Climate Policy Initiative experts will host and present at several events at COP24 that cover the global landscape of climate finance, emerging instruments to drive sustainable finance, approaches to achieve the transformation towards low-carbon climate resilient development pathways, scaling up finance for climate resilience and adaptation, and other topics.
Making finance work for the climate transition
December 8, 16:30-18:00
EU Pavilion, Room Brussels
This event, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee, will propose ways to guarantee the appropriate funding needed to achieve the transition to a zero-carbon economy and a sustainable Europe by 2050. During the event, a new set of proposals formulated by the European Economic and Social Committee will be discussed with different partner organizations and civil society organizations with the aim to boost climate finance.
Dario Abramskiehn, Senior Analyst at CPI, will participate in the panel debate, “Unlocking more and better climate action by shifting the approach to climate finance access.”
Aligning Finance with the Paris Agreement “State of the Art” Workshop
December 9, 13:30 – 18:00
Szafran Hotel, Czeladz, Poland
The International Development Finance Club, as part of the IDFC Climate Finance Forum 2018 series taking place at COP24, Climate Policy Initiative, the European Climate Foundation and the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative (with I4CE as Secretariat), are convening this workshop with the objectives of:
- Taking stock of current thinking about the concept of alignment with the Paris Agreement;
- Analyzing the implications for financial community at large and in particular for development finance institutions, which produce and can influence financial flows; and
- Discussing the operationalization of ‘alignment’, by investigating the multiple emerging processes, tools, approaches, methodologies and institutional set-ups.
Padraig Oliver, Manager at CPI, will moderate a session at this workshop, which will discuss ways and means to move such efforts forward and contribute to strengthen the necessary dialogue, collaboration, and coordination to that end.
Innovative Climate Finance to Escalate Private Sector Investment in Decentralized Energy Access
December 10, 12:00 – 13:30
EU Pavilion
Energy is central to the achievement of both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Challenge is how to speed up the increase of access to energy, especially in rural areas. Off-grid and mini-grid RE solutions are available, but are hampered by lack of adequate finance, investment instruments and productive use of energy.
CPI Senior Analyst, Federico Mazza, will be a panelist in this session hosted by Hivos, the Government of Lithuania, and IIED, which will focus on how to address these barriers. New research by IIED on public climate finance and aggregation of finance will be discussed as well as experience of Lithuania on climate finance for RE. Findings from the Energy Change Lab will brought into the debate on how to stimulate PUE, thus increasing viability of off grid investment. Outcome of the session would be to define ways to better target available climate finance for market development and off-grid RE solutions, and how to stimulate local PUE to increase viability of investments, thus bringing solutions to scale.
Cooperation on Low-Carbon Development Between Asia and Europe
December 10, 14:30-16:15
Korea Pavilion
Climate Policy Initiative’s Associate Director, Dr. Angela Falconer will present on “Emerging Financial Instruments for Climate Action” at this event co-organized by the Center for Climate and Sustainable Development Law and Policy (CSDLAP), Asia-Europe Foundation, and the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development.
National development banks and climate-compatible infrastructure – Building markets and mobilising commercial capital
December 10, 16:30-17:50
MDB Pavilion
OECD and IDB are organizing this side event to discuss the key role NDBs play in building markets and mobilising commercial capital for climate-compatible infrastructure in developing countries. The event will draw on key messages from IDB’s report Supporting NDBs to Drive Investment in the NDCs of Brazil, Mexico, and Chile and an ongoing OECD case study Mobilising commercial capital for sustainable infrastructure: Insights from national development banks in Brazil and South Africa, part of the joint OECD / World Bank / UN Environment project Financing Climate Futures.
Dario Abramskiehn will be speaking.
Third Annual Climate Resilience and Adaptation Investment Side Event
December 10, 18:30 – 21:00
Cadenza Restaurant
The third annual Climate Resilience and Adaptation Investment side event will focus on the current state of adaptation finance and recent developments around the world in private sector investment in climate resilience and adaptation. CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will participate in this session, which will feature experts in climate finance from different regions and institutions and explore the role of public and private institutions in accelerating adaptation finance.
