Filtros Ordenar Mais Recente Mais Antiga Mostrar conteúdo em todos os idiomas Mostrar apenas conteúdo disponíveis no meu idioma Programas Brazil Policy Center Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance Financiamento Energético Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Panorama de Financiamento Climático San Giorgio Group Sustainable Finance Integrity Regiões Amazônia Brasil China Coréia do Sul Economias em Desenvolvimento Estados Unidos Europa Global Indonesia Kalimantan Central Kalimantan Oriental Philippines Singapore África Ásia Índia Temas Acesso Energético Adaptação e Resiliência Agricultura Sustentável Análise Legal Bioeconomia Blue Economy Cidades Sustentáveis Conservação de Recursos Naturais Crédito Rural Código Florestal Debt Finance Descarbonização e Objetivos de Zero Carbono (Net Zero Goals) Desenvolvimento Econômico Desenvolvimento Financeiro Direito e Governança do Clima Eficiência Energética Emissões e Poluição aérea Energia Hidrelétrica Energia Renovável Energia Solar Concentrada Energia e Infraestrutura Financiamento Misto Financiamento Privado Finanças Florestas Geotérmica Green Recovery Impacto e Avaliações Infraestrutura Inovação Financeira Investimento Institucional Justa Transição Métricas e Verificação Negociações Climáticas Internacionais PV Solar Pequenos Proprietários Políticas Fiscais Reforma de Mercado Elétrico Regulação e Política Pública Riscos de Transição Climática Seguro Rural Seguro e Mitigação de Risco Transições Energéticas Transporte Títulos Verdes Uso da Terra Uso da Terra e Conservação Vento Óleo de Palma Políticas Fiscais No results Publicações Public Financial Institutions' Climate Commitments Nicole Pinko, Angela Ortega Pastor, Bella Tonkonogy e Neil Chin 13/10/2022 Landscape of Climate Finance in Nigeria Sean Stout e Chavi Meattle 04/10/2022 Landscape of Green Finance in India 2022 Neha Khanna, Dhruba Purkayastha e Shreyans Jain 10/08/2022 Busting the myths around public investment in clean energy Bella Tonkonogy e Matthew Solomon 17/07/2022 Accelerating renewable energy finance in Indonesia: The potential of municipal green bonds Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Albertus Prabu Siagian, Brurce Muhammad Mecca e Alke Rabinsa Haesra 07/07/2021 Investing in nature to build back better Mahua Acharya e Labanya Prakash Jena 23/06/2021 Leveraging fiscal stimulus to improve energy transition: Case of South Korea and Indonesia Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Jong Ho Hong, Muhammad Zeki, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Alke Rabinsa Haesra, Keewon Kim, Soo-suk Lee, Rahmahwati Rosidah e Sangwon Uhm 31/05/2021 Leveraging National Development Banks to Enhance Financing for Climate-Smart Urban Infrastructure Kristiina Yang, Priscilla Negreiros, Diana Smallridge, Sara Harb, Glen Hodgson e Jonathan Gough 03/03/2021 Improving the impact of fiscal stimulus in Asia: An analysis of green recovery investments and opportunities Dan Aylward-Mills, Julian Payne, Melisa Sudirman, Muhammad Ery Wijaya, Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Muhammad Zeki e Alke Rabinsa Haesra 17/02/2021 The Potential for Scaling Climate Finance in China / 中国扩大气候金融规模的潜力 June Choi e Thomas C. Heller 04/02/2021 Updated View on the Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019 Rob Macquarie, Baysa Naran, Paul Rosane, Matthew Solomon, Cooper Wetherbee e Barbara Buchner 18/12/2020 Global Landscape of Renewable Energy Finance 2020 Baysa Naran, Valérie Furio, Barbara Buchner e Jakub Linstaedt 10/11/2020 Indeks Desa Membangun Plus (IDM+): Enhancing Direct Incentives for Sustainable Land Use in Indonesian Villages Brurce Muhammad Mecca, Tiza Mafira, Saeful Muluk e Luthfyana Kartika Larasati 05/11/2020 Landscape of Green Finance in India Mahua Acharya, Jolly Sinha, Shreyans Jain e Rajashree Padmanabhi 11/09/2020 Green Banking in China – Emerging Trends / 中国绿色银行业——新兴趋势 June Choi, Donovan Escalante e Mathias Lund Larsen 13/08/2020 Áreas Protegidas, Embora Críticas, não são Suficientes para Desacelerar o Desmatamento na Amazônia: O Brasil Precisa de Políticas de Conservação Direcionadas e Coordenadas Juliano Assunção e Clarissa Gandour 26/05/2020 Novo Relatório do Senador Irajá Abreu sobre a MP 910/2019, Mantém Regras Prejudiciais