trabalho, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio identificam os principais problemas da atual situação fundiária no país e caminhos para melhorias.
South African Climate Finance Landscape 2020
28/01/2021This Landscape informs ongoing efforts by the Government of South Africa to understand how climate finance flows throughout the economy.
Adaptation Finance in the Context of Covid-19
Morgan Richmond, June Choi, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Bella Tonkonogy, Dominic Molloy, Felipe Larrain e Jennifer Jacobowitz Rae22/01/2021As we enter a new year is that there is not only an array of tools at our disposal to tackle this existential challenge, but also growing recognition of the urgency to do so.
Guidelines for Building a National Landscape of Climate Finance
Chavi Meattle, Angela Falconer e Valérie Furio21/01/2021We outline the process for developing a national climate finance landscape in four steps. By working through each step, countries will learn key insights to how, when, and from whom finance is flowing towards climate action.
Os Impactos do Crédito Rural na Agropecuária e no Uso da Terra: Uma Análise dos Biomas Brasileiros
06/01/2021Compreender os impactos do crédito rural é essencial para a formulação de melhores políticas agrícolas no Brasil. Nesse trabalho, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio detalham os efeitos do crédito em cada bioma brasileiro.
USICEF 2020 Impact Report
Sagar Srijan Joshi, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju e Dhruba Purkayastha31/12/2020In just three years, USICEF has identified over 30 early-stage businesses across 20 states in India, mobilized USD 200mn in debt financing, and has committed a total of USD 5.1 million in grant-based funding to these projects.
Electricity market reform - Karnataka case study
Udetanshu, Himanshu Baghel e David Nelson29/12/2020Karnataka is well placed to meet its energy needs over the next decade thanks to the rapid deployment of renewables. But capacity additions of solar and wind are not enough on their own to help the state meet its targets.
Electricity market reform – Tamil Nadu case study
This case study addresses key elements of electricity market reforms and technology development that are central to the ability of Tamil Nadu, and India as a whole, to meet its decarbonisation goals.
Updated View on the Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
18/12/2020This update to the Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019 report offers a preliminary estimate for finance in 2019, drawing on data published in 2020.
Urban Climate Finance in the Wake of COVID-19
14/12/2020From the USD 20.5 trillion pledged to COVID-19 recovery globally, only USD 1.1 trillion dollars have been committed to cities.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros – Edição 2020
10/12/2020O relatório traz uma análise detalhada das regulamentações estaduais e identifica as ações que estão em curso nos estados, os avanços alcançados e as estratégias adotadas por aqueles que se encontram mais adiantados, as principais lacunas e desafios existentes, e as oportunidades para acelerar a implementação da lei.
Paris Misaligned?
10/12/2020Globally, 29% of new power investment in 2018, or approximately USD 129 billion, was invested in fossil fuel power putting the world on a temperature trajectory of over 3.2°C – more than double the level targeted in the Paris Agreement.
Política de Crédito Rural no Brasil: Agropecuária, Proteção Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Econômico
Priscila Souza, Stela Herschmann e Juliano Assunção07/12/2020Nesse relatório, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio apresentam uma avaliação aprofundada das políticas brasileiras de crédito rural e discutem seus progressos recentes e atuais desafios. A análise se baseia em anos de pesquisa e discussões com tomadores de decisões, setor privado e pesquisadores acadêmicos.
Understanding the impact of a low carbon transition on Uganda’s planned oil industry
Matthew Huxham, Muhammed Anwar, Eoin Strutt e David Nelson02/12/2020Since 2013, the value of Uganda’s oil reserves has fallen more than $40bn (70%) to $18bn. Under a low-carbon transition aligned with Paris goals, the value of the oil could drop further, to 88% of its value seven years ago.
Portfólio de Infraestrutura Sustentável
30/11/2020Agenda dos principais trabalhos de infraestrutura sustentável do CPI/PUC-Rio.
Fostering Economic Resilience in Berau through Smallholder Crop Diversification
26/11/2020This CPI study explores crop diversification opportunities to support independent smallholders in Berau for better long-term outcomes
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2020
Chavi Meattle, Morgan Richmond, Valérie Furio, Federico Mazza, Jolly Sinha, Jakub Linstaedt e Caroline Dreyer19/11/2020The Energizing Finance series provides a comprehensive analysis of commitments flowing to the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking.
Scaling Innovative Climate Finance Instruments: Experience from the Lab
Bella Tonkonogy, Morgan Richmond e Jane Chu18/11/2020While challenging, scaling up climate finance ideas is possible, and is greatly facilitated by four success factors that can be influenced by the entrepreneurs developing these initiatives and their stakeholders.
Ciclo de Vida de Projetos de Infraestrutura: Do Planejamento à Viabilidade. Criação de Nova Fase Pode Elevar a Qualidade dos Projetos
12/11/2020Neste documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio colaboraram com a Inter.B com o propósito de analisar os instrumentos de planejamento de infraestrutura, especialmente aqueles relacionados ao setor de transportes terrestres.
Examining the Climate Finance Gap for Small-Scale Agriculture
Less than 2% of total climate finance goes to small-scale farmers in developing nations. This report proposes a methodology to measure climate finance flows to small-scale agriculture in developing countries and provides a snapshot of climate finance to small-scale agriculture in 2017/18.
Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2020
10/11/2020This report provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and other stakeholders to scale up investment and mobilize capital in the renewable energy sector.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2020
June Choi, Rob Macquarie, Baysa Naran e Angela Falconer06/11/2020 -
Indeks Desa Membangun Plus (IDM+): Enhancing Direct Incentives for Sustainable Land Use in Indonesian Villages
05/11/2020This paper proposes a two-part approach for a potentially sweeping, but relatively practical reform to encourage villages across Indonesia to adopt sustainable practices.
Medindo os Efeitos Indiretos da Infraestrutura de Transporte na Amazônia
Arthur Bragança, Rafael Araujo e Juliano Assunção09/10/2020Neste Whitepaper, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, destacam a necessidade dos EVTEA e EIAs de projetos de infraestrutura logística incorporarem e identificarem adequadamente os efeitos indiretos que resultam de mudanças nos custos de transporte induzidos por melhorias. Eles descrevem como uma combinação de ferramentas de geoprocessamento e análise estatística pode ser usada para identificar esses impactos e provê exemplos de sua importância.
Changes in Energy Sector Financing During COVID-19
Chavi Meattle, Federico Mazza e Angela Falconer08/10/2020This brief, part of the Energizing Finance series, provides an analysis of international finance commitments and disbursements to Sierra Leone – one of the countries worst affected by the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak.
Sustainable Agriculture Finance Facility
The Sustainable Agriculture Finance Facility provides customized bundled loans that match the farmers’ needs and takes into account specific ICLF parameters.
GreenStreet Africa
GreenStreet Africa develops and aggregates portfolios of distributed solar projects at public health and education facilities for implementation by private IPPs or ESCOs, financed with local capital markets solutions.
Climate Adaptation Notes
The first instrument to address water scarcity in Southern Africa by streamlining adaptation project financing into a single instrument through a partnership between commercial banks and institutional investors.
Sub-national Climate Finance Initiative
SnCF is expected to be the first private equity fund to feature a Technical Assistance Facility that provides local government capacity building and certifies all projects for SDG impact prior to investment.
Rural Prosperity Bond
The Rural Prosperity Bond (RPB) provides loans to SMEs working in land restoration in Africa, South Asia and Latin America.
Monetizing Water Savings
MWS is a novel, collaborative approach to improve economic outcomes for farmers, create resilient supply chains and increase water efficiency by using “pay for performance” to accelerate sustainable agriculture practices in water-stressed regions
GROVE: Forestry Smart Ledger
GROVE: FSL crowdfunds capital for smallscale forestry projects, reduces monitoring costs through remote sensing and machine learning, and increases financial transparency and local community earnings through blockchain-backed smart contracts.
Conexsus Impact Fund
The Conexsus Impact Fund is the only fund in Brazil designed to redirect federal subsidized credit (Pronaf) to sustainable production systems and those that keep forests standing.
Ferrogrão: Fragilidades e Lições para a Implementação de uma Agenda de Infraestrutura Sustentável
23/09/2020O CPI/PUC-Rio analisou a governança, o planejamento e os riscos ambientais da Ferrogrão, como forma de contribuir para o debate sobre políticas e projetos de infraestrutura sustentável no país. Esse resumo executivo apresenta três estudos realizados no último ano, os quais: (i) analisam a robustez do planejamento da Ferrogrão, a partir de perguntas estruturadoras, que deveriam ser elaboradas em uma fase de pré-viabilidade; (ii) avaliam o rito administrativo e a governança do processo de tomada de decisão referente ao projeto; e (iii) desenvolvem uma metodologia inovadora para compreender a área de influência e o risco de desmatamento da Ferrogrão.
Landscape of Green Finance in India
Mahua Acharya, Jolly Sinha, Shreyans Jain e Rajashree Padmanabhi11/09/2020Climate Policy Initiative’s Landscape of Green Finance in India presents the most comprehensive information on green investment flows in the country in FY 2017-FY 2018.
Projetos de lei Ameaçam Código Florestal: Propostas Podem Reduzir Proteção à Floresta
01/09/2020O atual Código Florestal tem sido objeto de propostas legislativas para alterar seu conteúdo desde sua edição. Pesquisadoras do CPI/ PUC-Rio fizeram o levantamento e análise dos projetos de lei em tramitação no Congresso Nacional e identificaram que há, atualmente, 56 projetos de lei que pretendem modificar as regras do Código Florestal, dos quais sete podem anular avanços feitos até hoje para a sua implementação.
Potenciais Riscos de Implementação para o Piloto do Leilão de Eficiência Energética de Roraima
Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção26/08/2020Este trabalho tem o objetivo de explicar o desenho de leilão de EE e apontar e analisar os potenciais riscos do modelo proposto para implementação do piloto em Roraima. As contribuições são direcionadas para mitigar os riscos da maldição do vencedor, aperfeiçoar a metodologia escolhida de medição e verificação e apresentar os desafios de implementação associados a falta de alinhamento entre os interesses da distribuidora de energia elétrica e o planejador central.
Developing a roadmap to a flexible, low‐carbon Indian electricity system
Udetanshu, Saarthak Khurana e David Nelson25/08/2020 -
Gerenciamento de Risco na Agricultura Brasileira: Instrumentos, Políticas Públicas e Perspectivas
Neste relatório, os pesquisadores CPI/PUC-Rio analisam os atuais instrumentos e políticas públicas de gestão de riscos e discutem caminhos para aprimorá-los na agricultura brasileira.
Green Banking in China – Emerging Trends / 中国绿色银行业——新兴趋势
This report provides an overview of the development of green banking practices in China, identifying major policies and practices, performance to date, as well as barriers to further
expansion. -
A Importância de Aprimorar a Definição e a Delimitação da Área de Influência de Projetos de Infraestrutura
Joana Chiavari, Arthur Bragança, Ana Cristina Barros e Luiza Antonaccio04/08/2020Nesta nota técnica, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio (i) analisam como a área de influência é atualmente definida pelas instituições governamentais e nos termos de referência dos EVTEA e dos EIAs de empreendimentos de infraestrutura de transportes terrestres; (ii) apresentam um conjunto de recomendações para a adoção de critérios mais claros para a definição e delimitação das áreas de influência de novos projetos, a partir de uma perspectiva que incorpora explicitamente onde ocorrem os impactos diretos e indiretos desse tipo de empreendimento; e (iii) propõem um diálogo entre o EVTEA e o EIA.
Enhancing the Role of National Development Banks in Supporting Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure
04/08/2020This paper focuses on enhancing the role that National Development Banks play in supporting the acceleration of climate-smart urban infrastructure investment.
O Papel das Cooperativas no Crédito Rural: Crédito Cooperativo Cresce em Meio à Crise Econômica e Auxilia na Inclusão de Pequeno Produtor
23/07/2020O presente trabalho, fruto de uma parceria entre o CPI/ PUC-Rio e o Observatório de Cooperativas da USP, analisa a atuação das cooperativas no crédito rural, bem como sua evolução recente e seus potenciais desafios.
O Brasil Precisa Monitorar sua Regeneração Tropical: Sistema de Monitoramento Remoto é Tecnologicamente Factível, mas Precisa de Apoio da Política Pública
Juliano Assunção, Cláudio Almeida e Clarissa Gandour14/07/2020Este documento do CPI/PUC-Rio, traz recomendações para avançar no desenvolvimento de sistemas de monitoramento remoto da vegetação secundária.
Green finance in China: achieving sustainability through finance
This paper explores how green finance in China can go beyond financing assets that are consistent with sustainability goals to fulfill the investment needs required to transform sectors or China’s economy to a more sustainable model.
Accelerating Green Finance in India: Definitions and Beyond
There is a growing need to sensitize India’s financial sector about the importance and benefits of Green Finance, and ways to accelerate green capital flows in India.
Como Melhorar a Eficiência no Setor de Ar-Condicionado? O Papel da Zona Franca de Manaus
Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção22/06/2020O presente trabalho analisa a linha de produção dos aparelhos de ar no Brasil, no que tange particularmente à eficiência produtiva (EP) e à eficiência energética (EE).
Ajustes no Projeto da Nova Lei de Concessões Podem Garantir uma Infraestrutura Mais Sustentável e de Maior Qualidade
Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio e Gabriel Cozendey10/06/2020Nesta nota técnica, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam a tramitação legislativa do projeto da nova Lei de Concessões sob o enfoque socioambiental, com o objetivo de sugerir elementos que poderiam ser incorporados ao projeto para antecipar potenciais conflitos que hoje são tratados nas fases posteriores do ciclo de vida dos projetos – notadamente durante o licenciamento ambiental, proporcionando a licitação de projetos mais robustos e de maior qualidade, promovendo a maior segurança dos investimentos e garantindo a proteção socioambiental
Green Bonds in China: the State and Effectiveness of the Market / 中国绿色债券市场:趋势与分析
Donovan Escalante, June Choi, Neil Chin, Ying Cui e Mathias Lund Larsen10/06/2020The Chinese green bond market expanded rapidly from 2016-2019, with more than USD 120 billion of cumulative issuance.
