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Portfólio de Instrumentos Financeiros
30/01/2025 -
IDFC Guidance for Tracking Green Finance
01/11/2024 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2024
31/10/2024 -
Bottom-up Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Claris Parenti, Charles Baudry, Luke Patience, Ayush Sharma e Archie Graham30/10/2024 -
State of European Pension Funds’ Net-Zero Transition
Valerio Micale, Shengzi Li, Nikita Marini, Eddie Dilworth, Harsha Vishnumolakala, Tinglu Zhang, Jatin Kudavelly e Li Cheng24/10/2024 -
Como Deter o Desmatamento por Meio de Financiamento: Mapeamento Regulatório do Banco Central do Brasil
Priscila Souza, Mariana Stussi e Maria Fernanda Contreras22/07/2024 -
CAR a CAR: A Relação Entre o Crédito Rural Subsidiado e o Desmatamento
João Mourão, Mariana Stussi e Priscila Souza03/07/2024 -
Sustentabilidade no Plano Safra 2024/2025
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira e Mariana Stussi06/06/2024 -
Top-down Climate Finance Needs
Costanza Strinati, Caroline Alberti, Ben Melling e Charles Baudry31/05/2024 -
Taxonomia Sustentável Brasileira: Insumos para Classificação de Atividades de Uso da Terra
Wagner Faria de Oliveira, Gabriela Coser, Carolina Moniz de Moura e Priscila Souza06/05/2024 -
Enhancing MDB-NDB cooperation: Understanding climate finance flows and Paris alignment
Neil Chin, Elena Bagnera e Nicole Pinko04/12/2023 -
2023 Lab Impact Report
27/11/2023 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2023
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout, Costanza Strinati, Dharshan Wignarajah, Gaoyi Miao, Jake Connolly e Nikita Marini02/11/2023 -
Carbono e o Destino da Amazônia
Juliano Assunção e José Alexandre Scheinkman21/09/2023 -
Panorama de Financiamento Climático para Uso da Terra no Brasil
Joana Chiavari, Priscila Souza, Gabriela Coser e Renan Florias18/09/2023 -
Improving Local Enabling Conditions for Private Sector Climate Investments in Cities
Eyerusalem Masale31/05/2023 -
Contribuições para a Sustentabilidade no Plano Safra 2023/24
Mariana Stussi e Priscila Souza08/05/2023 -
Desafios do Seguro Rural no Contexto das Mudanças Climáticas: o Caso da Soja
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira e Mariana Stussi10/04/2023 -
Panorama de Financiamento de Rodovias e Ferrovias na Região Norte e no Brasil: Elementos para uma Melhor Governança dos Investimentos na Amazônia
Joana Chiavari, Gabriela Coser, Renata Canini e Ícaro Moreno de Souza Melo30/11/2022 -
O Desafio da Adoção de Práticas Sustentáveis por Produtores Rurais. O Caso do ABC Cerrado
Priscila Souza, Wagner Faria de Oliveira, Mariana Stussi e Arthur Bragança29/11/2022 -
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2022
Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout e Costanza Strinati11/11/2022 -
Policy Brief: How to Increase Financing for Urban Climate Adaptation and Resilience
Priscilla Negreiros e Lauren Knight02/11/2022 -
Landscape of Climate Finance in Ethiopia
Rajashree Padmanabhi e Chavi Meattle02/11/2022 -
Climate Risks and Opportunities
Neha Khanna e Dhruba Purkayastha01/11/2022 -
Landscape of Climate Finance in Africa
Chavi Meattle, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Anna Balm, Githungo Wakaba, Daniela Chiriac, Bella Tonkonogy e Dharshan Wignarajah21/09/2022 -
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2022
07/09/2022 -
Revelando Incentivos: Implicações do Desenho das Políticas Públicas de Seguro Rural no Brasil
Priscila Souza, Leila Pereira e Mariana Stussi01/09/2022 -
Climate Finance Innovation for Africa
11/08/2022 -
Landscape of Green Finance in India 2022
Neha Khanna, Dhruba Purkayastha e Shreyans Jain10/08/2022 -
Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings
John Michael LaSalle, Valerio Micale, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Eyerusalem Masale, Paul Rosane, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Priscilla Negreiros11/07/2022 -
Landscape of Methane Abatement Finance
06/07/2022 -
Royalties da Mineração e o Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico no Pará
Rafael Araujo e Arthur Bragança05/07/2022 -
Financial Aggregation for Cities
28/06/2022 -
