Filtros Ordenar Mais Recente Mais Antiga Mostrar conteúdo em todos os idiomas Mostrar apenas conteúdo disponíveis no meu idioma Programas Brazil Policy Center Center for Sustainable Finance, India Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance Financiamento Energético Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Panorama de Financiamento Climático Regiões Américas Brasil China Economias em Desenvolvimento Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs) Estados Unidos Europa Global Indonesia Latin America and the Caribbean Philippines Small Island Developing States África África do Sul Ásia Índia Temas Acesso Energético Adaptação e Resiliência Agricultura Sustentável Cidades Sustentáveis Conservação de Recursos Naturais Crédito Rural Descarbonização e Objetivos de Zero Carbono (Net Zero Goals) Desenvolvimento Econômico Desenvolvimento Financeiro Direito e Governança do Clima Eficiência Energética Emissões e Poluição aérea Energia Renovável Energia e Infraestrutura Financiamento Misto Financiamento Privado Finanças Florestas Gender Equity Green Recovery Infraestrutura Inovação Financeira Investimento Institucional Justa Transição Mercado de Carbono Mobilidade Métricas e Verificação Nature-based Solutions Negociações Climáticas Internacionais Net Zero Carbon Buildings PV Solar Pecuária Pequenos Proprietários Políticas Fiscais Reforma de Mercado Elétrico Regulação e Política Pública Riscos de Transição Climática Seguro e Mitigação de Risco Sustainable Transportation Transições Energéticas Transporte Títulos Verdes Uso da Terra Uso da Terra e Conservação Cidades Sustentáveis No results Publicações The Landscape of Project Preparation 2024 Hamza Abdullah e John Michael LaSalle 12/03/2025 The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2024 Sasha Abraham, Ben Melling, Claris Parenti, Eddie Dilworth, Alfred Sloley e Victoria Tan 10/10/2024 Clean Utilities for Affordable Housing Megan Sager e Justin Standish-White 03/10/2024 Resilient Municipal Market Fund (ReMark) Morgan Richmond, Michelle Lee, Neil Chin e Abha Nirula 03/10/2024 CoolPact Capital India Fund Arun Krishnan e Aanandita Sikka 03/10/2024 2024 State of Cities Climate Finance Jessie Press-Williams, Priscilla Negreiros, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Chavi Meattle, Hamza Abdullah, Arthur Vieira, Jose E. Diaz e Ben Melling 24/09/2024 CCFLA: 2023 Impact Report Priscilla Negreiros, Alastair Mayes, Jessie Press-Williams, John Michael LaSalle, Arthur Vieira, Angel Jacob, Angela Woodall, Elana Fortin e Caroline Dreyer 04/07/2024 Financing Green Buildings in Indonesian Cities Ira Yulianti Purnomo, Fatihatul Nurfitriani, Jessie Press-Williams e Alke Rabinsa Haesra 06/03/2024 Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform Priscilla Negreiros, Elena Bagnera, John Michael LaSalle, Neil Chin, Arthur Vieira e Bella Tonkonogy 22/11/2023 Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings in Nigeria Pedro de Aragão Fernandes 05/10/2023 Social Infra Ventures Amanda Lonsdale e Elena Bagnera 28/09/2023 The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2023 Costanza Strinati, Sean Stout, Jake Connolly, Léa Faucheux e George Tsitati 28/09/2023 Improving Local Enabling Conditions for Private Sector Climate Investments in Cities Eyerusalem Masale 31/05/2023 Financial Aggregation Blueprints for Urban Climate Infrastructure 15/05/2023 Supporting Access to Climate Finance for Small and Intermediary Cities: A Guide for Project Preparation Facilities John Michael LaSalle 30/03/2023 CCFLA: 2022 Highlights and Impact 20/02/2023 Policy Brief: How to Increase Financing for Urban Climate Adaptation and Resilience Priscilla Negreiros e Lauren Knight 02/11/2022 Landscape of Climate Finance in Nigeria Sean Stout e Chavi Meattle 04/10/2022 Green, Affordable Housing Finance Kyle Blocher e John Michael LaSalle 29/09/2022 The Green Guarantee Company (GGC) Megan Sager, Elvis Wakaba, David Hazell e Lara Rabinowitz 29/09/2022 Climate Insurance-Linked Resilient Infrastructure Financing (CILRIF) Morgan Richmond e Angela Ortega Pastor 29/09/2022 Increasing Subnational Pension Funds’ Climate Investments Nicole Pinko e Matthew Solomon 12/09/2022 Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings John Michael LaSalle, Valerio Micale, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Eyerusalem Masale, Paul Rosane, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Priscilla Negreiros 11/07/2022 Financial Aggregation for Cities Nicole Pinko, Priscilla Negreiros, Cooper Wetherbee e Bella Tonkonogy 28/06/2022 Alliance Highlights and Impact Report 2019-2021 25/01/2022 A Snapshot of Urban Green Finance in Two Indian Cities Shreyans Jain, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Angela Falconer, Chavi Meattle, Dhruba Purkayastha, Priscilla Negreiros e Valérie Furio 10/11/2021 Assessing Jakarta’s Climate Investments Tiza Mafira, Luthfyana Kartika Larasati, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Chavi