Áreas Protegidas, Embora Críticas, não são Suficientes para Desacelerar o Desmatamento na Amazônia: O Brasil Precisa de Políticas de Conservação Direcionadas e Coordenadas
Juliano Assunção e Clarissa Gandour26/05/2020Um novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio mostra que áreas protegidas conferiram proteção efetiva às florestas dentro de suas fronteiras, mas parecem ter desviado o desmatamento para regiões desprotegidas. Os resultados destacam a eficácia local da proteção territorial e, assim, corroboram seu uso como forma de proteger áreas críticas. No entanto, também reforçam que é fundamental integrar estratégias de proteção territorial e políticas de conservação complementares para frear o desmatamento em toda a Amazônia.
Enhancing Decentralized Renewable Energy Investment in Indonesia
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Alke Rabinsa Haesra e Brurce Muhammad Mecca14/05/2020Existing decentralized renewable energy business models fail to address prevailing barriers in the sector, ranging from policy barriers, limited access to finance, and high investment risks, discouraging private investments.
Indonesia Environment Fund
The regulatory framework of a public service agency provides solid legal basis for a robust and flexible vehicle to fund activities for public interest, including managing money from international donors.
Perguntas e Respostas Sobre a Medida Provisória 910 de 2019
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio elaboraram 10 perguntas e respostas para esclarecer de forma bem simples o que está em jogo com a MP 910/2019.
A Snapshot of Global Adaptation Investment and Tracking Methods
09/04/2020This brief outlines the current state of global finance for climate adaptation, and includes potential new data sources and recommendations to improve adaptation finance tracking going forward.
Ao Mirar no Desmatamento, Brasil Acerta na Regeneração: Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia Promove Regeneração Tropical
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour e Helena Rodrigues02/04/2020Um novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio mostra que monitoramento e fiscalização ambientais focados na contenção exclusiva do desmatamento primário ajudaram a impulsionar a regeneração tropical. Os resultados sugerem que os ganhos ambientais e socioeconômicos das políticas de conservação podem ser maiores do que inicialmente suposto. Hoje, incorporar a promoção e a proteção da regeneração tropical em sua agenda de política ambiental seria uma decisão estratégica e oportuna para o Brasil.
Novo Relatório do Senador Irajá Abreu sobre a MP 910/2019, Mantém Regras Prejudiciais à Regularização Fundiária
01/04/2020A análise preliminar deste novo relatório feita pelas pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio identificou que o relator: (i) mantém as principais regras prejudiciais à regularização fundiária; (ii) recua em alguns avanços que tinham sido feitos no relatório anterior; (iii) faz alguns avanços tímidos e (iv) insere contrabandos legislativos.
A Zona Franca de Manaus tem Impacto na Eficiência da Indústria?
Juliano Assunção, Amanda Schutze e Rhayana Holz30/03/2020Este estudo, realizado por pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, busca contribuir para esse debate, ao analisar o impacto da Zona Franca de Manaus sobre a indústria brasileira, no que tange particularmente à eficiência produtiva e à eficiência energética.
Os Impactos do Crédito Rural na Produção Agropecuária e no Uso da Terra: Uma Análise por Linhas de Crédito, Tipo de Produtor e Finalidade do Crédito
Neste trabalho, o CPI/PUC-RIO faz uma análise detalhada do impacto da política de crédito rural na produção agrícola, uso da terra e desmatamento no Brasil.
Relator da MP 910/2019 Flexibiliza Ainda Mais a Regularização Fundiária
A análise do relatório legislativo feita pelas pesquisadoras do CPI/ PUC-Rio identificou que as principais mudanças propostas pelo relator flexibilizam consideravelmente mais as regras para a regularização fundiária. As alterações: (i) favorecem ainda mais médios e grandes ocupantes de terras públicas, em detrimento de pequenos agricultores; (ii) diminuem o controle sobre áreas embargadas ou que foram objeto de infração ambiental; e (iii) mantém o desalinhamento das políticas fundiária e ambiental.
Os Impactos Ambientais da Ferrogrão: Uma Avaliação Ex-ante dos Riscos de Desmatamento
Juliano Assunção, Arthur Bragança e Rafael Araujo13/03/2020Análise dos pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mostra que a construção da Ferrogrão incentivará agricultores e pecuaristas localizados no estado do Mato Grosso a ampliarem a produção, aumentando a demanda por terras. Caso nenhuma medida de mitigação seja implementada, isso pode induzir o desmatamento de cerca 2.043 quilômetros quadrados de vegetação nativa em quase quarenta municípios desse estado.
Jabuti em Medida Provisória Enfraquece a Proteção da Floresta Amazônica no Código Florestal
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram estas emendas e descobriram que elas poderão diminuir automaticamente a Reserva Legal de 80% para 50% nos estados de Roraima e Amapá, enfraquecendo a proteção da Floresta Amazônica no Código Florestal, além de reduzir mais de quatro mil hectares da Floresta Nacional de Roraima.
Medida Provisória Recompensa Atividades Criminosas: Análise da MP 910/2019 que Altera o Marco Legal da Regularização Fundiária de Ocupações em Terras Públicas Federais
A análise da MP 910/2019 feita pelas pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio indica que a MP 910/2019: legitima a grilagem e o desmatamento ilegal; promove o desalinhamento das políticas fundiária e ambiental e favorece médio e grandes produtores rurais em detrimento de agricultores familiares, povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais.
Tracking Adaptation Finance: Advancing Methods to Capture Finance Flows in the Landscape
Morgan Richmond e Karoline Hallmeyer20/12/2019In this brief, we set out potential methods to fill data gaps in adaptation tracking in the Landscape and propose methods to measure progress.
Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros – Edição 2019
Esta publicação do CPI/PUC-Rio descreve a situação atual do Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) e do PRA em todas as unidades da federação, identificando os avanços alcançados, as principais lacunas existentes, e apresenta recomendações para política pública.
IDFC Green Finance Mapping Report 2019
The International Development Finance Club (IDFC) is the leading group of 26 national and regional development banks from all over the world, the majority of which are active in emerging markets. During the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019, IDFC resolved to mobilize significant volumes of financing for meeting climate and development goals.
Pecuária mais Produtiva para o Brasil: Redução das Áreas de Pastagens Pode Mostrar um Caminho
Este trabalho do CPI/PUC-Rio, descreve a relação entre produtividade pecuária e a porcentagem das fazendas utilizada como pastagem. Estimativas utilizando dados dos Censos Agropecuários das últimas quatro décadas mostram que essas variáveis são inversamente relacionadas, indicando que a pecuária se torna mais produtiva à medida que a área de pastagens cai. Exercícios empíricos adicionais apontam que o custo relativo da terra vis-à-vis o capital pode explicar essa relação. Por fim, o documento discute lições para políticas públicas que podem mostrar um caminho para aumentar a produtividade sem induzir novos desmatamentos.
O Brasil Sabe como Deter o Desmatamento na Amazônia: Monitoramento e Fiscalização Funcionam e Devem ser Fortalecidos
A presente análise, elaborada por pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, mostra que esse sistema de monitoramento e fiscalização no combate ao desmatamento funciona. Além disso, a análise indica que a proteção da floresta não interferiu na produção agropecuária local e que os benefícios da política superaram seus custos.
Por que Proteger a Amazônia?
Infográfico produzido pelos pesquisadores CPI/PUC-Rio, reiterando a importância do controle do desmatamento na Amazônia para o crescimento econômico do Brasil
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
Barbara Buchner, Alex Clark, Angela Falconer, Rob Macquarie, Chavi Meattle, Rowena Tolentino e Cooper Wetherbee07/11/2019The 2019 edition of Climate Policy Initiative’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance provides the most comprehensive overview of global climate-related primary investment.
Infraestrutura Sustentável na Amazônia: Fortalecendo Critérios Socioambientais para a Viabilidade de Projetos no Brasil
Juliano Assunção, Ana Cristina Barros, Joana Chiavari, Arthur Bragança, Luiza Antonaccio, Rafael Araujo e Gabriel Cozendey31/10/2019Esse projeto desenvolvido pelo CPI/PUC-Rio, possui o objetivo de apresentar propostas de alteração da regulação e das diretrizes vigentes, validadas por especialistas, para melhorar o processo de decisão quanto ao risco socioambiental e econômico ao longo do ciclo de vida de um projeto de infraestrutura, e promover o diálogo com os atores chave envolvidos na tomada de decisão para a implementação dessas propostas.
Measuring the Private Capital Response to Climate Change: A Proposed Dashboard
Padraig Oliver, Alex Clark e Angela Falconer28/10/2019This brief, which is part of CPI’s work on tracking global climate finance flows, proposes a preliminary methodological approach and analytical framework to measure the nature and speed of shifts in private capital in response to climate change.
Alterações no CAR e no PRA: O que Muda para os Produtores Rurais
25/10/2019Neste documento, especialistas do CPI/PUC-Rio e INPUT trazem uma análise das mudanças recentes e explicam as implicações para os produtores rurais com o objetivo de auxiliá-los a entrar em conformidade com a lei. A participação efetiva dos produtores no cumprimento das normas é fundamental para a implementação do Código Florestal.
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2019
Federico Mazza, Chavi Meattle, Rahul Barua, Valérie Furio, Jolly Sinha, Morgan Richmond e Caroline Dreyer22/10/2019The Energizing Finance series, developed by SE4All in partnership with CPI, is the first and only in-depth attempt to capture multiple years of data on finance for the two key areas of energy access: electrification and clean cooking.
Congresso Nacional Aprova Alterações ao Código Florestal: Mudanças na Lei Trazem Mais Segurança Jurídica para o CAR e o PRA
Neste documento, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio, por meio da iniciativa INPUT, apresentam uma análise detalhada das alterações ao Código Florestal decorrentes da Lei 13.887/2019, esclarecem a aplicação das novas regras, examinam lacunas existentes e identificam possíveis desafios de implementação.
O Futuro da Infraestrutura do Brasil em Discussão: Visão Integrada dos Projetos de Lei em Tramitação é Necessária para Garantir Avanços
10/10/2019Neste documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam a oportunidade de um debate integrado para garantir um futuro de melhor infraestrutura para o país com conservação ambiental, tendo como ponto de partida os projetos de lei em curso. O setor produtivo e a sociedade como um todo podem se beneficiar.
The Lab: 2018-2019 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Dario Abramskiehn, Morgan Richmond, Ben Broché, Valérie Furio, Sarah Conway, Federico Mazza, Felipe Borschiver, Amanda Lonsdale, Valerio Micale, Daniela Chiriac, Hélène Van Caenegem, Soumaila Diakite, Rosaly Byrd e Randy Rakhmadi02/10/2019Lab members voted to endorse all six financial mechanisms and enterprises in the Lab’s 2019 class in a side event to the UN Climate Action Summit, officially launching them for operation, and offering inputs for their implementation pathways.
The Breathe Better Bond Initiative
Ben Broché, Ricardo Narvaez e Valérie Furio27/09/2019A bond issue with tied in technical assistance and financial incentives for local governments to finance air pollution and GHG emission reducing urban infrastructure in emerging market cities
Cooling as a Service (CaaS)
A pay-per-service model to decrease energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from cooling systems in cities around the world, by making more efficient cooling technologies more accessible to customers
Restoration Insurance Service Company (RISCO)
A social enterprise that finances and manages implementation of mangrove restoration and conservation by capturing the financial benefits generated by reducing property damage risks and storing blue carbon
Solar Securitization for Rwanda
A securitization which allows solar developers’ to obtain capital to expand their sales, meeting the clean energy access needs of African households
Blockchain Climate Risk Crop Insurance
A standardized, digital index crop insurance platform for smallholder farmers that addresses the impacts of climate change on crop production by making insurance more transparent, efficient, and scalable
Implementing Alignment: Recommendations for the International Development Finance Club
Alex Clark, June Choi, Bella Tonkonogy, Valerio Micale e Cooper Wetherbee19/09/2019This study identifies the changes the Paris Agreement implies for the role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) – specifically members of the IDFC – and how they may implement these changes through a targeted set of activities.
Projeto de Lei de Conversão da MP 884/2019 Inviabiliza a Regularização Ambiental de Propriedades Rurais
09/09/2019Nesta nota técnica, CPI/PUC-Rio analisam o Projeto de Lei de Conversão 22/2019 proveniente da Medida Provisória 884/2019, que altera artigos do Código Florestal e pode regularizar automaticamente milhares de propriedades rurais se for aprovado no Congresso Nacional sem alterações. O PLV 22/2019, aprovado por unanimidade no dia 4 de setembro de 2019, na Comissão Mista da MPV 884/2019, afeta drasticamente o Programa de Regularização Ambiental (PRA).
Transisi Ekonomi Berkelanjutan untuk Berau, Kalimantan Timur
Studi CPI ini, yang diproduksi sebagai bagian dari Proyek LEOPALD atau Pengembangan Kelapa Sawit Rendah Emisi, menguji apakah potensi kelapa sawit sebagai pendorong ekonomi akan mendukung tujuan Indonesia dengan menggunakan Berau sebagai contoh kasus.
Nova Proposta de Alteração do Código Florestal Traz Ameaças à sua Implementação: Medida Provisória 884/2019 Possui Implicações que Vão Além do CAR
Nesta nota técnica, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, indentificam que a Lei 12.651/2012, conhecida como novo Código Florestal, constitui uma oportunidade única para o Brasil conciliar o aumento da produção agropecuária e a preservação do meio ambiente. Porém, passados sete anos da sua publicação e pacificadas as discussões sobre a sua aplicação pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, a sua implementação está sob risco.