Climate Finance Needs of African Countries
Sandra Guzmán, Greta Dobrovich, Anna Balm e Chavi Meattle28/06/2022 -
Mobilizing Green Finance while Managing Climate Finance Risk in India
Neha Khanna e Dhruba Purkayastha29/03/2022 -
Blueprints for Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm, Ricardo Narvaez, Sandra Guzmán, Valérie Furio e Githungo Wakaba24/02/2022 -
Tracking Incremental Energy Efficiency Investments in Certified Green Buildings
Baysa Naran, Rajashree Padmanabhi e Paul Rosane16/12/2021 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2021
Barbara Buchner, Baysa Naran, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Sean Stout, Githungo Wakaba, Yaxin Zhu, Chavi Meattle, Sandra Guzmán e Costanza Strinati14/12/2021 -
A Snapshot of Urban Green Finance in Two Indian Cities
Shreyans Jain, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Angela Falconer, Chavi Meattle, Dhruba Purkayastha, Priscilla Negreiros e Valérie Furio10/11/2021 -
Assessing Jakarta’s Climate Investments
Tiza Mafira, Luthfyana Kartika Larasati, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Chavi Meattle, Angela Falconer, Priscilla Negreiros e Kristiina Yang10/11/2021 -
Exploring Viable Energy Efficiency Business Models in Indonesia
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Albertus Prabu Siagian09/11/2021 -
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2021
04/11/2021 -
Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity
Nicole Pinko, Angela Ortega Pastor, Bella Tonkonogy e June Choi28/10/2021 -
Mapeando o Efeito do Desmatamento nas Chuvas: Um Estudo de Caso do Estado do Mato Grosso
Rafael Araujo19/10/2021 -
Private Financial Institutions’ Commitments to Paris Alignment
Matthew Solomon, Donovan Escalante, Pedro de Aragão Fernandes, Angela Ortega Pastor e Paul Rosane18/10/2021 -
Building Climate Resilience in Cities through Insurance
Idan Sasson, June Choi, Morgan Richmond, Nidhi Upadhyaya e Angela Ortega Pastor05/10/2021 -
The Smallholder Resilience Fund
Kyle Blocher e Federico Mazza30/09/2021 -
The ACT Fund
Ricardo Narvaez e Cooper Wetherbee30/09/2021 -
P-REC Aggregation Fund
Daniela Chiriac30/09/2021 -
Guarantee Fund for Biogas
Felipe Borschiver e Matheus Chacur30/09/2021 -
Coal Power Finance in High-Impact Countries
Kyle Blocher, Morgan Richmond, Chavi Meattle, Federico Mazza e Melina Dickson16/09/2021 -
Accelerating renewable energy finance in Indonesia: The potential of municipal green bonds
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Albertus Prabu Siagian, Brurce Muhammad Mecca e Alke Rabinsa Haesra07/07/2021 -
Investing in nature to build back better
Mahua Acharya e Labanya Prakash Jena23/06/2021 -
Aprimorando a Zona Franca de Manaus: Lições da Experiência Internacional
Amanda Schutze, Rhayana Holz e Juliano Assunção14/06/2021 -
Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity (Consultation Draft)
Bella Tonkonogy e June Choi10/05/2021 -
Recovery Bonds
Vikram Widge, Nicole Pinko, Dhruba Purkayastha, Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju e Arsalan Ali Farooquee10/05/2021 -
The Landscape of Climate Finance in Kenya
Federico Mazza, Anna Balm e Hélène Van Caenegem26/03/2021 -
Konservasi dan Efisiensi Energi di Era Pandemi COVID-19 dan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru
Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Muhammad Zeki e Alke Rabinsa Haesra15/03/2021 -
A Framework for Tracking Cooling Investment
Cooper Wetherbee e Chavi Meattle23/02/2021 -
Improving the impact of fiscal stimulus in Asia: An analysis of green recovery investments and opportunities
Dan Aylward-Mills, Julian Payne, Melisa Sudirman, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Muhammad Zeki e Alke Rabinsa Haesra17/02/2021 -
The Potential for Scaling Climate Finance in China / 中国扩大气候金融规模的潜力
June Choi e Thomas C. Heller04/02/2021 -
Adaptation Finance in the Context of Covid-19
Morgan Richmond, June Choi, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Bella Tonkonogy, Dominic Molloy, Felipe Larrain e Jennifer Jacobowitz Rae22/01/2021 -
Guidelines for Building a National Landscape of Climate Finance
Chavi Meattle, Angela Falconer e Valérie Furio21/01/2021 -
Paris Misaligned?