à Regularização Fundiária Cristina Leme Lopes e Joana Chiavari 01/04/2020 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2019 Barbara Buchner, Alex Clark, Angela Falconer, Rob Macquarie, Chavi Meattle, Rowena Tolentino e Cooper Wetherbee 07/11/2019 Measuring the Private Capital Response to Climate Change: A Proposed Dashboard Padraig Oliver, Alex Clark e Angela Falconer 28/10/2019 Alterações no CAR e no PRA: O que Muda para os Produtores Rurais Cristina Leme Lopes, Joana Chiavari, Rodrigo C. A. Lima e Giuliane Bertaglia 25/10/2019 Implementing Alignment: Recommendations for the International Development Finance Club Alex Clark, June Choi, Bella Tonkonogy, Valerio Micale e Cooper Wetherbee 19/09/2019 Transisi Ekonomi Berkelanjutan untuk Berau, Kalimantan Timur Tiza Mafira, Saeful Muluk e Khaja Mohammad Haris 27/08/2019 Alternative Investment Funds as a Potential Pathway for Refinancing Clean Energy Debt in India Divjot Singh, Dhruba Purkayastha e Gireesh Shrimali 10/07/2019 Global Climate Finance: An Updated View 2018 Padraig Oliver, Alex Clark e Chavi Meattle 27/11/2018 Lessons and Innovations to Spur Green Investment in Developing Countries Jane Wilkinson 04/04/2017 Beyond YieldCos Uday Varadarajan, David Nelson, Andrew Goggins e Morgan Hervé-Mignucci 27/06/2016 Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan melalui Kebijakan Fiskal Angela Falconer, Tiza Mafira e Guntur Sutiyono 16/12/2015 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2015 Barbara Buchner, Chiara Trabacchi, Federico Mazza, Dario Abramskiehn e David Wang 16/11/2015 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2014 Barbara Buchner, Martin Stadelmann, Jane Wilkinson, Federico Mazza, Anja Rosenberg e Dario Abramskiehn 20/11/2014 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2013 Barbara Buchner, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Chiara Trabacchi, Jane Wilkinson, Martin Stadelmann, Rodney Boyd, Federico Mazza, Angela Falconer e Valerio Micale 22/10/2013 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2012 Barbara Buchner, Angela Falconer, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci e Chiara Trabacchi 03/12/2012 Mais Publicações + Blog Climate Finance in Indonesia: A landmark 2022 lays solid foundation for action in 2023 Tiza Mafira 10/03/2023 Pension Funds as Climate Investors: the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act Matthew Solomon 24/01/2023 Maximizing the impact of the IRA: three lessons from outside the U.S. Bella Tonkonogy 09/12/2022 Climate Finance in Indonesia: Top 10 highlights from 2021 Tiza Mafira 21/02/2022 Is India's national budget green enough? Labanya Prakash Jena e Vijay Nirmal Gavarraju 16/03/2021 Scaling Climate Finance in China June Choi 04/02/2021 Climate Finance in Indonesia: Our top stories from 2020 Tiza Mafira 01/02/2021 The Biden Administration’s potential impact on climate finance Baysa Naran, Cooper Wetherbee, Matthew Solomon e Rob Macquarie 05/01/2021 Towards a greener tomorrow: India needs climate budget tagging Mahua Acharya, Rajashree Padmanabhi e Shreyans Jain 20/10/2020 China Green Bonds: the state and effectiveness of the market Donovan Escalante e June Choi 03/08/2020 If given the chance, Indonesia’s COVID-19 stimulus can build a green, resilient economy Tiza Mafira 04/06/2020 India’s lightbulb moment: Not using this crisis for meaningful energy sector reform would be a waste Mahua Acharya, Himraj Dang e Vibhav Nuwal 12/05/2020 How the Coronavirus Recovery Effort can Support a European Green Deal Rob Macquarie e Valerio Micale 07/05/2020 Climate in the Time of COVID Vikram Widge 28/04/2020 India needs a bailout - Can we make it green? Mahua Acharya e Rajashree Padmanabhi 03/04/2020 Bailouts for a Better World Barbara Buchner, Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy e Thomas C. Heller 01/04/2020 Optimizing Public Payment Support to Enhance the Credit Rating of Renewable Projects in India Gireesh Shrimali, Vaibhav Pratap Singh e Vinit Atal 29/06/2018 Greening institutional investment in India Chavi Meattle e Labanya Prakash Jena 20/03/2018 Graphic Spotlight: Who benefits from Indonesia’s palm oil revenues? 