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A Snapshot of CAR and PRA in Brazilian States – 2024 Edition Cristina Leme Lopes, Nina Didonet , Ana Flávia Corleto and Joana Chiavari December 5, 2024 Restoring Brazil’s Public Lands: Exploring Public-Private Partnership Options Cristina Leme Lopes, Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari December 3, 2024 The (Lack of) Control of Legal Deforestation in MATOPIBA: Regulation and Governance of Authorizations for the Suppression of Vegetation Luiza Antonaccio, Cristina Leme Lopes and Eduardo Minsky March 14, 2024 Forest Restoration in Brazil: Essential Factors for Promoting Restoration at Scale Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari March 12, 2024 Where Does Brazil Stand with the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of CAR and PRA in Brazilian States - 2023 Edition Cristina Leme Lopes, Maria Eduarda Segovia and Joana Chiavari December 18, 2023 Barômetro do Código Florestal no Legislativo November 30, 2023 Governance of Forest Concessions in the Amazon: Opportunities for Improvement Based on Evidence in Pará Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari November 23, 2023 Innovative Mechanisms for Forest Compensation in Brazilian MATOPIBA Cristina Leme Lopes and Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo November 16, 2023 Combate à Grilagem de Terras na Amazônia: O Papel do Poder Judiciário Cristina Leme Lopes, Gabriel Cozendey and Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo October 19, 2023 Julgamento no STF Impacta o Código Florestal: O Critério de Identidade Ecológica Pode Ser Estendido para Todas as Formas de Compensação de Reserva Legal Cristina Leme Lopes, Maria Eduarda Segovia and Joana Chiavari August 31, 2023 Implementação do Código Florestal em Roraima: Redução de Reserva Legal de 80% para 50% Pode Acelerar o Desmatamento no Estado Cristina Leme Lopes and Eduardo Minsky June 22, 2023 Ação Proposta pelo Agro no STF Ameaça Importante Ferramenta de Combate à Grilagem no Brasil Cristina Leme Lopes, Gabriel Cozendey and Anna Maria Bezerra de Mello Cárcamo May 30, 2023 Salvemos o CAR! Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari May 25, 2023 MP Nº 1150/2022: Texto Aprovado no Senado Impacta Alinhamento do Crédito Rural com Combate ao Desmatamento Priscila Souza, Cristina Leme Lopes, Mariana Stussi and Wagner Faria de Oliveira May 24, 2023 Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros - Edição 2022 Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado and Joana Chiavari April 14, 2023 De Olhos Abertos na MP nº 1.150/2022 que Altera as Regras de Adesão ao Programa de Regularização Ambiental (PRA) Cristina Leme Lopes March 30, 2023 Where Does Brazil Stand and Where Is It Heading in the Implementation of the Forest Code? Opportunities for the New Lula Administration Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes March 15, 2023 PL nº 36/2021 Anistia Desmatamentos, Cancela Multas e Suspende Embargos Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado and Joana Chiavari December 21, 2022 Bioeconomy in the Amazon: Conceptual, Regulatory and Institutional Analysis Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari September 20, 2022 Roadmap for Sustainable Infrastructure in the Amazon Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio, Rafael Araujo, Ana Cristina Barros, Arthur Bragança and Gabriel Cozendey July 4, 2022 Congresso Nacional Presenteia o Código Florestal com Cavalo de Troia Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari June 7, 2022 Monitor da Implementação do Código Florestal May 25, 2022 Impactos das Controvérsias Jurídicas na Implementação do Código Florestal Cristina Leme Lopes, Lourdes de Alcantara Machado and Joana Chiavari May 25, 2022 Onde Estamos? 