10/12/2020 -
Política de Crédito Rural no Brasil: Agropecuária, Proteção Ambiental e Desenvolvimento Econômico
Priscila Souza, Stela Herschmann e Juliano Assunção07/12/2020 -
Understanding the impact of a low carbon transition on Uganda’s planned oil industry
Matthew Huxham, Muhammed Anwar, Eoin Strutt e David Nelson02/12/2020 -
IDFC Green Finance Mapping 2020
June Choi, Rob Macquarie, Baysa Naran e Angela Falconer06/11/2020 -
Landscape of Green Finance in India
Mahua Acharya, Jolly Sinha, Shreyans Jain e Rajashree Padmanabhi11/09/2020 -
Green Banking in China – Emerging Trends / 中国绿色银行业——新兴趋势
June Choi, Donovan Escalante e Mathias Lund Larsen13/08/2020 -
Economic impacts of green finance: is it possible to measure the productivity of green bonds in China?
Udetanshu e Gaia Stigliani01/07/2020 -
Accelerating Green Finance in India: Definitions and Beyond
Labanya Prakash Jena e Dhruba Purkayastha01/07/2020 -
Indonesia Environment Fund
Tiza Mafira, Brurce Muhammad Mecca e Saeful Muluk27/04/2020 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
Barbara Buchner, Alex Clark, Angela Falconer, Rob Macquarie, Chavi Meattle, Rowena Tolentino e Cooper Wetherbee07/11/2019 -
Implementing Alignment: Recommendations for the International Development Finance Club
Alex Clark, June Choi, Bella Tonkonogy, Valerio Micale e Cooper Wetherbee19/09/2019 -
Addressing Off-Taker Risk in Renewable Projects in India
Vinit Atal, Gireesh Shrimali e Vaibhav Pratap Singh08/05/2018 -
Approaches to assess the additionality of climate investments
Donovan Escalante, Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer e Jessica Brown27/03/2018 -
Getting to India’s Renewable Energy Targets
Labanya Prakash Jena, Chavi Meattle e Gireesh Shrimali15/03/2018 -
Supporting the Momentum of Paris
Padraig Oliver, Bella Tonkonogy, David Wang e Xueying Wang07/03/2018 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017
Barbara Buchner, Padraig Oliver, Xueying Wang, Cameron Carswell, Chavi Meattle e Federico Mazza31/10/2017 -
The Lab: 2016-2017 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Joseph Mabe, Angela Falconer, Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer, Valerio Micale, Dario Abramskiehn, Tatiana Alves, Felipe Borschiver, Donovan Escalante, Divjot Singh, Saurabh Trivedi, Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Ricardo Narvaez20/09/2017 -
Lab Instrument Analysis: CRAFT
Bella Tonkonogy, Gloria Coleman, Karoline Hallmeyer e Valerio Micale19/09/2017 -
Tracking Finance for Electricity and Clean Cooking Access
Barbara Buchner, Federico Mazza, Valerio Micale, Vivien Foster, Corinna Bordewieck, Danya Li Churanek, Dana Rysankova, Rahul Barua, Cameron Carswell, Malcolm Cosgrove-Davies, Rebecca Soares e Alp Katalan18/09/2017 -
Supporting National Development Banks to Drive Investment in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Brazil, Mexico, and Chile
Dario Abramskiehn, Karoline Hallmeyer, Chiara Trabacchi, Donovan Escalante, Maria Netto, Maria Margarita Cabrera e Alexander Vasa18/09/2017 -
Lessons and Innovations to Spur Green Investment in Developing Countries
Jane Wilkinson04/04/2017 -
India Innovation Lab for Green Finance: 2015-2016 Cycle Instrument Analysis
Labanya Prakash Jena, Vinit Atal e Gireesh Shrimali25/10/2016 -
Global Climate Finance: An Updated View on 2013 and 2014 Flows
Federico Mazza, James Falzon e Barbara Buchner29/09/2016 -