Climate change is already increasing risks and impacts to lives and livelihoods around the world, particularly in developing countries. UNEP estimates that up to $300 billion per year will be needed for adaptation in developing countries alone by 2030. Yet less than 6% of total climate finance is attributable to adaptation, and almost no systematic private investment. Public and private institutions have begun to address the “adaptation gap” by evaluating physical climate risk to existing investments, mapping overall finance flows, identifying investment opportunities, and designing new instruments. This third annual discussion will discuss the current state of adaptation finance and exciting new developments in public and private investment in climate resilience and adaptation from a global perspective.
Innovative Financing Solutions to Drive Billions to a Sustainable Economy in Africa
Organized by Climate Policy Initiative and the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
December 11, 9:00-10:30
AfDB Pavilion
This high-level panel event, moderated by Climate Policy Initiative’s Executive Director, Dr. Barbara Buchner, will bring together leaders and investors from initiatives working to mobilize finance in Sub-Saharan Africa. These include the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab), which identifies, develops, stress tests, and helps launch innovative instruments to drive private finance for a sustainable economy. Many of these successful instruments are working to scale up climate investment in Sub-Saharan African geographies. They also include the Global NDC Implementation Partners (GNI+), which is launching operations in Kenya, working with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, through the Climate Change Directorate, and in collaboration with the National Treasury and relevant sectoral ministries and other public and private stakeholders to help the Government of Kenya achieve its NDC goals.
Dr. Barbara Buchner, Executive Director Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative and Director of the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
Margarita Astralaga, Director, Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Anthony Nyong, Director for Climate Change and Green Growth, African Development Bank (AfDB)
Dr. Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola, Director, Climate Change, Kenya Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Dr. Karsten Sach, Director General, Climate Policy, European and International Policy, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety
Geoff Sinclair, Managing Director, Camco Clean Energy
Innovative Finance to Build Climate Resilience
Organized by Climate Policy Initiative and the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance
December 11, 11:00-12:00
Pacific & Koronivia Pavilion
This CPI side event, facilitated by Dr. Barbara Buchner, will showcase innovative and transformative solutions driving finance for climate adaptation and resilience, including from ‘the Lab,’ a public-private initiative that has mobilized more than $1 billion in sustainable investment, and is continuing to expand its coverage to identify financial solutions to promote sustainable agriculture and oceans, in particular.
Dr. Barbara Buchner, Executive Director, Climate Policy Initiative
Martin Berg, Head, Environmental Funds & Climate Finance Policy Unit, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Leena Klossner, Vice President and Acting Manager Director, Nordic Development Fund
Jay Koh, Managing Director, Lightsmith Group and Lab proponent of CRAFT
Patrick Suckling, Ambassador for the Environment, Australian Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Scaling up Climate Finance for India and Private Sector Action
December 11, 15:00-17:00
India Pavilion
CPI’s Dhruba Purkayastha will participate in this panel discussion, hosted by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), that will address how to scale up climate finance in India.
Financing Southeast Asia’s Energy Transition
December 11, 16:00 – 17:30
UK Pavilion
ASEAN countries urgently require new pipelines of finance for the clean energy infrastructure required to meet their NDC commitments under the Paris agreement. CPI’s Associate Director, Tiza Mafira, will participate in this event, hosted by Wilton Park, that will address the question of: What changes are needed in market design, policy and institutional frameworks to facilitate this, and what role can the City of London play?
Energizing Finance: Understanding the Landscape 2018
December 11, 16:45 – 18:15
Room Bug, Area G
In this event, SEforAll will present the latest Energizing Finance report, which provides a first-of-its-kind, systematic analysis of finance flows into two key areas of energy access: electricity and clean cooking. The event will feature remarks from CEO and SRSG Rachel Kyte, as well as key insights from CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner and other stakeholders to help unlock new finance to meet universal energy access by 2030 as laid out in SDG7.