Alternative Investment Funds as a Potential Pathway for Refinancing Clean Energy Debt in India
Divjot Singh, Dhruba Purkayastha e Gireesh Shrimali10/07/2019Alternative Investment Funds offer the best near and medium-term path to expanding renewable energy access to capital markets.
Caminhos para Produção Agropecuária Sustentável no Brasil: Potenciais Ganhos e Investimentos Necessários para Aumentar a Produtividade Brasileira
Juliano Assunção e Arthur Bragança19/06/2019Esta publicação resume os principais resultados de uma pesquisa recente realizada pelo CPI/PUC-Rio, a qual estimou os custos de capital necessários para maximizar a produtividade agrícola no Brasil sem aumentar o desmatamento. Os pesquisadores concluíram que o país pode aumentar o valor da produção agrícola entre 79-105% e o valor da produção pecuária em 27% sem ocasionar mais desmatamento.
Alinhamento do Crédito Rural com o Código Florestal: Resultados Podem Ser Obtidos sem Custos Adicionais
Neste documento, elaborado pelo CPI/PUC-Rio, recomenda-se que a associação entre o Crédito Rural e o Código Florestal seja colocada em prática no próximo Plano Safra (2019/2020).
Developing a Guarantee Instrument to Catalyze Renewable Energy Investments in Indonesia
Randy Rakhmadi e Melisa Sudirman03/06/2019This CPI study, produced in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) explores the potential of developing a green investment bank model in Indonesia.
Proposta do Relator da MPV 867/2018 Coloca em Risco o Novo Código Florestal
Esta Nota Técnica mostra que aprovação do Projeto de Lei de Conversão da forma proposta pelo relator representa um retrocesso, pois enfraquece e retarda a implementação do novo Código Florestal. Em especial, a proposta gera um grande risco de paralização de todos os PRA em andamento, amplia os benefícios aos proprietários rurais que desmataram ilegalmente, além de trazer um risco concreto de judicialização das novas regras por alterarem drasticamente a Lei 12.651/2012.
O Impacto do Crédito Rural na Agricultura Brasileira e no Meio Ambiente
17/04/2019Esta publicação apresenta um resumo dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada pelo CPI/PUC-Rio sobre o papel do crédito rural no Brasil. Os analistas do CPI determinaram, pelo projeto INPUT, que o crédito rural tem impacto significativo no aumento da produtividade agropecuária e na melhoria do uso da terra. Os analistas concluem que a falta de recursos financeiros frequentemente limita as possibilidades de produção dos produtores rurais no Brasil. Um melhor acesso a crédito permite que os produtores tomem novas decisões que levam a maior produtividade.
Decreto nº 9.760/2019 Altera Regras de Conversão de Multa Ambiental em Prestação de Serviços Ambientais
Neste documento, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio, através do projeto INPUT, analisam as principais mudanças provocadas por esse novo decreto no procedimento de conversão de multa ambiental, identificando quais regras foram mantidas, quais foram alteradas e quais foram revogadas. Para uma melhor compreensão do impacto dessas mudanças, as pesquisadoras também mapeiam como se deu a evolução da legislação federal sobre conversão de multa ambiental. Finalmente, são identificadas as principais incertezas e lacunas que precisam ser enfrentadas para a efetiva implementação do programa de conversão de multa.
Combate ao Desmatamento Ilegal: Fortalecimento do Comando e Controle é Fundamental
Juliano Assunção e Clarissa Gandour08/04/2019Este documento, produzido pelos pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, propõe medidas para consolidar e aprimorar monitoramento e aplicação da lei no âmbito do combate ao desmatamento ilegal. As propostas têm como base um conjunto de evidências empíricas sobre efetividade e limitações de políticas públicas brasileiras.
Sumário Executivo - Crescimento Econômico Mais Sustentável para o Brasil
Luiza Antonaccio, Juliano Assunção, Maína Celidonio, Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes e Amanda Schutze26/03/2019O relatório, realizado pelo CPI/PUC-Rio em cooperação com o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento mostra que o Brasil tem potencial para impulsionar o crescimento econômico sustentável usando suas terras de maneira mais produtiva, dando escala à ação em energia renovável e eficiência energética e reduzindo o tempo gasto no transporte de carga e o desperdiçado pelos trabalhadores no trânsito.
Understanding the impact of a low carbon transition on South Africa
Matthew Huxham, Muhammed Anwar e David Nelson26/03/2019 -
Jabutis de Diferentes Espécies e Tamanhos Ameaçam o Novo Código Florestal
Esta nota técnica identifica que as maiores ameaças ao Código Florestal dizem respeito às regras relativas ao PRA, à aplicação da lei no tempo com relação ao percentual de Reserva Legal e à reposição florestal obrigatória. Algumas emendas pretendem, ainda, reintroduzir na Lei no 12.651/2012, regras que já foram objeto de declaração de inconstitucionalidade pelo STF.
Developing a roadmap to a flexible, low-carbon Indian electricity system
Udetanshu, Saarthak Khurana e David Nelson13/02/2019Without policy intervention and new market design, India’s clean electricity future may struggle to achieve its potential.
The Land-use Finance Tool
Angela Falconer e Padraig Oliver11/02/2019The Land-use Finance Tool offers methodological guidelines to countries, jurisdictions and their partners to map public and private investments that support forest and climate objectives, and those which might be driving deforestation.
Reflorestamento em Larga Escala: Terras Públicas na Amazônia são um Ponto de Partida
Neste sumário, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio propõe um ponto de partida para encarar os desafios do reflorestamento em escala. Eles argumentam que áreas desmatadas sob domínio público na Amazônia oferecem uma oportunidade única para o Brasil implementar o reflorestamento em larga escala recorrendo à regeneração florestal natural.
Understanding and Increasing Finance for Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries
Valerio Micale, Bella Tonkonogy e Federico Mazza13/12/2018This report explores the current state of finance for climate adaptation and proposes practical, near term solutions to both fill in knowledge gaps and to increase investment.
Assessing the Capital Costs of Maximizing Sustainable Agricultural Production in Brazil
In this report, CPI/PUC-Rio explores municipality-level information on revenues, operating costs and farm equipment to quantify the costs of maximizing Brazil’s agricultural production without increasing deforestation.
Desafios Financeiros e Propostas para Produção Sustentável no Brasil
Como acelerar o crescimento da produção sustentável no Brasil? Qual é o papel da política pública? Qual é a agenda de reformas necessárias nos instrumentos financeiros existentes no país? Nesse documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio destacam que há três diretivas que merecem destaque.
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View 2018
Padraig Oliver, Alex Clark e Chavi Meattle27/11/2018Global Climate Finance: An Updated View 2018 condenses a set of updated findings from our Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017 report based on newly published data for 2015 and 2016, to provide the latest and best information possible for policy makers and investment leaders working to scale up investment for climate change action.
Energizing Renewables in Indonesia
Suzanty Sitorus, Randy Rakhmadi, Alke Rabinsa Haesra e Muhammad Ery Wijaya19/11/2018This study aims to understand the role of public finance instruments for clean energy and identify opportunities to optimize them to spur private investment in Indonesia.
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2018
Federico Mazza, Chavi Meattle, Saurabh Trivedi, Randy Rakhmadi, Alke Rabinsa Haesra e Caroline Dreyer12/11/2018The Energizing Finance series focuses on public and private finance commitments in 20 developing countries – known as the high-impact countries – that together account for nearly 80% of those living without access to sustainable energy.
Ensuring Greener Economic Growth for Brazil
Luiza Antonaccio, Juliano Assunção, Maína Celidonio, Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes e Amanda Schutze03/11/2018Based on economic and policy analysis by CPI/PUC-Rio in cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank , Brazil’s Ministry of Planning, Development and Management, and the WWF, This report looks at three sectors that are critical to creating a greener future for the nation: land use, energy, and transportation. For all three sectors, CPI delivers one message: promoting economic growth aligns with achieving Brazil’s climate commitments.
Drivers and Challenges for Rooftop Solar Loans to Small and Medium Enterprises in India
Jolly Sinha, Sagar Srijan Joshi e Gireesh Shrimali31/10/2018A CAPEX model with a commercial loan for the off-taker is a potential solution for these categories of customers. In this report, we assess the viability of the CAPEX loan model with a focus on the MSME sector, identify barriers to uptake, and recommended policy solutions to these barriers.
Empowering Oil Palm Smallholder Farmers through Alternative Livelihoods
Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Cherika Novianti Hardjakusumah e Muhammad Ery Wijaya26/10/2018This brief focuses on the business model aspects of two alternative livelihoods – cattle feed and fisheries – with application specifically to the East Kotawaringin and Katingan districts of Central Kalimantan in Indonesia.
The Lab: 2017-2018 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Selected for development from among hundreds of ideas submitted, the Lab’s investors prioritized ideas from sectors that remain critical for climate change action.
Credit Support Pathways for Rooftop Solar Projects in India
Vaibhav Pratap Singh, Resham Bagaria, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju, Aparna Khandelwal, Dhruba Purkayastha, Upendra Bhatt e Gireesh Shrimali08/10/2018The proposed Credit Guarantee Mechanism addresses the most important barriers to scaling rooftop solar in the MSME sector; and could be crucial if India wants to achieve its rooftop solar target by 2022.
A Dinâmica da Adoção de Tecnologias Agrícolas no Brasil: Evidência Indica Três Padrões Distintos de Adoção de Tecnologias
Este relatório de pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio e INPUT tem como objetivo preencher a ausência informações atualizadas sobre o uso de tecnologias e insumos em nível desagregado. Ele explora dados ao nível municipal para descrever a evolução de três práticas agrícolas frequentemente conectadas com processos de intensificação agrícola: sistema de plantio direto na palha, tratores e fertilizantes.
Responsible Commodities Facility
Federico Mazza, Tatiana Alves, Rosaly Byrd e Felipe Borschiver28/09/2018A vehicle to promote the responsible production of commodities, particularly soy, in the Brazilian Cerrado biome, through incentives to plant in already cleared and degraded lands
Caaporã | The Socio-Climate Benefits Fund
A fund to increase forest restoration in the Amazon by investing and providing technical assistance to restore degraded lands in smallholders’ farms with agroforestry systems and, at the same time, developing and facilitating sales of their products
Smallholder Forestry Vehicle
A vehicle to increase clean energy access through mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, by addressing demand and revenue risk through a risk pooling guarantee
Green Aggregation Tech Enterprise (GATE)
A vehicle to increase clean energy access through mini-grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, by addressing demand and revenue risk through a risk pooling guarantee
Pay As You Save for Clean Transport
A vehicle to accelerate investment in clean transit by lowering the upfront cost of electric buses, allowing a utility to capitalize the on-board battery and charging station for bus owners and recover its costs with a predictable monthly charge
The Residential Rooftop Solar Accelerator
Divjot Singh, Jolly Sinha e Gireesh Shrimali28/09/2018A vehicle to accelerate mass adoption of residential rooftop solar to power 200 million households in India, through standardized product offering, easy financing and efficient execution at scale
Battery Subscription Facility
An electric bus battery financing mechanism to provide long-term debt financing to the electric transit sector in India, and reduce the ownership cost of electric buses to compete with diesel buses
Panorama e Desafios da Eficiência Energética no Brasil
Juliano Assunção, Amanda Schutze e Sara Brolhato28/09/2018Os pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio mostram que a eficiência energética e a eficiência produtiva na indústria brasileira estão relacionadas, ou seja, os desafios de promoção da eficiência energética estão alinhados a questões mais amplas sobre a produtividade do setor.
Smallholder Forestry Vehicle
The Smallholder Forestry Vehicle packages tree production partnership contracts with thousands of smallholder farmers and sells them to investors, providing farmers and forestry companies with access to low-cost, long-term finance while enabling institutional investors to access sustainable forestry investments.
Financing for Low-Carbon Auto Rickshaws
Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Labanya Prakash Jena10/09/2018Financing for Low-Carbon Auto-Rickshaws is a loan product that will enable drivers to purchase electric auto-rickshaws by providing debt financing for 100% of the purchase, lower interest rates, and no collateral requirements.
PopLuz | Distributed Energy for Social Housing (DESH)
The Distributed Energy for Social Housing Fund (DESH) is a financial solution that can accelerate distributed solar power for low-income tenants in Brazil. It is a third-party ownership and rental model for distributed solar systems in low-income condominiums in Brazil. It provides a robust, low-risk structure for investors, and energy cost savings for the low-income tenants.
Deep decarbonization by 2050: Rethinking the role of climate finance
Jessica Brown e Ilmi Granoff18/07/2018Given the fundamental role finance plays in all facets of the global economy, it’s time to ask: How does a focus on 2050 change how we spend money today?
Menuju Rantai Pasok Kelapa Sawit yang Lebih Berkelanjutan dan Efisien di Berau, Kalimantan Timur
Tiza Mafira, Randy Rakhmadi e Cherika Novianti Hardjakusumah16/07/2018Analisis CPI ini berkontribusi terhadap tujuan pemerintah Berau membangun perkebunan berkelanjutan dengan memetakan rantai pasokan minyak sawit di Berau.
A Fragmentação de Regras do Crédito Rural Brasileiro
Neste trabalho, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, em parceria com o Banco Central do Brasil, identificam aspectos da política de crédito rural que criam fragmentação de regras e, consequentemente, variação adicional no acesso ao crédito e nas condições de empréstimo.
Transitional Foreign Exchange Debt Platform
Vinit Atal, Dhruba Purkayastha e Gireesh Shrimali18/06/2018Analyzing all the pertinent constraints to the stakeholders in this case study we propose a solution that appears most feasible: A Transitional Foreign Exchange Debt Platform.