Expansão da Produção Agrícola no Matopiba: Consequências Para a Economia Local
Arthur Bragança23/08/2016 -
Lab Instrument Analysis: Energy Efficiency Enabling Initiative
Valerio Micale, Karoline Hallmeyer e Jessica Brown27/06/2016 -
Lab Instrument Analysis: Climate Investor One
Padraig Oliver e Gianleo Frisari07/04/2015 -
Como Melhorar a Produtividade Agrícola no Brasil: O Potencial Inexplorado da Política de Risco de Preços
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour e Pedro Hemsley25/02/2015 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014
Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Jane Wilkinson, Federico Mazza, Anja Rosenberg e Dario Abramskiehn20/11/2014 -
Produção e Proteção: Importantes Desafios Para o Brasil
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour, Pedro Hemsley, Romero Rocha e Dimitri Szerman03/12/2013 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013
Barbara Buchner, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Chiara Trabacchi, Jane Wilkinson, Martin Stadelmann, Rodney Boyd, Federico Mazza, Angela Falconer e Valerio Micale22/10/2013 -
Crédito Afeta Desmatamento? Evidência de uma Política de Crédito Rural na Amazônia
Juliano Assunção, Clarissa Gandour, Romero Rocha e Rudi Rocha29/01/2013 -
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2012
Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci e Chiara Trabacchi03/12/2012
Waste not: Time to rapidly scale methane abatement finance in the waste sector
Dennis Zabeida e Pedro de Aragão Fernandes13/02/2025 -
Five key takeaways from the Lab Summit
25/11/2024 -
Breaking Down Silos: Integrating Gender and Climate Goals in Blended Finance Transactions
Robin Ivory06/11/2024 -
Green Guarantee Group
30/09/2024 -
Financiamento Climático Como Oportunidade Para o Brasil
Gabriela Coser, Ícaro Moreno de Souza Melo e Rafael Gabay02/06/2022 -
Política Agropecuária, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Preservação Ambiental
Priscila Souza e Mariana Stussi31/05/2022 -
Blog: Ways to de-risk Climate Finance
Dhruba Purkayastha e Neha Khanna13/04/2022 -
Blog: What to look for when assessing net zero commitments from private financial institutions
Matthew Solomon, Angela Ortega Pastor, Paul Rosane e Pedro de Aragão Fernandes08/12/2021 -
FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® Label
02/11/2021 -
Highlights from the Landscape of Climate Finance in Kenya
Githungo Wakaba06/04/2021 -
The Landscape of Climate Finance in the United States
Bella Tonkonogy, Matthew Solomon e Cooper Wetherbee18/03/2021 -
Is India's national budget green enough?
Labanya Prakash Jena e Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju16/03/2021 -
Scaling Climate Finance in China
June Choi04/02/2021 -
The Biden Administration’s potential impact on climate finance
Baysa Naran, Cooper Wetherbee, Matthew Solomon e Rob Macquarie05/01/2021 -
Paris Misaligned: A Look at the U.S. Transport Sector
Paul Rosane11/12/2020 -
Towards a greener tomorrow: India needs climate budget tagging
Mahua Acharya, Rajashree Padmanabhi e Shreyans Jain20/10/2020 -
China Green Bonds: the state and effectiveness of the market
Donovan Escalante e June Choi03/08/2020 -
Uncovering the Private Climate Finance Landscape in Indonesia
Chavi Meattle e Muhammad Zeki15/05/2020 -
Are we getting climate finance all wrong?