Green Finance, Sustainable Cities and Impact Entrepreneurship
December 11, 17:00
Austrian Pavilion
Dr. Angela Falconer, Associate Director at CPI, will participate in the panel discussion, “City Challenges Meet Climate Innovators,” hosted by Austria and Climate-KIC.
World Climate Summit: Country Success Stories
December 12, 10:00-11:00
Vienna House, Easy Angelo Katowice
This year‘s World Climate Summit – Investment COP will put its main focus on building a finance-based outcome, with precise investment opportunities at hand. The Investment COP will convene countries, project developers, investors and other stakeholders to design and mobilize climate investments.
CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will moderate a panel discussion on “Country Success Stories: How it can work: Accelerating on-the-ground deployment of climate actions by crowding-in private sector actors.”
Reaching Scale for Climate Finance: Fiscal Policy and Blended Finance to Mobilize Public and Private Capital
December 12, 12:30-14:00
European Union Pavilion
This event, co-organized by CPI, the Green Fiscal Policy Network, and I4CE, will highlight real-world examples mobilizing public and private capital for climate action – including those from the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance and the Green Fiscal Policy Network. Participants of the Climate Action in Financial Institutions Initiative will share their experience on how to scale these types of approaches to ensure a larger economic transition toward sustainability.
CPI’s Dr. Angela Falconer will moderate the session, and Tiza Mafira will provide an opening presentation.
De-risking Climate Finance: Best Practices and Lessons for Scaling-up
December 12, 15:00—16:30
Room Wisla
The event, hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic Investment Bank, and South Pole, will present new instruments to de-risk climate-friendly investment, such as public-private partnership funds that attract corporate and institutional capital for clean energy and land use action. CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will speak at this event, which will cover reasons for success and ways to deploy successful instruments at scale.
Joint MDBs-IDFC Event on Lessons Learned from Applying the Common Principles for Climate Change Adaptation Finance Tracking
December 12, 16:30 – 18:00
Joint MDB Pavilion
Multilateral development banks and members of the International Development Finance Club will discuss with other practitioners the experience of applying the Common Principles for Climate Change Adaptation Finance Tracking. Participants will share the lessons learned not only on tracking and reporting adaptation finance but also on mainstreaming adaptation into development operations. This practical experience has acquired further significance in the light of the 2015 Paris Agreement and its call for ‘making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low carbon and climate-resilient development’.
This session, moderated by CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner, will be of interest to a range of public and private organisations working on adaptation finance, climate finance and sustainable finance more broadly.
World Climate Summit: Developing Viable and Investment-Ready NDC Projects
December 12, 15:30-17:00
Vienna House, Easy Angelo Katowice
CPI’s Dhruba Purkayastha, Director of US-India Clean Energy Finance (USICEF), will facilitate a workshop titled “Developing Viable and Investment-Ready NDC Projects.” During this session, country project developers will present plans, followed by a workshop focused on delivering feedback and recommendations to the project developers.
Driving Trillions: Making the Most of the Opportunity to Align Finance with the Paris Agreement
Co-organized by Climate Policy Initiative
December 12, 18:30-20:00
Wisla Room
A core objective of the Paris Agreement is to make financial flows consistent with a development pathway that is low in greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient. This session, moderated by Dr. Barbara Buchner, will discuss the status of this goal as well as bold and innovative approaches to drive finance for sustainable development.
This event is co-organized by CPI, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Development Finance Club – IDFC/KfW /Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) /Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
Financing Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Developing and Emerging Countries
December 13, 13:00 – 14:15
NDC Partnership Pavilion
This event will present the latest research on financing climate change adaptation and resilience with a focus on developing and emerging countries. It will also feature the launch of a synthesis study on adaptation finance developed by CPI, which identifies several solutions that governments can adopt to increase investment in adaptation including ways to stimulate and support action by the private sector. adelphi will share additional insights on financing adaptation actions on the ground, including innovative adaptation finance instruments for SMEs.
During the event, CPI Senior Analyst Federico Mazza will present findings from the adaptation study.
Photo credit: © cop24.gov.pl