27/01/2016 Reforming fiscal policies to remedy land use woes Jane Wilkinson e Tiza Mafira 11/01/2016 What’s working and what’s not in state renewable portfolio standards 11/07/2013 Supporting wind energy and saving U.S. taxpayers nearly $5 billion in three easy steps Uday Varadarajan 18/12/2012 Did federal renewable incentives make a difference? Uday Varadarajan 03/12/2012 Taxpayers could save on wind and solar Kath Rowley 04/10/2012 Renewable energy in California: What has policy brought us? Andrew Hobbs 21/09/2012 Supporting Renewables while Saving Taxpayers Money Uday Varadarajan 18/09/2012 Mais Blog + Notícias India faces a huge financing gap to tackle climate change and the SDGs 16/03/2021 Decisão do STF sobre o novo Código Florestal enfraquece a Cota de Reserva Ambiental O Eco 01/03/2018 Highway of riches, road to ruin: Inside the Amazon's deforestation crisis The Globe and Mail 26/01/2018 Ini Tiga Peluang RI untuk Reformasi Kebijakan Fiskal 17/12/2015 Mais Notícias + Press Releases Pentingnya Obligasi Hijau Daerah Guna Pembiayaan Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia, Meskipun Beberapa Hambatan Perlu Diatasi 15/07/2021 New CPI study finds opportunities for Indonesia and South Korea to improve clean energy ambition through post-COVID recovery plans 07/06/2021 New study measures the ‘greenness’ of the COVID-19 recovery packages and their contribution towards country-level climate objectives in five Asian countries 08/03/2021 Report: China Requires Innovative Approaches to Scale up Climate Finance 04/02/2021 High-level Advisory Council convenes to create framework for financing a sustainable economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19 10/11/2020 First accounting of green investment flows in India reveals a need for significant increase 11/09/2020 For Brazil’s Rural Farmers, Too Much Variation in Credit Access Likely Slows Agricultural Productivity 27/02/2018 Grande variação no acesso ao crédito rural prejudica produtividade da agropecuária no Brasil 27/02/2018 Climate Policy Initiative propõe uso do Crédito Rural para acelerar implementação do Código Florestal 27/06/2016 New study: Indonesia can boost economy, government revenues, and sustainability by adjusting land use taxes 17/12/2015 Kajian baru: Indonesia dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, penerimaan negara dan mencapai tujuan lingkungan hidupnya melalui reformasi instrumen fiskal di sektor pemanfaatan lahan 16/12/2015 Mais Press Releases + Eventos U.S. Congress and International Climate Finance Washington, DC outubro 26, 2023 CPI at Climate Week NYC 2023 New York City setembro 17 to 24, 2023 EESI Briefing Series: What Congress Needs to Know in the Lead Up to COP26 outubro 20, 2021 Asia Dialogue: Recovering from COVID-19 - Can Asia’s fiscal stimulus packages become instruments for a green recovery? Virtual fevereiro 17, 2021 Official launch of Energizing Finance 2020 research Virtual novembro 19, 2020 Transfer Fiskal Berbasis Ekologis (Ecological Fiscal Transfer—EFT): Menuntun desa dalam agenda pembangunan berkelanjutan novembro 5, 2020 Virtual Event: India’s Green Finance Landscape - Status Quo and Future Directions Virtual Session setembro 11, 2020 Insuring Systemic Resilience: Mobilising public-private insurance action to deliver pandemic and systemic resilience Virtual Session julho 15, 2020 Scaling up climate action: country strategies and emergent investment opportunities for a green recovery Virtual Session julho 2, 2020 Webinar: Green Bonds in China. How are they performing? junho 10, 2020 Petersberg Climate Dialogue: Financing Climate Ambition in the Context of COVID-19 Virtual Session abril 29, 2020 Webinar: Implementing alignment with the Paris Agreement for development finance outubro 22, 2019 Scaling up Green Finance in Asia: The Role of Policies and Regulations Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore abril 30, 2019 The Seventh Annual Meeting of the San Giorgio Group Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice março 21 to 22, 2019 Webinar: Mapping finance to achieve forest and climate objectives fevereiro 22, 2019 5th Economics of Low-Carbon Markets São Paulo dezembro 18 to 19, 2017 Investment Forum “Time to Act: Accelerate the Implementation of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation EBTKE INDO CoNEx, Jakarta, Indonesia agosto 19 to 21, 2015 Mais Eventos +