Jessica Brown22/07/2018 -
Greening institutional investment in India
Chavi Meattle e Labanya Prakash Jena20/03/2018 -
Perubahan Iklim dan Risiko Investasi
Suzanty Sitorus05/03/2018 -
How are European policymakers and investors embracing the ‘new normal’ in EU renewable energy policy?
Brian O'Connell07/12/2016 -
A call for innovative green finance ideas to help India meet its climate goals
Gireesh Shrimali24/11/2016 -
CPI analysis supports C40 call for action on increasing cities' access to climate finance
Dan Storey e Padraig Oliver19/10/2016 -
Understanding green bond data can help cities in developing countries tap the market
Padraig Oliver06/09/2016 -
Identifying strategic opportunities for philanthropy to engage in sustainable land use finance
Jessica Brown02/05/2016 -
Two instruments for attracting foreign investment to renewable energy in India
Gireesh Shrimali17/03/2016 -
Businesses Lead on Climate Change: The Road from Paris to Davos
David Wang22/01/2016 -
The Paris Agreement is a signal to unlock trillions in climate finance
Barbara Buchner e Jane Wilkinson14/12/2015 -
Indonesia’s INDC – A step forward or a missed opportunity?
Jane Wilkinson28/09/2015 -
Three ways to attract domestic institutional investment for renewable energy projects in India
Gireesh Shrimali10/09/2015 -
Eight steps to improve understanding of climate finance flows in your city or country
Angela Falconer e Jane Wilkinson21/05/2015 -
India Needs to Fix Finances to Make Renewable Energy Dreams a Reality
Gireesh Shrimali16/02/2015 -
Indian concentrated solar power policy delivers a world-leading CSP plant but still needs adjustment
Martin Stadelmann05/06/2014 -
Adjustments to Indian renewable energy policies could save up to 78% in subsidies
Gireesh Shrimali21/04/2014 -
Looking behind IPCC’s WG3 climate finance figures
Morgan Hervé-Mignucci15/04/2014 -
New Climate Economy and CPI launch a call for evidence
Dan Storey28/03/2014 -
Climate policy in 2014
14/02/2014 -
Is concentrated solar power getting any cheaper? And what role can policy play in bringing costs down?
Martin Stadelmann22/01/2014 -
Why risk coverage matters and what can be done to scale up green investment
Gianleo Frisari06/12/2013 -
COP19: A video primer on global climate finance with Barbara Buchner
CPI Staff21/11/2013 -
Could one of the cheapest Concentrated Solar Power plants be a turning point for this technology?
Gianleo Frisari02/07/2013 -
In Prop 39 agreement, mixed news for schools and the climate — and some remaining questions
Julia Zuckerman27/06/2013 -
National Development Banks can play a big role in climate finance
Chiara Trabacchi27/03/2013 -
Climate finance untangled
20/02/2013 -
Banking on the sun
Andrew Hobbs07/01/2013 -
In Germany, one billion euros of government money go a long way
Hermann Amecke13/12/2012 -
What’s Next for Green Growth?
22/10/2012 -
Taxpayers could save on wind and solar
Kath Rowley04/10/2012 -
Supporting Renewables while Saving Taxpayers Money
Uday Varadarajan18/09/2012
Seguro rural tenta se adequar às ocorrências de extremos do clima
Metrópoles17/04/2023 -
Estudo aponta desafios do seguro rural em meio a mudanças climáticas
Agência Brasil16/04/2023 -
Desastres climáticos aumentam, e seguro rural não acompanha crises
Folha de S. Paulo06/04/2023 -
Greening India's Budget: Five suggestions for Nirmala Sitharaman
The Economic Times14/01/2023 -
Podcast: How’s it going at COP26?
