Agenda and Presentations
The structure for this workshop was based on a recent survey circulated among policymakers about success factors for retrofit choices. It was also based on questions that policymakers had raised before academia and consultants.
Welcome and Opening
- Karsten Neuhoff, Climate Policy Initiative, Berlin
Session 1: Policies to encourage households considering possibilities of building energy efficiency upgrades
- Kaisa Matschoss, National Consumer Research Center (NCRC), Helsinki
- Bernadett Kiss, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund
- Hermann Amecke, Climate Policy Initiative, Berlin
Session 2: Policies to provide detailed support for building owners to conduct energy efficiency upgrades
- Marina Economidou, Buildings Performance Institute Europe, Brussels
- Clemens Rohde, ISI Fraunhofer, Karlsruhe
- Dirk Mobers, Northern Westfalia Energy Agency, Wuppertal (German)
Session 3: Tools used to support builders and architects in their work on buildings energy efficiency upgrades
- Aleksandra Novikova, Climate Policy Initiative, Berlin
- Johannes Meyers, Technical University of Berlin
Session 4: Combining and linking information policies and programs
- Moderated Discussion