Filtros Ordenar Mais Recente Mais Antiga Mostrar conteúdo em todos os idiomas Mostrar apenas conteúdo disponíveis no meu idioma Programas Brazil Policy Center Center for Sustainable Finance, India Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance Financiamento Energético Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Panorama de Financiamento Climático San Giorgio Group Sustainable Finance Integrity Regiões Amazônia Américas Asia-Pacific Brasil Cerrado China Economias em Desenvolvimento Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs) Estados Unidos Europa Global Indonesia Kalimantan Central Kalimantan Oriental Reino Unido África Ásia Índia Temas Acesso Energético Adaptação e Resiliência Agricultura Sustentável Cidades Sustentáveis Climate Finance Coal Conservação de Recursos Naturais Crédito Rural Código Florestal Debt Finance Descarbonização e Objetivos de Zero Carbono (Net Zero Goals) Desenvolvimento Econômico Desenvolvimento Financeiro Direito de Propriedade Direito e Governança do Clima Eficiência Energética Emissões e Poluição aérea Energia Hidrelétrica Energia Renovável Energia Solar Concentrada Energia e Infraestrutura Financial Institutions Financiamento Misto Financiamento Privado Finanças Florestas Green Recovery Impacto e Avaliações Infraestrutura Inovação Financeira Intensificação Investimento Institucional Justa Transição Logística Mercado de Carbono Mineração Mobilidade Métricas e Verificação Nature-based Solutions Negociações Climáticas Internacionais PV Solar Panoramas de Financiamento Climático Pecuária Pequenos Proprietários Políticas Fiscais Reforma de Mercado Elétrico Regulação e Política Pública Riscos de Transição Climática Seguro Rural Seguro e Mitigação de Risco Transições Energéticas Transporte Títulos Verdes Uso da Terra Uso da Terra e Conservação Vento Óleo de Palma Colaborações San Giorgio Group Desenvolvimento Econômico No results Publicações Role of Public Development Banks in Supporting Domestic Carbon Markets Matthew Solomon e Karla D. Gonzalez Esquinca 05/03/2025 Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa 2024 Chavi Meattle, Anna Balm, Jose E. Diaz, Gaoyi Miao, Sean Stout, Ishrita Gupta, Sasha Abraham, Alfred Sloley e Dharshan Wignarajah 22/10/2024 Harnessing the transformative potential of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Michelle Lee, Matthew Solomon, Chris Grant, Jide Olutoke, Bella Tonkonogy e Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy 31/01/2024 U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund investment needs data map Chris Grant 31/01/2024 Proposal for a Global Credit Guarantee Facility Kushagra Gautam, Dhruba Purkayastha e Vikram Widge 13/10/2023 Implementing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Investment needs, barriers, and opportunities Chris Grant, Bella Tonkonogy, Jessica Liston, Maranda Duffie, Michelle Lee, Ashlee Thomas e Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy 24/08/2023 Toward Accelerating Climate Finance: Forging a New Partnership between the Global South and the Global North Neha Khanna e Aanandita Sikka 07/06/2023 Improving Local Enabling Conditions for Private Sector Climate Investments in Cities Eyerusalem Masale 31/05/2023 CCFLA: 2022 Highlights and Impact 20/02/2023 Climate Finance Innovation for Africa Kyle Blocher, Costanza Strinati, Anna Balm e Chavi Meattle 11/08/2022 Busting the myths around public investment in clean energy Bella Tonkonogy e Matthew Solomon 17/07/2022 Royalties da Mineração e o Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico no Pará Rafael Araujo e Arthur Bragança 05/07/2022 The Role of End-User Subsidies in Closing the Affordability Gap Morgan Richmond, Nicole Pinko e Haysam Azhar 04/04/2022 Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in Indonesia: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovative Solutions Tiza Mafira, Luthfyana Kartika Larasati e Albertus Prabu Siagian 03/03/2022 Paris Alignment of Power Sector Finance Flows in India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Innovative Solutions Chavi Meattle e Shreyans Jain 03/03/2022 Exploring Viable Energy Efficiency Business Models in Indonesia Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Albertus Prabu Siagian 09/11/2021 IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2021 Costanza Strinati, Baysa Naran, Daniela Chiriac, Sean Stout, Rob Macquarie e June Choi 04/11/2021 Leveraging Policy Tools to Improve Impact of Financial Instruments in Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Daniela Chiriac e Rosaly Byrd 18/10/2021 Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2021 Morgan Richmond, Chavi Meattle, Nicole Pinko, Sean Stout, Federico Mazza e Melina Dickson 14/10/2021 Coal Power Finance in High-Impact Countries Kyle Blocher, Morgan Richmond, Chavi Meattle, Federico Mazza e Melina Dickson 16/09/2021 7 Peculiaridades do Crédito Rural no Cerrado: Atração de Recursos Privados para Financiamento de Grandes Produtores Contrasta com Crédito