On this page, we provide detailed methodology for each of the 18 indicators that comprise the scoring system for CPI’s upcoming release of its revised Net Zero Finance Tracker.
NZFT Methodology
The NZFT Methodology document outlines the methodological foundations of the NZFT platform. This is the result of CPI’s assessment of what Paris alignment and net zero represent, reviewed and refined in light of what currently available data reveal in terms of trends and progress. This living methodology will be continuously updated and improved upon – in consultation with data providers and end users of the dashboard – as new data become available, and as Paris alignment and Net Zero frameworks evolve over time.
Indicator scoring methodology
The NZFT Scoring Indicator Methodology document (pseudocodes) outlines the detailed approach to scoring for the various indicators tracked for the NZFT, how actions are standardized, and how they link with underlying datasets.
Data sources
The NZFT Metadata document details all datasets used to inform the NZFT. This lists datasets and information therein that are the 250+ sources underlying the above 18 indicators.
Ownership methodology
The NZFT Ownership methodology outlines the analysis of real economy impact indicator under the Net Zero Finance Tracker. It can also be used by financial institutions to carry out a self-assesment of their own contribution to low-carbon and high-emissions financing.
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