10 Anos da Implementação do Código Florestal May 25, 2022 Senado Presenteia os 10 Anos do Código Florestal com Mais Anistia aos Desmatadores Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari May 4, 2022 Presidential Decrees Exacerbate the Contradiction in Mining Regulations at the Expense of the Environment Gabriel Cozendey, Leila Pereira, Rafael Pucci and Joana Chiavari April 29, 2022 Conciliação Ambiental e Desmatamento na Amazônia: Implicações e Desafios a partir de Evidências Cristina Leme Lopes, João Mourão, Joana Chiavari and Clarissa Gandour December 14, 2021 Grilagem à Vista: Parecer do Senador Carlos Fávaro Aprova Mudanças na Lei Fundiária Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari December 13, 2021 Where Does Brazil Stand with the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of the CAR and PRA in Brazilian States - 2021 Edition Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes December 7, 2021 The Role of Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts in Managing Social and Environmental Risks for Federal Railway and Highway Concessions Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari November 23, 2021 Governance, Area of Influence, and Environmental Risks of Transport Infrastructure Investments: Case Studies in the State of Pará Arthur Bragança, Luiza Antonaccio, Brenda Prallon, Rafael Araujo, Ana Cristina Barros and Joana Chiavari September 27, 2021 The New Legal Framework for Railroad Authorizations Requires Adjustments to Strengthen the Socio-environmental, Governance, and Transparency Aspects of Projects: an Assessment of MP no. 1,065/2021 and PL no. 261/2018 Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari September 20, 2021 Áreas de Preservação Permanente Podem Ser Reduzidas pela Metade e Agravar o Desmatamento. Substitutivo ao Projeto de Lei nº 1709/2019 Altera as Regras de APP em Todo o Brasil Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari July 19, 2021 Apresentação: Análise do Novo Procedimento Administrativo Sancionador do Ibama e seus Reflexos no Combate ao Desmatamento na Amazônia Cristina Leme Lopes July 8, 2021 Strengthening Environmental Studies for Federal Land Infrastructure Concessions Luiza Antonaccio and Joana Chiavari June 17, 2021 Environmental Viability of Land Transport Infrastructure in the Amazon Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari June 10, 2021 Recent Changes to Legislation May Increase Deforestation and Impunity in the Brazilian Amazon. Here’s how. Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari June 9, 2021 An Analysis of the New Legal Framework for IBAMA’s Administrative Enforcement Procedures and its Effects on Combating Deforestation in the Amazon Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari June 7, 2021 The New Bidding Law Offers Opportunities to Improve Infrastructure Projects and Prevent Socio-Environmental Impacts Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari May 25, 2021 Comentários ao Novo Substitutivo do PL nº 2633/2020 que Altera as Regras de Regularização Fundiária Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes April 30, 2021 Nova Investida Contra Legislação Fundiária: Projeto de Lei nº 510/2021 Retoma os Retrocessos da MP nº 910/2019 e Beneficia Invasores de Terras Públicas Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes March 2, 2021 Improving Public Contracting Processes of Socio-Enviromental Studies for Brazil's Land Transportation Projects Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio and Ana Cristina Barros February 11, 2021 Avanços ou Retrocessos na Regularização Fundiária? Análise do Projeto de Lei Nº 2633/2020 sob o Enfoque das Salvaguardas Ambientais Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes February 8, 2021 Panorama dos Direitos de Propriedade no Brasil Rural Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes and Julia Nardi de Araujo February 4, 2021 Where Does Brazil Stand With the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of the CAR and the PRA in Brazil's States – 2020 Edition Joana Chiavari, Cristina Leme Lopes and Where Does Brazil Stand with the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of CAR and PRA in Brazilian States – 2024 Edition December 10, 2020 Sustainable Infrastructure Portfolio November 30, 2020 Brazil's Infrastructure Project Life Cycles: From Planning to Viability. Creation of a New Phase May Increase Project Quality Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio, Ana Cristina Barros and Cláudio Frischtak November 12, 2020 Projetos de lei Ameaçam Código Florestal: Propostas Podem Reduzir Proteção à Floresta Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes September 1, 2020 The Need to Better Define and Delimit Area of Influence for Infrastructure Projects Joana Chiavari, Arthur Bragança, Ana Cristina Barros and Luiza Antonaccio August 4, 2020 Adjustments to the New Concessions Law Bill Could Ensure Higher Quality, and More Sustainable Infrastructure Joana Chiavari, Luiza Antonaccio and Gabriel Cozendey June 10, 2020 Questions and Answers on Provisional Measure 910 Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes April 20, 2020 Relator da MP 910/2019 Flexibiliza Ainda Mais a Regularização Fundiária Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes March 17, 2020 Jabuti em Medida Provisória Enfraquece a Proteção da Floresta Amazônica no Código Florestal Cristina Leme Lopes and Joana Chiavari February 12, 2020 Medida Provisória Recompensa Atividades Criminosas: Análise da MP 910/2019 que Altera o Marco Legal da Regularização Fundiária de Ocupações em Terras Públicas Federais Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes February 4, 2020 Where does Brazil Stand With the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of the CAR and the PRA in Brazil's States Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes December 19, 2019 Why is Protecting the Amazon Important? Juliano Assunção and Clarissa Gandour November 10, 2019 Sustainable Infrastructure in the Amazon: Strengthening Socio-Environmental Planning and Design for New Infrastructure Projects in Brazil Juliano Assunção, Ana Cristina Barros, Joana Chiavari, Arthur Bragança, Luiza Antonaccio, Rafael Araujo and Gabriel Cozendey October 31, 2019 Alterações no CAR e no PRA: O que Muda para os Produtores Rurais Cristina Leme Lopes, Joana Chiavari, Rodrigo C. A. Lima and Giuliane Bertaglia October 25, 2019 Congresso Nacional Aprova Alterações ao Código Florestal: Mudanças na Lei Trazem Mais Segurança Jurídica para o CAR e o PRA Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes October 17, 2019 The Future of Infrastructure in Brazil Under Discussion: an Integrated Vision of Proposed Legislation is Needed to Ensure Progress Joana Chiavari, Ana Cristina Barros, Luiza Antonaccio and Gabriel Cozendey October 10, 2019 Proposta do Relator da MPV 867/2018 Coloca em Risco o Novo Código Florestal Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes April 29, 2019 Decreto nº 9.760/2019 Altera Regras de Conversão de Multa Ambiental em Prestação de Serviços Ambientais Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes April 17, 2019 Amendments to a Provisional Measure Threaten the Implementation of Brazil's new Forest Code Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes March 15, 2019 The Brazilian Forest Code Finally can be Implemented. What's next? Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes March 21, 2018 Forest and Land Use Policies on Private Lands: an International Comparison Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes October 17, 2017 Why are Land Rights Important to Brazil? Rita Damasceno Costa June 8, 2017 Evolution of Land Rights in Rural Brazil: Frameworks for Understanding, Pathways for Improvement Rita Damasceno Costa, Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes June 6, 2017 Forest Code Compliance Flowcharts for Rural Properties Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes December 15, 2015 Brazil’s New Forest Code – Part I: How to Navigate the Complexity Joana Chiavari and Cristina Leme Lopes November 26, 2015 More Publications + Blog Developing a Legal and Regulatory Framework for Low Carbon Transition of Indian economy on the path to Net Zero Dhruba Purkayastha and Aanandita Sikka March 19, 2024 Ferrovias Autorizadas sem Estudos de Viabilidade Ambiental Gabriel Cozendey and Joana Chiavari January 5, 2022 More Blog + Press Releases Código Florestal ganha impulso com avanços na análise do CAR em todo o país December 5, 2024 Estudo discute modelos público-privados para impulsionar a restauração em terras públicas na Amazônia December 3, 2024 Estudo inédito fornece três recomendações para aprimorar o controle do desmatamento legal no Matopiba March 14, 2024 Restoration depends on three factors to gain large scale in Brazil March 12, 2024 Onde estamos na implementação do Código Florestal? December 19, 2023 Estudo inédito mapeia a implementação do Código Florestal nos estados brasileiros April 14, 2023 7 recomendações para acelerar a implementação do Código Florestal December 14, 2022 More Press Releases + Events Webinar: Conciliação Ambiental e Desmatamento na Amazônia - Implicações e Desafios a partir de Evidências December 15, 2021 Webinar: Onde Estamos na Implementação do Código Florestal? Radiografia do CAR e do PRA nos Estados Brasileiros – Edição 2021 December 7, 2021 Report Launch: Where Are We at Implementing the Forest Code? An X-Ray of the CAR and the PRA in Brazilian States – 2020 Edition December 16, 2020 More Events +