
Financial Innovation

Photo by Dana Chiriac

Deploying the trillions needed to address global climate adaptation and mitigation requires more than just shifting investments. It requires novel ways to attract and deploy those investments with financial innovation.

CPI researches and develops innovative climate finance policies, financial instruments, and business models that create measurable impact and can scale quickly. It has particular expertise in combining blended finance models with early-stage technical assistance to ensure bold ideas move from concept to implementation quickly and with as little risk as possible.

Latest work


Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance Surpasses 100-Member Organizations

The Lab’s membership has skyrocketed nearly fourfold in 10 years, from 29 organizations at the inaugural Lab meeting to 110 global and regional members today. Over the years, the Lab has seen a steady rise in private sector participation. Private members now make up 55% of the total, compared to 40% in 2014.


Landscape of Guarantees for Climate Finance in EMDEs

Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for leveraging private capital in climate finance, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies. CPI conducted a comprehensive scoping analysis to gain a baseline understanding of the global landscape of guarantees. These instruments were analyzed based on financial instrument coverage, sector and climate focus, geographic reach, and types of risk coverage.


Seeking ideas to unlock finance for high integrity forests

High integrity forests provide crucial carbon sequestration and storage. The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance will support one financial instrument to direct funds towards them in 2024. Proposal submission is open until December 27.


Enhancing MDB-NDB cooperation: Understanding climate finance flows and Paris alignment 

This report aims to establish an understanding of the state of both climate finance flows and climate mainstreaming across public development banks. It also presents recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness and frequency of MDB–NDB engagement on climate finance, as well as ecosystem-wide progress on climate mainstreaming.


2023 Lab Impact Report

Since its inception in 2014, the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) has launched 68 innovative climate solutions that have collectively mobilized over USD 4 billion in sustainable investment for emerging markets. The Lab has established a pipeline of fundable ideas that strategically leverage public finance to mobilize private investments in challenging sectors and regions.


Proposal for a Global Credit Guarantee Facility

A discussion paper that outlines three approaches for a potential Global Credit Guarantee Fund (GCGF) that could significantly lower the cost of capital for renewable energy investment in emerging economies.


Low-Carbon Agriculture Transition Mechanism

The Low-Carbon Agriculture Transition Mechanism offers small- and medium-sized Brazilian farmers long-term loans while guaranteeing a minimum income and technical assistance, accelerating climate transition in agriculture.


Impact Financing Facility for Climate-Focused Social Enterprises

The Impact Financing Facility for Climate-Focused Social Enterprises is a credit guarantee mechanism augmented by technical assistance that helps innovative, new to-credit climate-focused social enterprises and their end users unlock collateral-free commercial debt, build a credit history, and scale operations to create greater impact.

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