Reduzido para Agricultura Familiar Priscila Souza, Barbara Intropidi, Gabriel de Campos, Juliano Assunção e Pedro Vogt 09/08/2021 Aprimorando a Zona Franca de Manaus: Lições da Experiência Internacional Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção 14/06/2021 Recovery Bonds Vikram Widge, Nicole Pinko, Dhruba Purkayastha, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju e Arsalan Ali Farooquee 10/05/2021 Debt for Climate Swaps Divjot Singh e Vikram Widge 10/05/2021 A Framework for Tracking Cooling Investment Cooper Wetherbee e Chavi Meattle 23/02/2021 Urban Climate Finance in the Wake of COVID-19 Amanda Lonsdale, Priscilla Negreiros e Kristiina Yang 14/12/2020 Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2020 Chavi Meattle, Morgan Richmond, Valérie Furio, Federico Mazza, Jolly Sinha, Jakub Linstaedt e Caroline Dreyer 19/11/2020 IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2020 June Choi, Rob Macquarie, Baysa Naran e Angela Falconer 06/11/2020 Implementing Alignment: Recommendations for the International Development Finance Club Alex Clark, June Choi, Bella Tonkonogy, Valerio Micale e Cooper Wetherbee 19/09/2019 Developing a Guarantee Instrument to Catalyze Renewable Energy Investments in Indonesia Randy Rakhmadi e Melisa Sudirman 03/06/2019 Understanding and Increasing Finance for Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries Valerio Micale, Bella Tonkonogy e Federico Mazza 13/12/2018 Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2018 Federico Mazza, Chavi Meattle, Saurabh Trivedi, Randy Rakhmadi, Alke Rabinsa Haesra e Caroline Dreyer 12/11/2018 Ensuring Greener Economic Growth for Brazil Luiza Antonaccio, Juliano Assunção, Maína Celidonio, Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes e Amanda Schutze 03/11/2018 Empowering Oil Palm Smallholder Farmers through Alternative Livelihoods Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Cherika Novianti Hardjakusumah e Muhammad Ery Wijaya 26/10/2018 Smallholder Forestry Vehicle Bella Tonkonogy e Karoline Hallmeyer 10/09/2018 Financing for Low-Carbon Auto Rickshaws Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Labanya Prakash Jena 10/09/2018 Indonesia’s Village Fund Guntur Sutiyono, Saeful Muluk, Tiza Mafira e Randy Rakhmadi 03/04/2018 Supporting the Momentum of Paris Padraig Oliver, Bella Tonkonogy, David Wang e Xueying Wang 07/03/2018 The Lab: 2016-2017 Cycle Instrument Analysis Joseph Mabe, Angela Falconer, Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer, Valerio Micale, Dario Abramskiehn, Tatiana Alves, Felipe Borschiver, Donovan Escalante, Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi, Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Ricardo Narvaez 20/09/2017 Supporting National Development Banks to Drive Investment in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Brazil, Mexico, and Chile Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer, Chiara Trabacchi, Donovan Escalante, Maria Netto, Maria Margarita Cabrera e Alexander Vasa 18/09/2017 Expansão da Produção Agrícola no Matopiba: Consequências Para a Economia Local Arthur Bragança 23/08/2016 O Papel da Cana-de-Açúcar no Desenvolvimento Econômico Juliano Assunção, Priscila Souza e Breno Pietracci 22/07/2016 Lab Instrument Analysis: Climate Investor One Padraig Oliver e Gianleo Frisari 07/04/2015 Aluguel de Terras no Brasil: Um Mercado a Ser Explorado Juliano Assunção e Joana Chiavari 25/06/2014 Produção e Proteção: Importantes Desafios Para o Brasil Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour, Pedro Hemsley, Romero Rocha e Dimitri Szerman 03/12/2013 Mais Publicações + Blog Guaranteeing change: mapping the landscape of guarantees in Africa Zeineb Ben Yahmed e Taarika Peres 17/12/2024 Climate Finance in Indonesia: Top 10 highlights from 2021 Tiza Mafira 21/02/2022 Blog: How can we meet the urgency of financing climate action in cities? Barbara Buchner e Sameh Wahba 14/10/2021 Scaling Climate Finance in China June Choi 04/02/2021 Climate Finance in Indonesia: Our top stories from 2020 Tiza Mafira 01/02/2021 Debt-for-climate swaps — are they really a good idea, and what are the challenges? Vikram Widge 06/01/2021 It’s time for recovery finance to step up Rachel Kyte e Laurence Tubiana 11/11/2020 How the Coronavirus Recovery Effort can Support a European Green Deal Rob Macquarie e Valerio Micale 07/05/2020 Climate in the Time of COVID Vikram Widge 28/04/2020 India needs a bailout - Can we make it green? Mahua Acharya e Rajashree Padmanabhi 03/04/2020 Bailouts for a Better World Barbara Buchner, Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy e Thomas C. Heller 01/04/2020 With Coronavirus: investors and policymakers must shift to increase resilience Donovan Escalante 01/04/2020 Perubahan Iklim dan Risiko Investasi Suzanty Sitorus 05/03/2018 Blended Finance in Clean Energy: Experiences and Opportunities Bella Tonkonogy 25/01/2018 Five Ways to Build Effective Climate Finance Readiness Programs Angela Falconer e Martin Stadelmann 06/10/2015 Indonesia’s INDC – A step forward or a missed opportunity? Jane Wilkinson 28/09/2015 Six climate finance themes out of Lima that will shape 2015 Barbara Buchner 17/12/2014 National Development Banks can play a big role in climate finance Chiara Trabacchi 27/03/2013 Mais Blog + Notícias Marina cancela ato de Salles que tirava poder de fiscais sobre multas ambientais Exame 02/01/2023 Interview: Dhruba and Vijay in conversation with Solar Quarter Solar Quarter 25/08/2021 Women And Climate Change: Are The Voices Of The Marginalized Loud Enough? 