Designing Technical Assistance Activities for Adaptation and Resilience Companies
Karoline Hallmeyer e Bella Tonkonogy21/05/2018This CPI working paper focuses on understanding what would be needed for adaptation and resilience companies – specifically, analytics, or intelligence, companies – to expand in developing countries. Analytics companies help clients measure their potential impacts from climate change and identify measures to reduce them.
An Assessment of India's Energy Choices
A four-report series that looks at the future of renewable energy in India along different economic dimensions, including the social costs, macroeconomic impacts, environmental impacts, financial risk, and flexibility considerations.
Addressing Off-Taker Risk in Renewable Projects in India
One of the most important risks to the Indian renewable energy sector is the counterparty credit risk, associated with the risk of state-owned utilities delaying or defaulting on their contractual payments to power producers, adding as much as 1.07% of additional risk premium to the cost of debt for renewable energy projects (CPI, 2018), and also limiting the availability of capital.
Indonesia’s Village Fund
Guntur Sutiyono, Saeful Muluk, Tiza Mafira e Randy Rakhmadi03/04/2018In keeping with its goals for sustainable economic growth and an inclusive and equitable economy, Indonesia is committed to avoiding deforestation. As the drivers of deforestation often originate from activities outside of forest borders, it is not enough to solve deforestation by conducting segregated actions targeted to specific forest areas. Indonesia must also work to strengthen the rural economy and improve regional collaboration by working across various administrative jurisdictions that encompass forest governance. To ensure the success of this jurisdictional approach, improved economic power and village governance are key.
Approaches to assess the additionality of climate investments
Donovan Escalante, Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer e Jessica Brown27/03/2018As governments and development finance institutions scale up delivery of climate finance commitments, the question of how to measure and ensure additionality becomes increasingly important. This paper presents new methodological approaches for assessing the additionality of climate investments, developed by Climate Policy initiative through ongoing work monitoring and evaluating the Climate Public Private Partnership (CP3).
O Código Florestal Pode ser Finalmente Implementado. E Agora?
O cumprimento das normas pelos produtores rurais é fundamental para a efetiva implementação do Código Florestal. Para auxilia-los a entrar em conformidade com a lei, o CPI/PUC-Rio e projeto INPUT trazem, neste documento, um resumo do resultado do julgamento do STF, assim como suas implicações para os produtores.
Getting to India’s Renewable Energy Targets
Labanya Prakash Jena, Chavi Meattle e Gireesh Shrimali15/03/2018This study finds that while the renewable energy sector in India offers an attractive investment opportunity that is well matched with the needs of institutional investors, there are still barriers to investment.
Supporting the Momentum of Paris
Padraig Oliver, Bella Tonkonogy, David Wang e Xueying Wang07/03/2018In light of not only the scale of climate finance needs, but also the type of public finance instruments needed to leverage private flows, the importance of more connected coordination and collaboration by international public climate finance actors is crucial. Systems thinking approaches support the recognition of the effects of existing and new actors on scaling overall flows and their direction of travel, as well as support the collective optimisation of public finance interventions to achieve the scale needed – helping to understand not only the specific niche of each actor, but also how actors can most effectively coordinate and collaborate to achieve enduring impact.
Decisão do STF Sobre o Novo Código Florestal Enfraquece a Cota de Reserva Ambiental (CRA)
02/03/2018Em novo artigo, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio comentam que apesar do Supremo Tribunal Federal manter os principais pilares da lei que instituiu o novo Código Florestal e abrir caminho para a sua implementação, com relação à Cota de Reserva Ambiental, ainda há uma incoerência importante.
Nota Técnica Sobre o Julgamento do Novo Código Florestal
28/02/2018Em nota técnica, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio comentam que o STF deveria ter se debruçado sobre a questão principal: decidir sobre a constitucionalidade do marco temporal de 22 de julho de 2008, que cria o duplo regime jurídico – o regime geral das Áreas de Preservação Permanente e Reserva Legal e o regime especial, com parâmetros mais flexíveis, das áreas consolidadas em APP e Reserva Legal.
Canais de Distribuição de Crédito Rural
27/02/2018Este resumo do CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta um panorama dos canais de distribuição de crédito no Brasil, apontando como estes geram incertezas adicionais para os produtores rurais, e foca nos efeitos do acesso ao financiamento agropecuário em nível municipal.
Scaling up Rooftop Solar Power in India: The Potential of Solar Municipal Bonds
Saurabh Trivedi, Indro Ray e Gregor Vulturius22/02/2018A new model for municipal financing for rooftop solar, via issuance of municipal bonds, has the potential to increase debt availability for rooftop solar project developers and lower rooftop solar costs up to 12% in Indian cities.
Blended Finance in Clean Energy: Experiences and Opportunities
Bella Tonkonogy, Jessica Brown, Valerio Micale, Xueying Wang e Alex Clark25/01/2018 -
Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2018
Barbara Buchner, Cameron Carswell, Chavi Meattle, Padraig Oliver, Xueying Wang, Henning Wuester, Caroline Dreyer, Federico Mazza, Rabia Ferroukhi e Diala Hawila13/01/2018The Global Landscape of Renewable Energy 2018 report is a concise, accessible summary of finance flows to renewables around the world. The study examines finance flows worldwide in 2013-2016, broken down by technology, financial instrument, and region.
Comentários ao Voto do Ministro Luiz Fux - ADIs Código Florestal
Em nota técnica, pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio analisaram o voto do Ministro do STF Luiz Fux no julgamento das quatro Ações Diretas de Inconstitucionalidade contra o novo Código Florestal. Elas mostram inconsistências no voto e prováveis desdobramentos para a implementação do código caso o entendimento do ministro prevaleça no STF.
Usinas Hidrelétricas no Brasil Geram Efeitos Econômicos Locais Diversos
Juliano Assunção, Dimitri Szerman e Francisco Costa17/11/2017A construção de novas usinas hidrelétricas (UHEs) é tema frequente de debates que não se limitam à questão da geração de energia. Este documento resume um estudo que avalia os efeitos locais da construção de usinas hidrelétricas a partir de indicadores como economia local e contas municipais.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017
Barbara Buchner, Padraig Oliver, Xueying Wang, Cameron Carswell, Chavi Meattle e Federico Mazza31/10/2017Climate Policy Initiative’s 2017 edition of the Global Landscape of Climate Finance updates the most comprehensive assessment of annual climate finance flows with data from 2015 and 2016, providing, for the first time, a five-year trend analysis on the how, where, and from whom finance is flowing toward low-carbon and climate-resilient actions globally.
Legislação Florestal e de Uso da Terra: Uma Comparação Internacional
O principal objetivo deste estudo, desenvolvido por pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio, através do projeto INPUT, é responder sobretudo a questão: O que significa a implementação efetiva do Código Florestal brasileiro se comparado às exigências legais de outros países? Analisando se os outros países possuem limitações ao uso das propriedades rurais, assim como o faz o Código Florestal brasileiro.
Geração Fotovoltaica Distribuída: Um Mercado em Desenvolvimento
O Brasil possui potencial para estimular o uso de energia solar através da geração distribuída, que consiste na geração de energia na própria unidade de consumo. Neste novo estudo, pesquisadores do CPI analisam mais de cinco mil municípios do Brasil e mostram que fatores da demanda estimulam a penetração de geração fotovoltaica distribuída.
The Lab: 2016-2017 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Joseph Mabe, Angela Falconer, Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer, Valerio Micale, Dario Abramskiehn, Tatiana Alves, Felipe Borschiver, Donovan Escalante, Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi, Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Ricardo Narvaez20/09/2017 -
Green FIDC
Um instrumento para empacotar e securitizar os fluxos de caixa de projetos de energia renovável e vender ações nos mercados de capitais locais, fornecendo financiamento de longo prazo para projetos no Brasil
Cloud Forest Blue Energy Mechanism
Ricardo Narvaez, Joseph Mabe e Angela Falconer19/09/2017A mechanism for restoration and conservation of cloud forests in Latin America, which can improve the productivity of hydroelectric plants
Lab Instrument Analysis: CRAFT
Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer e Valerio Micale19/09/2017A fund that blends commercial and catalytic finance to invest growth equity in companies to accelerate the diffusion of climate intelligence products and resilience building solutions
Tracking Finance for Electricity and Clean Cooking Access
Barbara Buchner, Federico Mazza, Valerio Micale, Vivien Foster, Corinna Bordewieck, Danya Li Churanek, Dana Rysankova, Rahul Barua, Cameron Carswell, Malcolm Cosgrove-Davies, Rebecca Soares e Alp Katalan18/09/2017The new Energizing Finance report series reveals that current flow of finance for energy access and clean cooking will not achieve global goals for delivering universal access by 2030. Yet the data also shows that by scaling and refining finance strategies, we can reach more people, more affordably, with sustainable energy.
Supporting National Development Banks to Drive Investment in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Brazil, Mexico, and Chile
Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer, Chiara Trabacchi, Donovan Escalante, Maria Netto, Maria Margarita Cabrera e Alexander Vasa18/09/2017The Paris Agreement combats climate change through country-defined sustainable development plans, aiming to align financing flows with low-carbon climate resilient growth. National development banks and local financial institutions can play key roles in providing climate financing and supporting implementation of these plans.
Nota Técnica Sobre Áreas 'Anistiadas' Pelo Novo Código Florestal
15/09/2017Pesquisadoras do CPI questionam número divulgado por estudo sobre áreas ‘anistiadas’ pelo novo Código Florestal.
Financing clean power: a risk-based approach to choosing ownership models and policy & finance instruments
Will Steggals, David Nelson e Gaia Stigliani04/09/2017 -
Building Resilience In Brazil's Biofuel Market
The analysts observe that the rise of flex cars is a key channel for improving consumer benefits and should be taken into consideration by policymakers, especially when they consider expanding production and markets for alternative fuels, such as hydrogen and electricity.
Overcoming barriers to institutional investments in renewables
Matthew Huxham, Uday Varadarajan, Brian O'Connell e David Nelson08/08/2017 -
Clean Energy Investment Trust: financial innovation for pension funds & insurers
Uday Varadarajan, Matthew Huxham, Brian O'Connell, David Nelson e David Posner08/08/2017 -
Cota de Reserva Ambiental: Melhor Opção para Compensar Reserva Legal?
Pesquisadoras do CPI/PUC-Rio, através do projeto INPUT, analisaram as alternativas para compensação de Reserva Legal, ressaltando as vantagens e desvantagens inerentes a cada modalidade
Como Interpretar o Aumento da Regeneração na Amazônia Brasileira?
A partir de uma análise de dados, pesquisadores do CPI, através do projeto INPUT, realizaram um estudo que busca interpretar o crescimento da vegetação secundária da Amazônia brasileira.
Por que é Importante Discutir os Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil Rural?
Mais certeza sobre os direitos de propriedade no Brasil rural pode beneficiar todo o país. Entenda o porquê neste infográfico produzido pelo CPI.
Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil Rural: História, Problemas e Caminhos
06/06/2017Este estudo fornece uma visão aprofundada da evolução dos direitos fundiários no Brasil e do caminho histórico que influenciou a situação complexa atual. O problema da insegurança dos direitos de propriedade é bastante multifacetado e é difícil para tomadores de decisão decidirem por onde começar as mudanças. Este relatório identifica os principais problemas e mapeia recomendações sobre o tema.
Melhorar a Produtividade Agrícola Brasileira é um Passo Importante Para a Mitigação das Mudanças Climáticas
O potencial de conciliação do aumento da produção agrícola com a conservação ambiental é mais do que uma possibilidade teórica. São apresentados quatro exemplos em que grandes transformações na agricultura realmente promoveram ganhos de rendimento, sem aumentar o desmatamento – a adaptação da soja ao cerrado, a eletrificação rural, a expansão recente da cana-de-açúcar e mudanças nos preços relativos das lavouras em relação à carne bovina.
Electrification, Agricultural Productivity and Deforestation in Brazil
22/05/2017This study identifies productivity shocks using the expansion of rural electrification in Brazil during 1960-2000. The analysis shows that electrification increased crop productivity, and farmers subsequently both expand farming through frontier land conversion, but also shift away from cattle ranching and into crop cultivation.
Flexibility: the path to low-carbon, low-cost electricity grids
David Nelson, Andrew Goggins e David Posner25/04/2017 -
Conversão de Multas Ambientais em Prestação de Serviços Ambientais
17/04/2017Neste documento, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio analisam os principais entraves para a utilização da conversão de multa ambiental em prestação de serviços ambientais e propõem recomendações a serem adotadas pelo Poder Executivo para a sua efetiva implementação. Por fim, discutem a adoção desse mecanismo através do Código Florestal
Decarbonization of Indian Railways: Assessing Balancing Costs and Policy Risks
Charith Konda, Kuldeep Sharma e Gireesh Shrimali05/04/2017Complete decarbonization of the electricity demand of Indian Railways (IR) – transitioning from the current, largely fossil-fuel based energy mix to clean energy like solar and wind power – is likely to have multiple benefits. These include support in achieving India’s clean energy targets, enhancing India’s energy security, and reducing IR’s operational costs.
Lessons and Innovations to Spur Green Investment in Developing Countries
Jane Wilkinson04/04/2017This brief compiles and summarizes lessons from CPI analysis and projects from 2015 and 2016 on how governments and public finance institutions can work together with each other and the private sector to effectively and efficiently reduce the risks and costs of projects in order to attract green investment.
The Productivity of International Financial Institutions’ Energy Interventions
Martin Stadelmann, Karoline Hallmeyer e Mariano Mejìa Valenzuela14/03/2017This report analyses international financial institutions’ energy portfolios, identifies best practices, and develops an innovative methodological approach to show these organizations how they can adjust their approach to deliver on their mandates to increase economic productivity and meet environmental and social objectives while lowering energy use from fossil fuel sources at least cost.