Meattle, Angela Falconer, Priscilla Negreiros e Kristiina Yang 10/11/2021 Building Climate Resilience in Cities through Insurance Idan Sasson, June Choi, Morgan Richmond, Nidhi Upadhyaya e Angela Ortega Pastor 05/10/2021 The ACT Fund Ricardo Narvaez e Cooper Wetherbee 30/09/2021 Accelerating renewable energy finance in Indonesia: The potential of municipal green bonds Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Albertus Prabu Siagian, Brurce Muhammad Mecca e Alke Rabinsa Haesra 07/07/2021 The State of Cities Climate Finance Priscilla Negreiros, Valérie Furio, Angela Falconer, Morgan Richmond, Kristiina Yang, Bella Tonkonogy, Aleksandra Novikova, Marianne Pearson, Ian Skinner, Sandrine Boukerche, David Mason, Jamie Boex e Jan Whittington 30/06/2021 Leveraging National Development Banks to Enhance Financing for Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure Kristiina Yang, Priscilla Negreiros, Diana Smallridge, Sara Harb, Glen Hodgson e Jonathan Gough 03/03/2021 An Analysis of Urban Climate Adaptation Finance Morgan Richmond e Nidhi Upadhyaya 05/02/2021 Urban Climate Finance in the Wake of COVID-19 Amanda Lonsdale, Priscilla Negreiros e Kristiina Yang 14/12/2020 Sub-national Climate Finance Initiative Hélène Van Caenegem e Jane Chu 29/09/2020 Enhancing the Role of National Development Banks in Supporting Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure Sarah Conway, Priscilla Negreiros, Bella Tonkonogy e Kristiina Yang 04/08/2020 Cooling as a Service (CaaS) Dario Abramskiehn e Morgan Richmond 27/09/2019 Battery Subscription Facility Saurabh Trivedi e Chavi Meattle 28/09/2018 Financing for Low-Carbon Auto Rickshaws Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Labanya Prakash Jena 10/09/2018 Scaling up Rooftop Solar Power in India: The Potential of Solar Municipal Bonds Saurabh Trivedi, Indro Ray e Gregor Vulturius 22/02/2018 The Lab: 2016-2017 Cycle Instrument Analysis Joseph Mabe, Angela Falconer, Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer, Valerio Micale, Dario Abramskiehn, Tatiana Alves, Felipe Borschiver, Donovan Escalante, Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi, Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Ricardo Narvaez 20/09/2017 Green Bonds for Cities in Developing Countries Padraig Oliver 13/12/2016 Lab Instrument Analysis: Energy Savings Insurance Valerio Micale, Martin Stadelmann e Leonardo Boni 22/07/2015 Mais Publicações + Blog Blog | Can Cities Bank on a Greener Future? Insights from London Climate Action Week 2024 22/08/2024 One year of the Project Preparation Facility Connector John Michael LaSalle e Hamza Abdullah 14/08/2024 Financing India's heat resilience Aanandita Sikka e Rajashree Padmanabhi 08/08/2024 Blog: Urban climate finance is a low-hanging fruit of MDB reform Elena Bagnera e Priscilla Negreiros 28/02/2024 COP28 Recap: CCFLA’s Impactful Engagement in Advancing Urban Climate Finance 19/12/2023 Blog: 10 ways for Project Preparation Facilities to unlock climate finance for small and intermediary cities 08/08/2023 Futureproofing India’s Public Sector Enterprises (Part 1) Saarthak Khurana e Arnab Sarkar 12/09/2022 FAST-Infra: Expression of Interest 24/06/2021 FAST-Infra Barbara Buchner, Christian Deseglise, Lori Kerr, Michael Ridley, Vikram Widge e Rob Youngman 01/03/2021 An Analysis of Urban Climate Adaptation Finance Morgan Richmond e Nidhi Upadhyaya 05/02/2021 The Biden Administration’s potential impact on climate finance Baysa Naran, Cooper Wetherbee, Matthew Solomon e Rob Macquarie 05/01/2021 How National Development Banks can drive climate-smart solutions in cities during COVID-19 and beyond Priscilla Negreiros 13/08/2020 China Green Bonds: the state and effectiveness of the market Donovan Escalante e June Choi 03/08/2020 It’s SOS for Climate Negotiations: Scale, Outcomes, and Speed Chavi Meattle e Federico Mazza 18/12/2019 CPI analysis supports C40 call for action on increasing cities' access to climate finance Dan Storey e Padraig Oliver 19/10/2016 Understanding green bond data can help cities in developing countries tap the market Padraig Oliver 06/09/2016 How to spread new technology in agriculture: the importance of geographic conditions and learning-from-peers Pedro Hemsley 07/11/2013 Cost savings from U.S. state building energy codes: A first look Jeff Deason 01/01/2012 Mais Blog + Notícias Colunista do Estadão discorda de Lula quanto à ZFM ser ‘intocável’ BNC Amazonas 30/12/2022 A “intocável” Zona Franca de Manaus Estadão 28/12/2022 Estímulos à economia verde agravam desigualdade, diz estudo 30/06/2021 The Brief: Institutional shift (podcast), home healthcare in South Africa, affordable housing in Mexico, micro-“mompreneurs,” climate-tech funds 14/04/2021 Cover story: ESG – The next big investment theme in India 12/04/2021 Innovative finance tools could protect cities from climate change 22/03/2021 ARM-Harith has been selected by the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance for its 