Na Índia, o Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) desenvolve soluções inovadoras em finanças e políticas que apoiam o crescimento verde e planos de transição críveis e equitativos. Nosso trabalho contribui para que o Governo da Índia, Instituições Financeiras de Desenvolvimento, o setor privado e a economia indiana como um todo alcancem objetivos ambiciosos de neutralidade de carbono e sustentabilidade. Esse trabalho abrange finanças verdes, finanças sustentáveis, energia renovável e transição energética justa.
Nossos esforços estão concentrados em três áreas temáticas: viabilizar capital por meio da gestão de fundos, criação de financiamento misto e estruturas de gerenciamento de risco; promover iniciativas de finanças verdes e sustentáveis através do mapeamento de fluxos financeiros e da avaliação de impactos ambientais; e possibilitar uma transição justa através da transformação dos sistemas de eletricidade, redução de emissões e criação de um quadro justo.
Entre outras pesquisas, análises e esforços de inovação financeira, gerenciamos: a janela da Índia do Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance , uma incubadora de instrumentos inovadores de financiamento climático; a iniciativa India Clean Energy Finance, um programa para mobilizar financiamento de dívida para energia solar distribuída; a India Pure Finance Facility, uma iniciativa para promover aplicações produtivas de Energia Renovável; e o India Center for Sustainable Finance, uma hub de conhecimento e networking concebida para acelerar o setor financeiro da Índia rumo a um futuro mais sustentável.
Nossa expertise inclui energia renovável, financiamento climático, transporte sustentável, descarbonização industrial, transição justa e esverdeamento do setor financeiro. Dhruba Purkayastha é o diretor do escritório da Índia.
Publicações em destaque
Sustainable Finance Flows to India’s Agriculture Sector
This report introduces a comprehensive sustainable agriculture framework developed using a value-chain approach to analyze relevant sectors, activities, policies, and key initiatives. It provides a detailed examination of financial flows in the agriculture sector during FY1 2020–21 and FY 2021-22, offering insights into public and private finance sources, intermediaries, and end-use activities across the entire agriculture value chain.
Publicações recentes
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2024
The Landscape of Green Finance in India tracks flows to real economy sectors—clean energy, clean transportation, and energy efficiency—as well as to some adaptation sectors. The study considers both public and private sources of capital—domestic as well as international—to track the flow of finance from the source to the end beneficiaries through different instruments.
The Energy Transition Opportunity: Emerging Green Jobs in Jharkhand
Jharkhand’s energy transition offers a significant chance to reshape its employment landscape, potentially creating thousands of green jobs across clean power, mobility, and green molecules sectors. This Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) report outlines two scenarios—Ambitious Policy Scenario (APS) and Accelerated Green Transition Scenario (AGTS)—projecting green job creation by 2030. With robust policies and investment. The report emphasizes strategic investments in green industries, skills development, and fostering industry-academia partnerships.
CoolPact Capital India Fund
The Sustana Cooling India Fund will invest USD 100m in early-stage cooling solutions in India. The country’s first blended capital equity fund focused exclusively on cooling de-risks and scales innovative cooling technologies, addressing climate change and UN Sustainable Development Goals
A Roadmap for Green and Transition Finance in India
The green transition has become crucial for global economies, with governments, regulators, and the private sector implementing strategies to reduce emissions and foster green opportunities. However, the financing landscape is skewed toward mitigation sectors like renewable energy and transport, leaving hard-to-abate sectors underfunded despite their substantial carbon-removal potential.
Carbon Rating Framework
The Carbon Rating Framework is envisioned as a tool to facilitate transition finance by providing a standardized method to evaluate and compare the carbon intensity of companies. It could serve as a valuable input for financial institutions, helping them to channel capital more effectively towards projects that contribute to the global climate goals. The paper highlights areas for future research, including the potential expansion of the framework to include Scope 3 emissions and other environmental factors, as well as how credit rating agencies and banks might adopt and adapt the framework.
Just Transition to Zero-Emission Trucking in India
The “Just Transition to Zero-Emission Trucking in India” report explores the challenges and opportunities of shifting to battery-electric trucks.