The Landscape of REDD+ Aligned Finance in Côte d’Ivoire
30/01/2017This study identifies domestic and international public finance that limited deforestation and encouraged sustainable land use in Côte d’Ivoire in 2015. It provides a baseline against which to measure progress towards the levels of investment required to meet government goals for sustainable agriculture and reforestation. It also identifies opportunities to increase finance available for implementation of its National REDD+ Strategy. For example, greening the hundreds of billions of West African CFA francs (FCFA) spent annually on business-as-usual agriculture in the country could increase productivity without sacrificing the country’s forests.
Reaching India's Renewable Energy Targets: The Role of Institutional Investors
Kuldeep Sharma e Gireesh Shrimali21/12/2016India has ambitious renewable energy targets of 175GW by 2022. In order to meet this target, the renewable energy sector in India will require $189 billion in additional investment, including $57 billion in equity, and $132 billion in debt. The potential amount of investment in the renewable energy sector in India is more than double the investment required. However, the amount of investment expected falls short of the investment required, by 29% for equity and 27% for debt. Institutional investors show significant potential to help fill this financing gap.
Assentamentos Rurais e Desmatamento na Amazônia
Juliano Assunção e Romero Rocha16/12/2016Com ênfase neste foco em desmatamento em pequena escala, que muitas vezes é feito diretamente por agricultores e criadores de gado, pesquisadores do CPI, através do projeto INPUT, analisaram uma questão crucial: os assentamentos contribuem para o desmatamento?
Green Bonds for Cities in Developing Countries
This report offers a strategic guide for cities in developing countries to access finance from green bonds, a potential source of finance for cities in developing countries looking to secure investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure to meet the water, energy, housing and transportation needs of their expanding urban populations.
European Renewable Energy Policy and Investment
David Nelson, Brian O'Connell, Luca De Lorenzo e Matthew Huxham06/12/2016 -
Panorama dos Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil Rural: Legislação, Gestão Fundiária e Código Florestal
09/11/2016Os problemas fundiários no Brasil são tão velhos quanto nossa própria história. Até os dias de hoje, milhares de imóveis rurais estão em situação irregular, muitos agricultores não possuem títulos de propriedade e há espaços onde não é possível afirmar com certeza quem possui os direitos de propriedade sobre a terra. No Brasil, há vários municípios com áreas registradas que superam em uma, duas ou mais vezes a sua superfície territorial.
India Innovation Lab for Green Finance: 2015-2016 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Labanya Prakash Jena, Vinit Atal e Gireesh Shrimali25/10/2016On October 25, 2016 the the India Lab announced endorsement of three innovative investment vehicles that will help drive millions of dollars of needed investment to India’s clean energy and green growth targets.
Kajian Nilai Konservasi Tinggi Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Kalimantan Tengah memiliki kawasan bernilai konservasi tinggi (selanjutnya disingkat NKT) yang signifikan, mencakup lebih dari separuh wilayah provinsi. Hampir dua pertiga dari kawasan NKT di Kalimantan Tengah dalam bahaya akibat berbagai kegiatan pembangunan yang direncanakan.
Penggunaan Data untuk Mengoptimalisasikan Sumber Daya Lahan Indonesia: Sebuah Pandangan pada Penilaian Modal Sumber Daya Alam
Tekanan pada lahan dan sumber daya Indonesia terhubung dengan pertanyaan apakah mungkin terdapat peluang untuk meminimalkan barter antara sosial dan ekonomi dalam penggunaan lahan.
Challenges and Opportunities for Efficient Land Use in Mozambique: Taxes, Financing, and Infrastructure
Researchers at Climate Policy Initiative—as part of the New Climate Economy project—examined the challenges and opportunities for investing in agriculture and natural resources management, with the goal of laying out next steps toward more efficient and sustainable land use in Mozambique. Focusing on low-cost policy modifications, we found four ways to improve agricultural productivity and natural resource management.
SunSHIFT Global Fleet of Modular Moveable Megawatt Scale Solar Assets
A new asset facility to back a global fleet of moveable, megawatt-scale solar farms and aims to deploy 10 MW of solar power in the first year
The Matchmaker Service
Labanya Prakash Jena, Jolly Sinha e Gireesh Shrimali30/09/2016A platform to drive needed private capital to sustainable urbanization projects in India by connecting investors and municipalities with a pipeline of investment opportunities
Renewable Energy Scale-Up Facility (RESF)
An innovative options mechanism to dramatically reduce risk and drive large amounts of private institutional investment into early-stage renewable energy development in emerging markets
Distributed Energy Generation for Cooperatives (DGC)
An instrument to finance distributed renewable energy systems in agricultural and transport cooperatives, which can help Brazil increase its share of renewables in its power supply and mitigate its carbon emissions
Ecopec | Climate Smart Cattle Ranching (CSCR)
A business model to provide resources and technical assistance to intensify and increase cattle production in Brazil, while also restoring degraded pastures and forests, and decreasing deforestation
Sustainable Energy Bonds (SEBs)
A class of bonds to drive impact investment to sustainable energy in India by offering debt exposure, sufficient returns, and standardized impact measures
Solar Investment Trusts (SEITs)
Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi e Gireesh Shrimali30/09/2016A solar-specific investment trust to mobilize capital to the rooftop solar sector in India
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View on 2013 and 2014 Flows
Federico Mazza, James Falzon e Barbara Buchner29/09/2016Since 2011, CPI’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance has become a benchmark for information about how finance is flowing from actors and sources, toward low-carbon and climate-resilient activities. CPI has reviewed climate finance flows for the years 2013 and 2014.
The Drivers and Challenges of Third Party Financing for Rooftop Solar Power in India
Sandeep Gupta, Jai Sharda e Gireesh Shrimali07/09/2016In order to expand the rooftop solar industry in India, there is a need to develop policy solutions, business models, and financing instruments which can address these barriers. One promising solution to manage these barriers is the third party financing model. However, the third party financing model would first need to overcome certain challenges. This report explores the driving factors and challenges to the third party financing model, and proposes a series of recommendations for policy changes and financial instruments which could address these challenges.
Insegurança dos Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil: Consequências e Obstáculos Para Superação
Este relatório coloca em evidência importantes custos sociais, econômicos e ambientais associados à falta de definição de direitos de propriedade, ao mesmo tempo em que apresenta diversas complexidades no sistema de governança fundiária brasileira.
Expansão da Produção Agrícola no Matopiba: Consequências Para a Economia Local
Apesar da importância de Matopiba para a economia brasileira, o impacto e a dimensão dessa intensificação da agricultura ainda não foram estudados a fundo. O estudo mostra, por exemplo, que a expansão agrícola no Matopiba é altamente concentrada em municípios localizados no Cerrado.
Decarbonization of Indian Railways
Charith Konda, Saurabh Trivedi e Gireesh Shrimali31/07/2016One key sector of the Indian economy that could set a strategic example for decarbonization and meeting India’s 2030 targets under the Paris Agreement is the rail transport system, and specifically Indian Railways (IR), India’s national railway service. In this report, we have identified different potential pathways to decarbonization of IR by 2030 and examined their cost-effectiveness and feasibility.
O Papel da Cana-de-Açúcar no Desenvolvimento Econômico
22/07/2016Este documento traz dados importantes sobre o alcance e o impacto da expansão das usinas de cana-de-açúcar sobre o uso da terra, crescimento econômico, demografia, mercado de trabalho e serviços financeiros em municípios do Mato Grosso do Sul.
Mudanças na Regulação de Transportes Podem Aumentar a Produtividade Agrícola
Se há um consenso de que a infraestrutura de transportes é falha, qual é o obstáculo impedindo investimentos no setor? Nesta análise, investiga-se como a regulamentação deste mercado pode ser a responsável pelo problema. No Brasil, investimentos bem-sucedidos e operações de infraestrutura de transporte dependem da cooperação dos setores público e privado.
Código Florestal e Crédito Rural: como Aperfeiçoar a Integração de Duas Importantes Políticas
27/06/2016Nesta publicação, pesquisadores do CPI/PUC-Rio, através do projeto INPUT, mostram de que maneira a associação entre o Crédito Rural e o Código Florestal pode ser aperfeiçoada e colocada em prática já em 2017, através do Plano Agrícola e Pecuário e do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf).
Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance - 2015-2016 Cycle Instrument Analyses
Valerio Micale, Karoline Hallmeyer, Jessica Williams, Donovan Escalante, Dario Abramskiehn, James Falzon, Chiara Trabacchi, Bella Tonkonogy, Angela Falconer, Randy Rakhmadi, Padraig Oliver, Federico Mazza e David Wang27/06/2016On 27 June 2016 in London, Lab Advisors and Principals met to review 2015-2016 instruments, endorse their technical design, and indicate future backing. Principals endorsed four pilot-ready instruments to unlock investment in climate adaptation and mitigation in developing countries.
Lab Instrument Analysis: Energy Efficiency Enabling Initiative
A private equity fund that relies on donor-backed equity capital, technical assistance, and risk mitigation instruments to crowd in private investment in energy efficiency
Beyond YieldCos
Uday Varadarajan, David Nelson, Andrew Goggins e Morgan Hervé-Mignucci27/06/2016 -
The Role of the Climate Investment Funds in Meeting Investment Needs
Chiara Trabacchi, Jessica Brown, Rodney Boyd, David Wang e James Falzon03/06/2016This study’s primary aim is to identify if and where the CIF business model adds value in the landscape of climate finance and whether the CIF holds a comparative advantage in supporting climate-relevant investment needs compared to other multilateral climate funds.
Key Issues for Property Rights in Brazil: Implications for the Forest Code
The purpose of this paper is to assess how the nature of property rights in Brazil will affect the implementation of the Forest Code and the realization of the potential positive environmental impacts. This paper analyzes the historical evolution of property rights in Brazil, and it examines how the institutional structure of administering property rights affects the incentives and behavior for property owners.
Driving Foreign Investment to Renewable Energy in India: A Payment Security Mechanism to Address Off-Taker Risk
Arsalan Ali Farooquee e Gireesh Shrimali18/04/2016As India prepares to meet its increasing energy demands, which will likely double by 2030, the government has set a path towards ambitious renewable energy targets of …
Regulierungen und Investitionen für die Energiewende
David Nelson, Matthew Huxham, Stefan Muench e Brian O'Connell14/04/2016 -
Policy and investment in German renewable energy
David Nelson, Matthew Huxham, Stefan Muench e Brian O'Connell14/04/2016 -
Government Assets: Risks and Opportunities in a Changing Climate Policy Landscape
Andrew Goggins e David Nelson22/03/2016This paper helps policymakers and stakeholders better understand how issues around climate related policies affect national budgets. It also offers suggestions about how policymakers and stakeholders can develop appropriate strategies.
Comentários à Resolução Conjunta SMA/SAA nº 1/2016 sobre o PRA de São Paulo
Esta nota técnica do CPI/PUC-Rio, faz uma análise das principais questões estabelecidas pela Resolução Conjunta SMA/SAA no 1/2016, a fim de colaborar com o debate sobre a interpretação e implementação das regras do PRA no Estado de São Paulo.
Taking Stock of International Contributions to Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Land Use in Indonesia
Angela Falconer e Skye Glenday02/02/2016This paper discusses the role of international development partners in financing mitigation and adaptation actions in the land use sectors in Indonesia. We evaluate what progress has been made to date, what challenges have been met, and what opportunities lie ahead to effectively support Indonesia, reflecting on the value add that development partners bring to the domestic picture.
Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan melalui Kebijakan Fiskal
Angela Falconer, Tiza Mafira e Guntur Sutiyono16/12/2015Climate Policy Initiative telah menerbitkan dua kajian awal yang melihat peluang bagi pemerintah untuk mendorong penggunaan lahan yang efisien dengan cara menyesuaikan kebijakan fiskal Indonesia.
Fluxogramas de Regularização Ambiental de Imóveis Rurais
Os fluxogramas em anexo mostram os caminhos a seguir para a regularização ambiental e identificam os potenciais problemas que podem surgir ao longo do processo. Eles também ilustram as diferenças entre as regras estaduais e federais relativas ao processo de regularização ambiental, mostrando como as especificidades estaduais podem resultar em desafios adicionais na implementação e cumprimento do Código Florestal.
Slowing the Growth of Coal Power in China: the Role of Finance in State-Owned Enterprises
Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Xueying Wang, David Nelson e Uday Varadarajan15/12/2015CPI examines the financing of Chinese coal power plants, beginning with an overview of the current state of the coal power sector, with the aim of exploring financing levers which could optimize electric power growth while also greening the system.
Getting the most from your green: An approach to using public money effectively through green banks and other low-carbon financing
Jeff Deason, Uday Varadarajan e Patricia Levi08/12/2015This document addresses the effective uses of public financial interventions for low carbon projects. It provides an overview of Climate Policy Initiative’s (CPI’s) approach
to determining the most efficient ways in which green banking and other public financial interventions could support the transition to a low-carbon economy. -
Charting a path for finance policy in clean infrastructure
Anshuman Sahoo, David Nelson e Andrew Goggins08/12/2015Rapidly developing nations face particular challenges in meeting their infrastructure investment needs. In this project, we explore the infrastructure investment models that India and Brazil have used to address them.
O Que Está Acontecendo com o Desmatamento na Amazônia?
Este infográfico mostra como o desmatamento na Amazônia está ocorrendo.
Novo Código Florestal - Parte I: Decifrando o Novo Código Florestal
Esta análise, realizada pelo CPI/PUC-Rio é a primeira de uma série que pretende decifrar o novo Código Florestal, ajudando a acelerar seu processo de implantação e garantindo, assim, o seu sucesso.