18/04/2021 Africa Must Not Be Short-Changed By Climate Finance, Says Expert Panel At Cop24 AllAfrica 18/12/2018 Mais Notícias + Press Releases Harnessing the potential of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund 31/01/2024 First ever study looking at multilateral development bank financing to cities in the Global South reveals a significant shortfall in financing for urban climate projects 02/12/2023 Study: Despite progress made, annual finance for climate action still nowhere near enough to limit warming to 1.5°C 14/12/2021 Public and private financial leaders seek to contribute to greater integrity and coordination in sustainable finance commitments 10/05/2021 High-level Advisory Council convenes to create framework for financing a sustainable economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19 10/11/2020 Lab abre inscrições de ideias inovadoras para atrair investimentos sustentáveis; Brasil tem programa especial 06/11/2020 Alliance members create harmonized application for project preparation facilities 02/11/2020 Green City Finance Directory helps cities access sustainable finance 26/10/2020 The Lab launches eight new finance solutions to drive climate action and green recovery 29/09/2020 The Lab’s 41 climate finance instruments accomplish $2 billion in sustainable investment 13/12/2019 Investor initiative chooses ideas that will mobilize investment for sustainable cities, energy access, blue carbon, and sustainable agriculture in developing countries 05/03/2019 Investors launch new financial instruments for low-carbon transit, sustainable land use, and clean energy in developing countries 27/09/2018 The Lab is named one of the "Top 11 Best Bets" of the MacArthur Foundation's 100&Change competition 20/12/2017 Mais Press Releases + Eventos Africa's Green Economy Summit 2025 Cape Town, South Africa fevereiro 19 to 21, 2025 Harnessing the transformative potential of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund fevereiro 26, 2024 Africa's Green Economy Summit 2024 Cape Town, South Africa fevereiro 21 to 23, 2024 World Sustainable Development Summit 2024 India Habitat Centre, New Delhi fevereiro 7 to 9, 2024 The Eighth Meeting of the San Giorgio Group Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice março 24 to 25, 2022 Brazilian Development Forum Virtual março 16, 2022 The Indo Pacific Business Summit 2021 julho 6 to 8, 2021 Local Climate Solutions for Africa Virtual novembro 11, 2020 The Lab: Demo Day 2020 outubro 22, 2020 Insuring Systemic Resilience: Mobilising public-private insurance action to deliver pandemic and systemic resilience Virtual Session julho 15, 2020 Webinar: Green Bonds in China. How are they performing? junho 10, 2020 CPI at COP25 Madrid, Spain dezembro 13, 2019 Webinar: The Lab Call for Ideas 2020 dezembro 3, 2019 Webinar: Chamada de Ideias Sustentáveis - The Lab novembro 26, 2019 R20 Austrian World Summit 2019 Hofburg, Vienna maio 28 to 29, 2019 Workshop: Production and Protection Approach to Landscape Management (PALM) Kalimantan, Indonesia maio 22, 2019 Scaling up Green Finance in Asia: The Role of Policies and Regulations Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore abril 30, 2019 The Seventh Annual Meeting of the San Giorgio Group Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice março 21 to 22, 2019 Chartered Banker Institute: Can Banks and Bankers Save The World? Green Finance and the Transition to a Low-Carbon World Edinburgh, Scotland fevereiro 28, 2019 Globe Capital 2019 Toronto, Canada fevereiro 27 to 28, 2019 Webinar: Blending finance to accelerate NDCs and scale-up low carbon investment maio 16, 2018 Webinar: Getting to India’s Renewable Energy Targets - A Business Case for Institutional Investment março 26 to 27, 2018 Expert Group Meeting on Green Economy for Sustainable Development Goals: National Implementation of Low Carbon Development Jeju City, South Korea março 13 to abril 13, 2018 Webinar: Scaling private finance to achieve Paris climate goals janeiro 24, 2018 Webinar: Climate Finance 101 novembro 29, 2017 Climate Tracker Webinar: Climate Financing outubro 31, 2017 GGKP Webinar: Nature-Based Solutions for Greener Cities outubro 31, 2017 Webinar: Tracking Finance for Electricity and Clean Cooking Access in High-Impact Countries outubro 24, 2017 UN Launch of New Financial Innovation Platform to Support Sustainable Development Goals United Nations, New York outubro 10, 2016 Mais Eventos +