2021 Acceleration Program 09/03/2021 Press release: Investor initiative chooses ideas that will mobilize investment for sustainable cities, energy access, blue carbon, and sustainable agriculture in developing countries Next Billion 13/03/2019 Investing in China’s low-carbon transition, farmer financing in India, alt-consumer credit in Chile, six ideas for mobilizing climate finance ImpactAlpha 05/03/2019 Miami Battles Rising Seas The New York Times 20/02/2019 Here’s how cities in developing countries can tap green bonds Eco-Business 18/04/2017 Mais Notícias + Press Releases The Lab announces historic 2024 cohort to overcome climate finance barriers across the Global South 14/03/2024 First ever study looking at multilateral development bank financing to cities in the Global South reveals a significant shortfall in financing for urban climate projects 02/12/2023 Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) launches the Local Hub program to help bridge the demand-supply gap for urban climate investment 25/04/2023 Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance announces new class of ground-breaking solutions to drive public and private investment in emerging markets 16/03/2023 New study calls for urgent increase in funding for climate action in cities 30/06/2021 Lab seleciona duas ideias do Brasil para criar oportunidades de recuperação econômica sustentável 02/03/2021 Lab abre inscrições de ideias inovadoras para atrair investimentos sustentáveis; Brasil tem programa especial 06/11/2020 Alliance members create harmonized application for project preparation facilities 02/11/2020 Green City Finance Directory helps cities access sustainable finance 26/10/2020 The Lab launches eight new finance solutions to drive climate action and green recovery 29/09/2020 The Lab’s 41 climate finance instruments accomplish $2 billion in sustainable investment 13/12/2019 Investors launch new solutions for climate action targeting blue carbon, clean energy access, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable cities in developing countries 02/10/2019 Leaders gather to renew the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance 25/09/2019 Investor initiative chooses ideas that will mobilize investment for sustainable cities, energy access, blue carbon, and sustainable agriculture in developing countries 05/03/2019 Investors launch new financial instruments for low-carbon transit, sustainable land use, and clean energy in developing countries 27/09/2018 The Lab’s 2018 class of nine innovative vehicles for sustainable investment makes progress towards launch 30/05/2018 Finance for Resilience honors four winning ideas to accelerate investments in sustainable cities and clean energy 05/04/2016 Bloomberg Philanthropies and partners launch third annual FiRe climate finance challenge 13/10/2015 Mais Press Releases + Eventos CPI at Climate Week NYC 2023 New York City setembro 17 to 24, 2023 Climate Finance in Ethiopia and Global Best Practices março 23, 2023 2022 OECD-Asian Forum on Sustainable Finance Virtual dezembro 1 to 2, 2022 Webinar: Seleção de ideias para o Lab 2023 novembro 30, 2022 Webinar: the Lab Call for Ideas 2023 novembro 29, 2022 Daring Cities 2022 outubro 6, 2022 Financing Climate Action in Regions and Cities Launch Conference Virtual junho 22, 2022 International Forum on Low Carbon Cities Virtual novembro 23 to 24, 2021 Innovate4Cities Virtual outubro 11 to 15, 2021 Daring Cities 2021 outubro 5, 2021 The State of Cities Climate Finance Virtual junho 30, 2021 Financing a Resilient Recovery: Applications to Cities and Beyond Zoom fevereiro 19, 2021 The State of Urban Climate Finance: A focus on financial flows towards urban adaptation and support for project preparation Virtual fevereiro 18, 2021 Webinar: seleção de soluções financeiras inovadoras para o Lab 2021 Virtual novembro 19, 2020 Webinar: The Lab Call for Ideas 2021 novembro 18, 2020 Local Climate Solutions for Africa Virtual novembro 11, 2020 The Lab: Demo Day 2020 outubro 22, 2020 Webinar: Enhancing the Role of National Development Banks in Supporting Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure Virtual Session agosto 5, 2020 CPI at COP25 Madrid, Spain dezembro 13, 2019 Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019 Madrid, Spain dezembro 10 to 11, 2019 World Climate Summit Madrid, Spain dezembro 8, 2019 Webinar: The Lab Call for Ideas 2020 dezembro 3, 2019 CPI at Innovate4Climate 2019 Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore junho 4 to 7, 2019 Introduction to Energy Efficiency Projects: Key Technologies and Investment Profiles Training R Hotel Rancamaya, Bogor, Indonesia março 19 to 20, 2019 Webinar: Blending finance to accelerate NDCs and scale-up low carbon investment maio 16, 2018 Bus Karo 2018 India Habitat Centre, New Delhi abril 5 to 6, 2018 Webinar: Climate Finance 101 novembro 29, 2017 GGKP Webinar: Nature-Based Solutions for Greener Cities outubro 31, 2017 Mais Eventos +