Novo Código Florestal: Caminhos e Desafios para a Regularização Ambiental
Para que o novo Código Florestal seja implementado, é necessário que os estados editem regras próprias, incorporando as inovações na legislação estadual. O conjunto destas normas deve, ainda, ser aplicado pelos estados e municípios. Além disso, proprietários e possuidores rurais devem compreender a legislação, cumprir com seus requisitos e ter a iniciativa de regularizar seus imóveis. Para enfrentar estes desafios, pesquisadores do Núcleo de Avaliação de Políticas Climáticas da PUC-Rio/ Climate Policy Initiative, no âmbito do projeto INPUT, criaram uma série de resumos para política pública.
Slowing the Growth of Coal Power Outside China: The Role of Chinese Finance
China has grown into a major provider of coal power finance in overseas markets
Estimating Mobilized Private Finance for Adaptation: Exploring Data and Methods
Jessica Brown, Martin Stadelmann, David Wang, Leonardo Boni e Takayoshi Kato20/11/2015This study advances understanding of how to assess publicly-mobilized private investment in climate resilience by developing, testing and evaluating a range of methodological options to estimate the amount of private finance mobilized by developed countries’ public finance interventions for climate adaptation in developing countries.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2015
Barbara Buchner, Chiara Trabacchi, Federico Mazza, Dario Abramskiehn e David Wang16/11/2015The amount of climate finance invested around the world in 2014 increased by 18% over the previous year from USD 331 billion to an estimated USD 391 billion.
Central Kalimantan’s Oil Palm Value Chain: Opportunities for Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability Gains
This working paper provides a first overview of Central Kalimantan’s oil palm value chain and the business actors involved throughout. It aims to identify how business investment can be optimized to support socially inclusive development, delivering productivity, profitability, and sustainability gains.
Climate Finance in 2013-14 and the USD 100 Billion Goal
07/10/2015With the aim of informing the international discussions and enhancing transparency on climate finance ahead of the UNFCCC 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris in December 2015, the current and incoming COP Presidencies, Peru and France, asked the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in collaboration with CPI to provide an up-to-date aggregate estimate of mobilized climate finance and an indication of the progress towards the UNFCCC climate finance goal.
The Role of Technical Assistance in Mobilizing Climate Finance – Insights From GIZ Programs
Martin Stadelmann e Angela Falconer06/10/2015Few studies examine how technical assistance may help mobilize additional public and private climate finance to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. This paper aims to provide some first insights on the topic by analyzing five technical assistance programs of the German ‘Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), one of the largest technical assistance agencies worldwide.
Towards Efficient Land Use in Brazil
Increasing global demand for food and the need to address climate change risk make it ever more urgent to both protect ecosystems and use land more productively and efficiently. Brazil is a key player in this context and has made significant gains in recent decades. Between 1970 and 2006, its average national cattle farm productivity doubled and its average national crop farm productivity quadrupled. More recently, the country’s conservation efforts have been successful in reducing the rate of Amazon forest clearings to its lowest level in 30 years.
What Counts: Tools to Help Define and Understand Progress Towards the $100 Billion Climate Finance Commitment
Paul Bodnar, Jessica Brown e Smita Nakhooda31/08/2015This paper aims to make a positive contribution in the lead up to Paris by first unpacking the key variables Parties have emphasized in debates about “what counts” towards the $100bn climate finance goal, and then proposing an approach to classifying climate finance that Parties could use as a starting point for their analyses and interpretations. It takes no position on what should count: instead it organizes different aspects of climate finance in politically relevant ways that could help facilitate clearer understanding and convergence.
Lessons on the Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal Energy in Developing Countries
Valerio Micale e Padraig Oliver21/08/2015This report provides recommendations on the design and distribution of policymakers and development finance institutions’ policy and financing tools to enable fast and cost-effective deployment of geothermal in developing countries. It draws lessons from case studies of geothermal projects with different public, private and mixed development models in Turkey, Kenya and Indonesia.
The Landscape of Climate Exposure for Investors
Dario Abramskiehn, David Wang e Barbara Buchner20/08/2015Climate change has financial implications for investors – presenting significant portfolio risks as well as new market opportunities. This paper explores the landscape of climate exposure and examines the strengths as well as some of the current limitations of ESG data, tools, and financial products.
Fortalecendo A Proteção Da Amazônia Brasileira Em Um Cenário De Mudança
Juliano Assunção, Pedro Pessoa, Clarissa Gandour e Romero Rocha17/08/2015Entre 2004 e 2012, houve redução de quase 80% da taxa anual de desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira, em grande parte devido a políticas de combate ao desmatamento introduzidas a partir de 2004. Ainda que isso seja uma boa notícia para aqueles determinados a proteger a floresta, o país agora enfrenta um novo desafio: atualmente, o desmatamento ocorre em pequenos incrementos, mais difíceis de detectar e, portanto, de combater.
Technological Change and Deforestation: Evidence from the Brazilian Soybean Revolution
This paper from CPI/PUC-Rio reaserch team, studies the impact of technological change in agriculture on land use in Central Brazil from 1960 to 1985. It explores technological innovations that adapted soybeans to the region to estimate the effect of these innovations on land use. Following the technological innovations, municipalities more suitable for soybean cultivation experienced increases in cropland and decreases in native pastures.
Prices, Land Use and Deforestation: Evidence From the Tapajós Basin
01/08/2015This paper from CPI/PUC-Rio reaserch team, examines the impact of changes in agricultural land use on deforestation at the local level in the Tapajós basin in the Brazilian Amazon. We use exogenous variation in crop to beef relative prices to investigate the effects of pasture to crop conversion on deforestation. Our findings indicate that increases in crop to beef relative prices increase the rate of pasture to crop conversion.
Lab Instrument Analysis: Energy Savings Insurance
An instrument to insure the financial performance of energy efficiency savings projects in Mexico and other countries
Risk Mitigation Instruments for Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: A Case Study on Hydropower in Africa
This study examines the effectiveness of risk mitigation instruments used in a Ugandan hydropower project in driving investment and reducing costs and examines how these instruments might be used to drive private investment in other renewable energy projects in developing countries with high investment risks. The project is one of very few to make simultaneous use of different risk mitigation instruments provided by the World Bank Group.
Three tools to unlock finance for land-use mitigation and adaptation
13/07/2015This study presents three tools for governments and their partners to use to inform the design of efficient and effective land use mitigation and adaptation strategies supported by multilateral and bilateral programs, to identify domestic and international financial instruments that can redirect public and private finance towards greener land-use practices, and to encourage coordination between public instruments across land-use sectors.
Reaching India's Renewable Energy Targets Cost-Effectively: A Foreign Exchange Hedging Facility
Arsalan Ali Farooquee e Gireesh Shrimali17/06/2015India has ambitious renewable energy targets for 2022, but because of the government’s limited budget, a cost-effective policy path is crucial to achieving those targets. Achieving India’s renewable energy targets cost-effectively faces two key barriers – a shortage of debt and inferior terms of debt.
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi, Indonesiat
Randy Rakhmadi e Guntur Sutiyono16/06/2015Studi kasus ini menganalisa PLTP Sarulla, yang mana apabila
berhasil akan menjadi proyek pembangkit listrik
tenaga panas bumi terbesar di dunia dengan total
kapasitas sebesar 330MW di tahun 2018. -
Emerging solutions to drive private investment in climate resilience
This working paper provides emerging insights from the experience of seven Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in driving private sector investment in climate resilience.
Achieving a high-productivity, sustainable palm oil sector in Indonesia: a landscape management approach
A growing number of government, business and civil society, including Unilever and IDH, have a goal of transforming the Indonesian rural economy by 2020, to deliver net positive environmental impacts and improve smallholder farmer livelihoods. This requires a focus on transforming the oil palm sector from being a driver of deforestation, to one that is highly productive and sustainable.
Background report for G7 on long-term climate finance
Harald Francke Lund, Christa Clapp, Asbjørn Torvanger, Jane Wilkinson, Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Federico Mazza, Padraig Oliver e Dario Abramskiehn08/06/2015 -
Using Public Finance to Attract Private Investment in Geothermal: Olkaria III Case Study, Kenya
Valerio Micale, Chiara Trabacchi e Leonardo Boni02/06/2015This case study looks at Olkaria III, the first privately funded and developed geothermal project in Africa to understand how the Kenyan government and international public finance are working together to attract private investment in geothermal.
Reaching India's Renewable Energy Targets: Effective Project Allocation Mechanisms
Gireesh Shrimali, Charith Konda, Arsalan Ali Farooquee e David Nelson13/05/2015The Government of India has set ambitious renewable energy targets for 2022, in order to achieve its climate goals and enhance energy security. Given India’s budget constraints, a cost-effective policy path will be crucial to achieving these targets. One way to reduce the cost of government support needed to achieve its renewable energy targets is through the tariffs it uses to procure renewable energy.
Peluang untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Profitabilitas Petani Kecil Kelapa Sawit di Kalimantan Tengah
Petani kecil merupakan bagian penting dari gambaran ini. Saat ini di Kalimantan Tengah diestimasi bahwa15% dari keseluruhan lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit dikelola oleh petani kecil.
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance: Phase 3 Instrument Reports
Chiara Trabacchi, Angela Falconer, Sarah Jo Szambelan, Donovan Escalante, Gianleo Frisari, Valerio Micale, Martin Stadelmann, Leonardo Boni e Padraig Oliver22/04/2015In April 2015, Lab members, who include high-level experts from public and private institutions, endorsed the launch of the pilot initiatives after a year-long process supported by rigorous analysis to determine which instruments showed the most promise. The initiatives have collectively raised over USD 100 million in initial funding, with more expected to follow through an ongoing process that will draw on expertise and resources of additional Lab member institutions, as well as other private and public stakeholders. The Phase 3 Instrument reports summarize analysis conducted by Climate Policy Initiative, as Lab Secretariat, to refine these initiatives and outline concrete implementation pathways.
Reaching India's Renewable Energy Targets Cost-Effectively
Gireesh Shrimali, Sandhya Srinivasan, Shobhit Goel, Saurabh Trivedi e David Nelson14/04/2015The Government of India has ambitious renewable energy targets, but limited financial resources to meet those targets. CPI examines how much it would cost the government to reach its renewable energy targets, by comparing the levelized cost of electricity from renewable energy to a baseline fossil fuel in absence of any subsidies – whether explicit or implicit; estimating the total cost of support for renewable energy under accelerated depreciation, which is the most cost-effective of existing policies; and investigating federal policy options to make this support even more cost-effective.
Lab Instrument Analysis: Climate Investor One
This report provides the analysis on Climate Investor One, a financing facility for early-stage development, construction financing, and refinancing to fast-track renewable energy projects in developing countries.
Public Finance and Private Exploration in Geothermal: Gümüşköy Case Study, Turkey
Padraig Oliver e Martin Stadelmann02/03/2015Geothermal energy holds significant promise for the development of low-carbon energy systems. One of the lowest cost sources of renewable electricity, it also has the ability to meet baseload power demand and backstop fluctuating …
Deforestation Slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon: Prices or Policies?
This analysis, conducted by CPI/PUC-Rio, shows that conservation policies were effective at curbing Amazon deforestation, helping avoid an estimated 73,000 km² of Amazon forest clearings from 2005 through 2009.
Como Melhorar a Produtividade Agrícola no Brasil: O Potencial Inexplorado da Política de Risco de Preços
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour e Pedro Hemsley25/02/2015Um dos aspectos cruciais para maior eficiência no uso da terra é a gestão do risco agrícola, que inclui proteger agricultores de choques adversos, tais como variações climáticas e pestes, e do risco de preços, causado pela volatilidade dos preços agrícolas.
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance: Phase 2 Instrument and Synthesis Reports
Donovan Escalante, Arsalan Ali Farooquee, David Wang, Valerio Micale, Jeff Deason, Padraig Oliver, Martin Stadelmann, Chiara Trabacchi, Sarah Jo Szambelan, Angela Falconer, Gianleo Frisari, Fiona Messent e Federico Mazza24/11/2014The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance is a new, global initiative that draws on expertise from around the world to design and pilot the next generation of cutting edge climate finance instruments.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014
Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Jane Wilkinson, Federico Mazza, Anja Rosenberg e Dario Abramskiehn20/11/2014The Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014 found that global climate finance flows fell to USD 331 billion – far below even the most conservative estimates of investment needs.
San Giorgio Group Report: The Role of Public Finance in Deploying Geothermal - Background Paper
Valerio Micale, Padraig Oliver e Fiona Messent23/10/2014Geothermal energy is broadly cost competitive with fossil fuel alternatives even without a carbon price. However, its rate of deployment has been slower than other renewables over the last thirty years and will need to speed up rapidly if this technology is to deliver on its promise. In addition, geothermal technologies that can harness lower temperature geothermal resources need to achieve more deployment to bring costs down.
Moving to a Low-Carbon Economy
David Nelson, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Andrew Goggins, Sarah Jo Szambelan e Julia Zuckerman08/10/2014With the right policies, the transition to a low-carbon energy system consistent with avoiding the most damaging effects of climate change could free up trillions of dollars over the next 20 years to invest in better economic growth.
Municípios Prioritários: Reputação ou Fiscalização?
Em 2007, 36 municípios brasileiros eram responsáveis por 45% do desmatamento no Bioma Amazônia – um número impressionante se levado em conta que 547 municípios brasileiros têm interseção com o Bioma Amazônia. Em 2008, o Ministério do Meio Ambiente criou uma lista com esses 36 municípios, chamando-os de Municípios Prioritários (MPs) para o combate e a prevenção ao Desmatamento.
San Giorgio Group Brief: Early Lessons on Introducing Energy Performance Contracts in Italy - Milan's Energy Efficiency Program
Valerio Micale, Jeff Deason e Morgan Hervé-Mignucci03/09/2014Governments around the world use energy performance contracts (EPCs) with energy service companies (ESCOs) to reduce the energy costs and carbon emissions of public buildings without any budget outlay on their part. This brief draws lessons from the first program of this kind in Italy to cover energy savings alone and introduce pure EPC on a regional scale.