BBC07/11/2021 -
In Conversation with Dr. Barbara Buchner
12/04/2021 -
Financing Resilience
09/04/2021 -
China green bonds: the state and effectiveness of the market
Environmental Finance03/07/2020 -
Food security’s large need for small doses of sustainable finance
Landscape News23/06/2020 -
Five trees or a latte? Coastal communities seek crowdfunding for mangroves
Reuters07/04/2020 -
Financial help for airlines 'should come with strict climate conditions'
The Guardian01/04/2020 -
Coronavirus: investors and policymakers must shift to increase resilience
Climate Home News01/04/2020 -
Kenya’s Private Sector Urged to Invest In Green Projects
Impact Africa30/01/2020 -
The Big Picture on Climate Risk
S&P Global22/01/2020 -
Moral Money Davos special: Climate change threatens quant funds
Financial Times21/01/2020 -
Has The Australian Bushfire Crisis Changed The Way We Donate To Climate Causes?
HuffPost18/01/2020 -
Catalytic capital: Reshaping risks and rewards to make markets work in 2020
Impact Alpha19/12/2019 -
Time is now
The Indian Express03/12/2019 -
Sustainable finance's biggest problems, by the people who know best
Euromoney03/12/2019 -
O desafio da economia diante das mudanças climáticas
Deutsche Welle28/11/2019 -
Investor wake-up call: Global climate financing fell 11% last year
Impact Alpha07/11/2019 -
Investment to fight climate change dropped 11 per cent to $546 billion last year
Economic Times07/11/2019 -
Climate finance climbs but 'tectonic' shift urged to meet needs
Reuters07/11/2019 -
Global investment in cutting greenhouse gases fell by 11% in 2018
The Guardian07/11/2019 -
Lack of investment in clean energy risks leaving world's poorest behind
The Telegraph22/10/2019 -
Energy aid neglects 'health emergency' fuelled by dirty cooking
Thomson Reuters Foundation22/10/2019 -
The biggest boom will be the unavoidable one
GlobalCapital15/10/2019 -
At UN Climate Summit, both anger and the need for money are palpable
Marketplace23/09/2019 -
Where climate cash is flowing and why it’s not enough
Nature17/09/2019 -
Podcast: New EU taxonomy helps investors, companies identify green investments
S&P Global22/08/2019 -
SDG Knowledge Weekly: Looking towards Humanitarian Efforts, Climate Impacts and Adaptation in 2019
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub08/01/2019 -
India sees encouraging rise of green finance
India Climate Dialogue04/01/2019
Press Releases
IRENA Assembly
Abu Dhabi, UAEabril 16 to 18, 2024 -
CPI at Climate Week NYC 2023
New York Citysetembro 17 to 24, 2023 -
Finance for Action: taking stock and moving forward
Abu Dhabiagosto 15 to 16, 2023 -
G20 Summit: Sustainable Finance Working Group
Tamil Nadujunho 17, 2023 -
Climate Finance in Ethiopia and Global Best Practices
março 23, 2023 -
Webinar: Seleção de ideias para o Lab 2023
novembro 30, 2022 -
Webinar: the Lab Call for Ideas 2023
novembro 29, 2022 -
The Role of Financing in Achieving Net Zero
Singaporenovembro 22 to 23, 2022 -
Finance in Common Summit 2022
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoireoutubro 18 to 20, 2022 -
GIIN Investor Forum
The Hague, Netherlandsoutubro 12, 2022 -
13th World Renewable Energy Technology Congress-2022
New Delhiagosto 24 to 25, 2022 -
India’s Green Finance Landscape – Increasing Momentum and Opportunity
Virtualagosto 10, 2022 -
Informing the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance
Virtualjulho 6, 2022 -
Climate Finance and Technology Summit
Bloomberg Londonjunho 28, 2022 -
How gender-responsive is climate finance?