San Giorgio Group Brief: How Spain created a world-leading CSP industry then shattered investor confidence
Gianleo Frisari e Jacobo Feás01/08/2014Part of a series looking at the role of public finance in driving concentrated solar power (CSP) deployment and cost reductions, this report draws lessons from Spanish support policies which drove the creation of a world-leading industry and then shattered investor confidence through retroactive changes.
What Is Climate Finance? Definitions to Improve Tracking and Scale Up
This brief explains CPI’s understanding and definition of key climate finance terms and the reasons for these definitions to inform the debate and build a common understanding among stakeholders.
Landscape of Public Climate Finance in Indonesia
Irfa Ampri, Angela Falconer, Noeroso Wahyudi, Anja Rosenberg, Mochamad Bara Ampera, Skye Glenday e Jane Wilkinson23/07/2014Indonesia’s desire to drive economic growth and reduce climate risk is reflected in the sweeping policy reforms it has introduced in recent years to meet targets announced in 2009 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this report, CPI identifies which public actors are investing in Indonesia, through which instruments, and what they are investing in to provide a baseline against which to measure progress and plan scale up. This mapping exercise reveals investment patterns that allow decision makers to pinpoint where the biggest barriers and opportunities are.
Pemetaan Pendanaan Publik untuk Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia
Angela Falconer, Anja Rosenberg, Jane Wilkinson e Skye Glenday23/07/2014Dalam laporan ini kami mengidentikasi para pelaku publik yang berinvestasi di Indonesia, instrumen yang digunakan, dan bentuk investasi yang dilakukan yang kemudian menjadi landasan untuk mengukur progress dan rencana pengembangan.
Cap and Trade in Practice: Barriers and Opportunities for Industrial Emissions Reductions in California
Julia Zuckerman, Karen Laughlin, Dario Abramskiehn e Xueying Wang01/07/2014California is both one of the largest economies and one of the largest emitters globally, making its climate change policies some of the most important in the world. They are also some of the most ambitious. In particular, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32) set a series of policies and programs across all major business sectors to return California emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. A key component of this set of policies is the Cap and Trade Program…
Getting the most from your green: A case study for using public money effectively for large-scale renewable energy in California
Jeff Deason, Uday Varadarajan e Patricia Levi01/07/2014This brief illustrates CPI’s approach to identifying effective uses of public financial interventions for low-carbon projects. It presents our analysis of the financial barriers affecting large-scale renewable energy in California.
Aluguel de Terras no Brasil: Um Mercado a Ser Explorado
25/06/2014Quando comparado com outros países, os mercados de aluguel de terras no Brasil parecem pouco desenvolvidos. Somente 3,3% dos terrenos cultivados no país estava sob acordos de arrendamento ou parceria no último Censo Agropecuário. Em comparação, este número sobe para 33% na Europa e chega a quase 38% nos Estados Unidos…
San Giorgio Group Policy Brief: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Lessons Learned
Martin Stadelmann, Gianleo Frisari e Anja Rosenberg23/06/2014This study shows that if international finance institutions (IFIs) and committed national governments were to join forces to deploy 5-15GW of concentrated solar power (CSP), it could reduce its electricity production costs by around 14-44% and make CSP competitive in countries like Morocco and South Africa. With findings drawn from four case studies and background paper, this policy brief offers recommendations for IFIs and developing country policymakers on how to make this happen in the most cost-effective way.
Roadmap to a Low Carbon Electricity System in the U.S. and Europe
Electricity systems across the U.S. and Europe face significant challenges in the transition to low-carbon energy. While the transition provides plenty of opportunities for investors, businesses, and consumers alike, the current business and regulatory models of investor owned utilities (IOUs) and independent power producers (IPPs), which have mainly developed around competitive markets for fossil fuel generation, are particularly ill-suited to take advantage of these new opportunities.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Eskom CSP 100MW plant, South Africa
Rodney Boyd, Anja Rosenberg e Andrew Hobbs13/06/2014The 100 MW Eskom CSP power tower plant being developed in Upington by Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned electricity utility, is one of the most technically challenging of its kind under development outside of the US. It brings higher potential for cost reduction, building up local supply chains and promoting energy security than other CSP project currently under development in the country.
Manipulação de Estimativas de Fatores de Capacidade em Contratos de Energia Eólica: Evidências de um Contrato com Tarifa Feed-in no Brasil
Juliano Assunção, Joana Chiavari e Dimitri Szerman07/05/2014Apesar do PROINFA ter sido bem sucedido quanto às suas metas de capacidade instalada – de fato, foi responsável por grande parte do crescimento de 29 MW para 2.010 MW em capacidade eólica instalada no Brasil entre 2004 e 2012 – nossa análise sugere que problemas com o desenho dos contratos reduziram o custo-benefício do programa.
Operationalizing the Private Sector Facility of the Green Climate Fund: Addressing Investor Risk
Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann e Jane Wilkinson29/04/2014This brief presents findings from a project that aims to support the Green Climate Fund in its design and operationalization of an innovative and effective Private Sector Facility. It was carried out in close partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.
Solving India’s Renewable Energy Financing Challenge: Instruments to Provide Low-cost, Long-term Debt
Gireesh Shrimali, Charith Konda e Sandhya Srinivasan21/04/2014In this paper, we explore financing instruments, used in other regions as well as those that were recently introduced in India in other contexts that have the potential to provide and/or facilitate low-cost, long-term debt for renewable energy in India.
Solving India’s Renewable Energy Financing Challenge: Which Federal Policies can be Most Effective?
Gireesh Shrimali, Shobhit Goel, Sandhya Srinivasan e David Nelson24/03/2014The Government of India has set ambitious targets for renewable energy — a doubling of existing renewable energy capacity to 55,000 MW by 2017. However, unsubsidized renewable energy is still 52-129% more expensive than conventional power, and requires policy support.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Rajasthan Sun Technique 100MW CSP plant, India
Martin Stadelmann, Gianleo Frisari e Charith Konda10/03/2014The 100MW Rajasthan Sun Technique CSP plant is not only the first linear Fresnel CSP plant in India and the largest in the world, it is also one of the cheapest large-scale CSP plants ever built. This case study finds that while Indian solar policy was essential to build this innovative plant it was not enough for India to deploy CSP plants at the desired level and speed.
Finance Mechanisms for Lowering the Cost of Renewable Energy in Rapidly Developing Countries
David Nelson e Gireesh Shrimali20/01/2014Renewable energy financing in emerging economies faces particularly daunting challenges, but there are creative policy solutions that could potentially reduce the cost of renewable energy support by as much as 30%.
San Giorgio Group Brief: The Role of Public Finance in CSP - Background and Approach to Measuring Effectiveness
Martin Stadelmann, Gianleo Frisari, Rodney Boyd e Jacobo Feás17/01/2014Many experts and international institutions expect concentrated solar power (CSP) to supply up to 10% of global energy demand by 2050. However, today CSP’s costs remain above alternative sources of power and public finance is needed to bridge this gap: over 98% of the total investment in CSP to date has needed some form of public support. This brief, the first in series of reports on CSP, looks at the global landscape of CSP in terms of markets, technology, financing models, and policies to better understand how to structure effective and cost-effective public policies and investments.
Opportunities for a Green Bank in California
Jeff Deason, Karen Laughlin, Patricia Levi, Sarah Jo Szambelan e Uday Varadarajan15/01/2014 -
Raising the Stakes for Energy Efficiency: California’s Risk/Reward Incentive Mechanism
Sangeetha Chandrashekeran, Julia Zuckerman e Jeff Deason14/01/2014California has long been a leader in energy efficiency policy among U.S. states, and the Risk-Reward Incentive Mechanism (RRIM) represents a large-scale policy experiment that holds lessons for other jurisdictions dealing with energy efficiency policy design, especially those considering shareholder incentives. Our evaluation of the RRIM contributes to the debate on the effectiveness of shareholder incentives, providing insights on how program design choices and institutional dynamics contribute to policy outcomes.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Insights from Nepal's Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
Chiara Trabacchi e Martin Stadelmann17/12/2013In this San Giorgio Group Case Study, Climate Policy Initiative studies the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience to highlight early lessons from a project engaging private actors in building the resilience of Nepal’s agricultural sector. The overarching goal of this project is to establish models for climate-smart agriculture that make climate resilience a business proposition for the private actors involved, long beyond the project’s life.
Produção e Proteção: Importantes Desafios Para o Brasil
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour, Pedro Hemsley, Romero Rocha e Dimitri Szerman03/12/2013Nossa análise sugere que, dentro de um arcabouço de P&P, há ampla margem para melhorar a proteção dos recursos naturais e aumentar a produção agropecuária no Brasil. O país se beneficiaria do desenvolvimento de mecanismos que aumentem o custo privado de desmatar, assim como da adoção de incentivos de mercado que promovam práticas sustentáveis. Há também espaço para promover o crescimento da agropecuária brasileira através de ganhos de produtividade, sem que haja comprometimento da conservação ambiental.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership
Emissions from deforestation and forest degradation make up nearly one fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions and the estimated costs of halving emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by 2030 far exceed available public resources. This case study analyzes the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership project in Indonesia to see what it can teach policymakers and investors about rehabilitating degraded peatland effectively, and what barriers need to be overcome to attract private investment at scale.
Técnicas Agrícolas de Alto Rendimento: Barreiras à Adoção e Soluções Potenciais
O Plantio Direto (PD), um método de produção que minimiza o uso do arado, é um dos maiores avanços das últimas décadas em tecnologia agrícola. Fazendeiros que adotam o PD apresentam melhores resultados e menor custo quando comparados às técnicas tradicionais, e diminuem as emissões de gás carbônico na atmosfera – resultados que beneficiam tanto os próprios fazendeiros quanto o clima. A adoção do PD não demanda custos iniciais significativos, e a colheita é menos sujeita a variações. Todavia, os níveis de adoção continuam extremamente baixos cerca de quarenta anos após a introdução do sistema no Sul do país, em 1971.
California Carbon Dashboard
California Carbon Dashboard is a new, beta website that offers an overview of AB32 and California climate policies, including carbon price tracking, news aggregation, and interactive graphics.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013
Barbara Buchner, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Chiara Trabacchi, Jane Wilkinson, Martin Stadelmann, Rodney Boyd, Federico Mazza, Angela Falconer e Valerio Micale22/10/2013The Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013, found that global climate finance flows plateaued at USD 359 billion, or around USD 1 billion per day – far below even the most conservative estimates of investment needs.
Mapping the World Bank Group Risk Mitigation Instruments for Climate Change
Valerio Micale, Gianleo Frisari e Federico Mazza26/09/2013In this study, CPI provides an overview of general risk coverage offered through the WBG’s various member institutions, potential gaps compared to existing demand, and trends of risk coverage commitments for climate change.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Jädraås Onshore Windfarm
CPI describes how a combination of public policies and financial instruments, and robust private risk management measures mobilized EUR 360 million of private investment in Scandinavian Europe’s largest windfarm, delivering power to 100,000 homes.
The Role of Development Finance Institutions and Development Banks in Scaling Up Green and Climate Investments
Barbara Buchner, Chiara Trabacchi, Claire Painter e Jane Wilkinson04/09/2013Drawing on analysis carried out by CPI, representatives of these organizations agreed to collaborate more closely on priority issues, such as driving more private investment, reducing perceived and actual investment risk, changing investment policies to move away from fossil-fuel projects, and creating more transparency on financial flows and best practice.
Improving Solar Policy: Lessons from the solar leasing boom in California
Andrew Hobbs, Elinor Benami e Uday Varadarajan25/07/2013Most homeowners in California are no longer purchasing the panels on their rooftops, they are leasing them. Over 75% of California’s new residential solar systems in 2012 were leased as compared to less than 10% in 2007. As policymakers across the country and elsewhere look to spur further growth of solar PV in a constrained budget environment, the California experience — and in particular, the rise of leasing — may hold lessons for improving the effectiveness of solar policy generally.
Penggunaan Data untuk Mengoptimalisasikan Sumber Daya Lahan Indonesia: Sebuah Pandangan pada Penilaian Modal Sumber Daya Alam
Tekanan pada lahan dan sumber daya Indonesia terhubung dengan pertanyaan apakah mungkin terdapat peluang untuk meminimalkan barter antara sosial dan ekonomi dalam penggunaan lahan.
Targeting Proposition 39 to Help California’s Schools Save Energy and Money
Julia Zuckerman, Jeff Deason e Elinor Benami21/05/2013California policymakers are considering how to allocate Proposition 39 funds — an estimated $2.75 billion over five years — to support energy efficiency and clean energy projects in K-12 schools and other public buildings. Proposition 39 presents a substantial opportunity to help school districts save energy and money. In order to inform the ongoing discussion, Climate Policy Initiative analyzed existing resources and gaps in financing for energy-saving projects in K-12 school districts.
Como DETER o Desmatamento na Amazônia? O Impacto da Mudança na Política de Comando e Controle
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour e Romero Rocha08/05/2013A Amazônia é a maior floresta tropical do mundo. No Brasil, a floresta originalmente ocupava mais de quatro milhões de quilômetros quadrados – uma área equivalente a quase metade da Europa continental.
The Policy Climate
In The Policy Climate, we offer an overview of policy issues relevant to climate change across the world. We find that the implementation of policy relevant to climate change, and its impact, accelerated markedly over the last decade, despite the slow pace of international climate negotiations.
Buildings Energy Efficiency in China, Germany, and the United States
Hermann Amecke, Jeff Deason, Andrew Hobbs, Aleksandra Novikova, Yang Xiu e Zhang Shengyuan09/04/2013This report compares energy efficiency policy in buildings in China, Germany, and the United States, providing the context for, and describing, policies in these three countries in order to lay the groundwork for future review of policy effectiveness.
The Role of National Development Banks in Catalyzing International Climate Finance
27/03/2013National Development Banks (NDBs) can play a big role in climate finance. In many cases, they already are: In CPI’s most recent estimate, NDBs, together with bilateral financial institutions, raised and channeled USD 54 billion in 2010/2011 to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other climate-related measures.
The Challenge of Institutional Investment in Renewable Energy
David Nelson07/03/2013Institutional investors, which together manage assets of over $70 trillion, often have investment objectives that are aligned with the investment profile of infrastructure. At first glance, access to this large pool of capital and the alignment of objectives should help lower the costs of financing renewable energy. In this study, CPI finds that while these investors could supply a significant share of the total required investment, various factors limit the extent to which they can invest in a way that could lower the cost of financing renewable energy. Furthermore, financial regulation of institutional investors, regulation of energy markets, and renewable energy policy, often create additional obstacles to renewable energy investment.
Crédito Afeta Desmatamento? Evidência de uma Política de Crédito Rural na Amazônia
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour, Romero Rocha e Rudi Rocha29/01/2013Crédito Afeta Desmatamento? Analisa de perto uma dessas políticas, resolução 3,545, que impôs condições a fazendeiros que procuram concessões de credito rural no Bioma da Amazônia Brasileira. Nossa análise sugere que a resolução 3,545 ajudou a controlar o desmatamento na Amazônia Brasileira.
Risk Gaps
Gianleo Frisari, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Valerio Micale e Federico Mazza21/01/2013Risk — whether real or perceived — is the single most important factor preventing renewable energy projects from finding financial investors, or raising the returns that these investors demand. It is also one thing that policymakers can cause, control, alleviate, or help mitigate. In a series of three studies, titled Risk Gaps, CPI maps the availability of risk instruments against demand and analyzes several new, potential instruments designed to address the biggest gaps: first-loss protection instruments and policy risk insurance.
Effective Green Financing: What have we learned so far?
Barbara Buchner, Thomas C. Heller e Jane Wilkinson11/12/2012Overall, while policies and public resources are affecting the performance of investments in ways consistent with low carbon growth, more action is required to help private actors overcome real and perceived risks — in developing and developed markets — and deliver green investments at large scale.
Meeting India’s Renewable Energy Targets: The Financing Challenge
David Nelson, Gireesh Shrimali, Shobhit Goel, Charith Konda e Raj Kumar05/12/2012The cost and terms of the debt available in India to finance wind and solar projects is a major problem, increasing the cost of renewable energy by up to a third compared to similar projects in the U.S. and Europe.
Falling Short: An Evaluation of the Indian Renewable Certificate Market
Gireesh Shrimali, Sumala Tirumalachetty e David Nelson05/12/2012We evaluate the effectiveness of Indian REC markets against eight government objectives and find that this program is not likely to achieve government objectives.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2012
Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci e Chiara Trabacchi03/12/2012Global annual investment to curb climate change reached approximately USD 364 billion in 2010/2011. This amount, while significant, falls short of most estimates of investment needed to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius.
German Landscape of Climate Finance
Ingmar Juergens, Hermann Amecke, Rodney Boyd, Barbara Buchner, Aleksandra Novikova, Anja Rosenberg, Kateryna Stelmakh e Alexander Vasa30/11/2012By compiling data from a wide range of sources, we create the most comprehensive snapshot to-date of the current state of German climate finance. Our research suggests that EUR 37 billion, or 1.5% of GDP, was invested in 2010 to support the German transition to a low-carbon economy. The private sector provided more than 95% of this finance.
Die deutsche Landschaft der Klimafinanzierung
Ingmar Juergens, Hermann Amecke, Rodney Boyd, Barbara Buchner, Aleksandra Novikova, Anja Rosenberg, Kateryna Stelmakh e Alexander Vasa29/11/2012Als fuehrende Kraft in Europas Entwicklung hin zur schadstoffarmen Gesellschaft hat Deutschland ehrgeizige Ziele für seinen Beitrag zum globalen Kampf gegen den Klimawandel gesetzt. Die Erreichung dieser Ziele erfordert erhebliche Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und andere Massnahmen zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen. Mit Hilfe von Daten aus einer Vielzahl von Quellen geben wir in in unserem Bericht den derzeit umfassendsten Ueberblick über den aktuellen Stand der deutschen Klimafinanzierung. Unsere Untersuchungen fuer das Jahr 2010 zeigen, dass 37 Milliarden Euro oder 1,5% des BIP in den Übergangs zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft investiert wurden.
Tracking Emissions and Mitigation Actions: Learning from MRV Systems in China, Germany, Italy, and the United States
Angela Falconer, Pat Hogan, Valerio Micale, Alexander Vasa, Yu Yuqing (Ariel), Xuehua Zhang, Xiaolu Zhao e Julia Zuckerman27/11/2012CPI has engaged in an effort to characterize, evaluate, and draw insights from existing domestic MRV systems for emissions and mitigation actions in four of the major emitters – China, Germany, Italy, and the United States.
Clearing the Air: Carbon Pricing and Local Air Pollution in California
This report examines how industrial facilities respond to cap and trade, and shows that the most likely responses will reduce air pollution as well as greenhouse gas emissions. This is supported by evidence that Europe’s cap and trade system has reduced local air pollution from oil refineries and other industrial facilities.
Supporting Renewables While Saving Taxpayers Money
Renewable energy deployment in the United States is booming. Though this growth was financed largely through private investment, state and federal policies have played a key role. This report shows the federal government could sustain support for wind and solar at much lower cost to taxpayers by replacing current tax credits with cash incentives.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Ouarzazate I CSP
Ouarzazate I is a 160MW Concentrated Solar Power plant in Morocco, generously supported by a subsidy from the Government of Morocco and concessional capital from international development banks. Ouarzazate I only makes economic sense if it contributes to the development of a commercially-sustainable regional Concentrated Solar Power market. Projects like Ouarzazate I play a crucial bridging role but, in order to scale-up projects like these, costs need to fall and revenues need to grow.
Public Climate Finance: A Survey of Systems to Monitor and Evaluate Climate Finance Effectiveness
Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Chiara Trabacchi e Jane Wilkinson18/07/2012This paper examines the M&E systems applied by a selection of eight multilateral and bilateral intermediaries, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reporting framework. It was originally developed as a background paper for ‘Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance: Key Lessons’, a joint study by a consortium of researchers from Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Policy Initiative, Brookings Institution, and Overseas Development Institute on the topic of the effectiveness of climate finance published in November 2011.
Limiting the Cost of Renewables - Lessons for California
04/06/2012To support CPUC in the development of a cost limitation for California’s RPS, Climate Policy Initiative reviewed experience in a number of states with costs limits in renewable energy policies. Our qualitative analysis reveals several general lessons about cost limits and their role in renewable energy policy, and points to recommendations for California.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Walney Offshore Windfarms
Walney Offshore Windfarms (WOW) in the U.K., the largest offshore windfarm in the world in 2012, faced financing challenges because of the risks associated with this immature though promising technology and the escalating European debt crisis. Through a combination of U.K. policy support and innovative financial engineering, the project was successful in attracting nontraditional investors including a pension and a private equity fund.
San Giorgio Group Case Study: Prosol
Chiara Trabacchi, Valerio Micale e Gianleo Frisari01/06/2012Program Solaire (Prosol) is an incentive program that promotes residential solar water heaters in Tunisia. In the early 2000s, the deployment of solar water heaters remained low due to fossil fuel subsidies. The Tunisian government had attempted to discontinue the fossil fuel subsidies, but a public outcry caused policymakers to abandon this course of action.
Energy, the U.S. Budget, and Climate Change
Uday Varadarajan e Julia Zuckerman28/03/2012This paper puts these programs in the broader context of energy-related activities in the federal budget and provides a starting point for further discussion and analysis of the federal government’s role in energy and climate change. We outline the landscape of federal spending and revenue collection activities that substantially influence energy supply or use in 2010, organized by the type of policy tool or mechanism supported.
Deforestation Slowdown in the Brazilian Amazon: Prices or Policies?
Brazilian deforestation rates fell from 27,000 km2 in 2004 to 7,000 km2 at the end of the decade. Results indicate that the conservation policies associated with the policy turning points were effective at curbing Amazon deforestation, helping avoid an estimated 73,000 km2 of Amazon forest clearings from 2005 through 2009. This is equivalent to approximately 2.7 billion tons of stored CO2, which our estimates value at 13.2 billion US dollars.
European Electricity Infrastructure: Planning, Regulation, and Financing
Karsten Neuhoff, Rodney Boyd e Jean-Michel Glachant24/01/2012 -
The San Giorgio Group Inaugural Meeting: Proposed Analytical Program
On October 16th and 17th, 2011, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) and the World Bank Group, in collaboration with China Light & Power (CLP) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), hosted the inaugural meeting of the San Giorgio Group (SGG).
Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance
Jessica Brown, Barbara Buchner, Gernot Wagner, Katherine Sierra, Miriam Chaum, Chris Faris, Angela Falconer e Chiara Trabacchi23/11/2011A joint study by Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Policy Initiative, Brookings Institution, and Overseas Development Institute.
Annual Review of Low-Carbon Development in China (2011-2012)
This review explores China’s low-carbon development efforts under the 11th FYP period. What drove the decline in energy intensity? How did government actions contribute to this decline? What are the implications of China’s experience for the 12th FYP?
The Landscape of Climate Finance
01/10/2011In this paper, CPI assesses the current status of the climate finance landscape, mapping its magnitude and nature along the life cycle of finance flows, i.e. the sources of finance, intermediaries involved in distribution, financial instruments, and final uses.
The Impacts of Policy on the Financing of Renewable Projects: A Case Study Analysis
Uday Varadarajan, David Nelson e Morgan Hervé-Mignucci01/10/2011CPI studied six large-scale renewable electricity generation projects in the United States and Europe to evaluate how policy affects project economics, as well as the cost and availability of financing.
Smart Power Market Project
Decarbonizing the EU power system involves more than investment in generation and grid – it requires a smart power market as well. A new study led by CPI shows that the current EU power market design does not effectively support European member states’ plan to connect 200GW of wind and solar power to the transmission system by 2020.
The German Energy Concept: Policies to Support the Thermal Retrofit of Buildings
Efficiency improvements in the building sector are a key component of the German Energy Concept. The stated objective of the Concept is a 20% reduction in the heat requirement of buildings by 2020, so as to achieve an 80% reduction in the primary energy requirement by 2050. In these CPI reports and briefs, CPI analysis addresses questions emerging from the review of policy instruments and programs focused on this objective.
Codes to Cleaner Buildings: Effectiveness of U.S. Building Energy Codes
In this paper, Climate Policy Initiative San Francisco assesses the impact of state energy codes using residential energy use data at the state level. By conducting a regression analysis comparing states with building energy codes to those without, CPI SF measures the realized energy savings of energy codes and compares them to existing estimates based on building simulation models.
Energiekonzept: Instrumente für energetische Sanierungen
Karsten Neuhoff, Hermann Amecke, Aleksandra Novikova e Kateryna Stelmakh01/08/2011Die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz im Gebäudesektor steht im Zentrum des Energiekonzepts der Bundesregierung. Dort ist das Ziel festgeschrieben, den Wärmebedarfs um 20% bis 2020 zu reduzieren, um anschließend eine Verringerung des Primärenergiebedarfs um 80% bis 2050 zu erreichen. In den vorliegenden Studien analysiert CPI Fragen zu Politikinstrumenten zur Erreichung dieser Ziele.
Renewable Energy Financing and Climate Policy Effectiveness
Uday Varadarajan, David Nelson e Anne Schopp01/07/2011CPI’s Renewable Energy Finance project assesses the impact of policy on the availability and mix of investment in renewable energy.
Impact of Reductions and Exemptions in Energy Taxes and Levies
Anja Rosenberg, Anne Schopp, Karsten Neuhoff e Alexander Vasa01/06/2011In this report, CPI studied the impact of four German energy policies and their related exemptions for industry, differentiated by the size of the firm and the industrial sub-sector.
An Assessment of the Impact of Policy on the Financing of Clean Energy: Project Overview
CPI’s assessment of the impact of policy on the financing of clean energy aims to investigate the effectiveness of policy in promoting efficient investment.
The Role of Government Policy in the Development of Solar Photovoltaic Power: Project Overview
CPI’s focus in this project has been on the effectiveness of policy in helping PV reach its technical potential. In this project overview, we address several of the major questions that policymakers face in their effort to make PV more cost competitive.
PV Industry and Policy in Germany and China
In this paper, CPI provides an overview of the PV industry and policies in Germany and China, including deployment support, investment support for manufacturing plants, and R&D support measures.
Review of Low-Carbon Development in China 2010
China’s 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) set a target to reduce energy intensity by 20% from 2005 levels. Climate Policy Initiative’s “Review of Low-Carbon Development in China 2010” discusses China’s energy performance in key sectors, describes the policies and instruments implemented to meet this target, and provides initial insights that may be valuable as China enters its 12th FYP period.
Carbon Pricing Project
01/02/2011To drive low-carbon investment, policy frameworks must capture companies’ attention, provide clarity for business decisions, and enable low-carbon investment decisions. CPI and Climate Strategies’ recent joint study indicates that the EU ETS contributes to these requirements, but it also suggests that improvements such as increasing stringency, limiting CDM use, changes in international financial reporting standards, and complementary policies are needed.
The State of International Climate Finance: Is it Adequate and Is It Productive?
On the 14th of October 2010, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) and the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) hosted a workshop to convene key players in climate finance. The workshop provided a platform for policymakers and experts from research organizations and finance institutions active along the spectrum of public and private finance issues to initiate a concrete dialogue on climate finance.