Virtual Eventmaio 31, 2022 -
Climate Finance and the Commonwealth: Challenges & Options
Virtual eventabril 21, 2022 -
The Eighth Meeting of the San Giorgio Group
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venicemarço 24 to 25, 2022 -
Blueprints for Climate Finance in Kenya
fevereiro 22, 2022 -
Webinar: O Papel do Seguro Rural na Gestão de Riscos Agropecuários
fevereiro 8, 2022 -
International Forum on Low Carbon Cities
Virtualnovembro 23 to 24, 2021 -
The Lab Demo Day 2021
outubro 20, 2021 -
Financiamento Climático: Panorama para o Setor de Uso da Terra no Brasil
setembro 30, 2021 -
FAST-Infra Global Conference
setembro 15, 2021 -
Webinar: Soluções baseadas na natureza para o setor hidrelétrico
setembro 14, 2021 -
The Indo Pacific Business Summit 2021
julho 6 to 8, 2021 -
The State of Cities Climate Finance
Virtualjunho 30, 2021 -
Net Zero Finance Tracker: UK Dashboard Beta Launch
junho 29, 2021 -
The Green Swan Conference - Coordinating finance on climate
Virtualjunho 2 to 4, 2021 -
Climate risks and policies: Towards resilient low-carbon economies
Virtualmarço 22 to 23, 2021 -
National Development Banks as Key Enablers of Cities Climate Finance
Zoommarço 3, 2021 -
Energizing Finance: A Framework for Tracking Cooling Investments
fevereiro 23, 2021 -
Overcoming Constraints to Implement Climate & SDG Synergies
Virtualfevereiro 2, 2021 -
Domestic Climate Finance Mapping & Planning Workshop
Virtualjaneiro 21, 2021 -
CPI Webinar: Paris Misaligned
Virtualjaneiro 14, 2021 -
Responsible Investor USA 2020
Virtualdezembro 2, 2020 -
Webinar: Scaling Innovative Climate Finance - Experience from the Lab
Webinarnovembro 23, 2020 -
Official launch of Energizing Finance 2020 research
Virtualnovembro 19, 2020 -
Webinar: seleção de soluções financeiras inovadoras para o Lab 2021
Virtualnovembro 19, 2020 -
Webinar: The Lab Call for Ideas 2021
novembro 18, 2020 -
Local Climate Solutions for Africa
Virtualnovembro 11, 2020 -
Climate Investment Summit
novembro 3, 2020 -
Virtual Event: India’s Green Finance Landscape - Status Quo and Future Directions
Virtual Sessionsetembro 11, 2020 -
Insuring Systemic Resilience: Mobilising public-private insurance action to deliver pandemic and systemic resilience
Virtual Sessionjulho 15, 2020 -
Webinar: Green Bonds in China. How are they performing?
junho 10, 2020 -
Climate finance mapping and planning: challenges and opportunities
Madrid, Spaindezembro 6, 2019 -
Webinar: Chamada de Ideias Sustentáveis - The Lab
novembro 26, 2019 -
Webinar: The Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019
novembro 7 to 8, 2019 -
R20 Austrian World Summit 2019
Hofburg, Viennamaio 28 to 29, 2019 -
Scaling up Green Finance in Asia: The Role of Policies and Regulations
Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singaporeabril 30, 2019 -
Webinar: Climate Finance - New Ways of Quantifying Risk
abril 24, 2019 -
The Seventh Annual Meeting of the San Giorgio Group
Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venicemarço 21 to 22, 2019 -
Chartered Banker Institute: Can Banks and Bankers Save The World? Green Finance and the Transition to a Low-Carbon World
Edinburgh, Scotlandfevereiro 28, 2019 -
Globe Capital 2019
Toronto, Canadafevereiro 27 to 28, 2019 -
Webinar: Mapping finance to achieve forest and climate objectives
fevereiro 22, 2019 -
Webinar: Climate Finance 101
novembro 29, 2017 -
Webinar, Nov 21 – O Lab: Fomentando o Investimento Sustentável
novembro 21, 2017 -
Webinar: The Lab - Driving Sustainable Investment
novembro 2, 2017 -
Webinar: Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2017
novembro 1, 2017 -
Webinar: Update on the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
setembro 27, 2016 -
Webinar: Tools and Strategies to Finance the NDCs
março 2, 2016